Neural Network BSC
Neural Network BSC
Neural Network BSC
1. Introduction
2. ANN representations
3. Perceptron Training
4. Gradient Descent and Delta Rule
5. Multilayer networks and Backpropagation algorithm
6. Remarks on the backpropagation algorithm
7. An illustrative example: face recognition
8. Advanced topics in artificial neural networks
• Speech phoneme recognition
• Image classification
• Financial prediction
Appropriate problems for neural network learning
1. Identity Function
f(x)=x all x
2. Binary Step function
1 if x
f ( x)
0 if x
3. Bipolar Step function
1 if x
f ( x)
1 if x
Activation Functions
(A) Identity
(F) Ramp
Decision surface of a perceptron
wi wi + wi
where wi = (t – o) xi
• t = c(x) is target value
• o is perceptron output
is small constant (e.g., 0.1) called learning rate
Can prove it will converge
• If training data is linearly separable
Gradient descent
Hypothesis Space
Gradient descent
- Error (for all training examples.):
• Termination condition
– Until the error E falls below some predetermined threshold
• Techniques to address the overfitting problem
• Weight decay : Decrease each weight by some small factor
during each iteration.
• Cross-validation (k-fold cross-validation)
Neural Nets for Face Recognition
t d log od (1 t d ) log(1 od )
d∈ D
Recurrent Networks