2nd Session T-Test of SPSS

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Instructor: Dr Shahid Nawaz

Name : Dr Shahid Nawaz
School : Management Sciences
Org: Islamia University Bahawalpur
Contact no: 0301-7415308
 The t-test compares the actual difference
between two means in relation to the
variation in the data (expressed as the
standard deviation of the difference between
the means).
 The one-sample t-test allows us to test whether a sample
mean is significantly different from a population mean.
When only the sample standard deviation is known. Simply,
when to use the one-sample t-test, you should consider
using this test when you have continuous data collected
from group that you want to compare that group’s average
scores to some known criterion value (probably a population

 Often performed for testing the mean value of distribution.

 It can be used under the assumption that sample
distribution is normal.
 For large samples, the procedure performs often well even
for non-normal population.
Gain in mean score=0.50571
A two tailed paired T test was carried out to test the
difference between the “Inn1” and “Inn2” condition
for significance. Mean value of Inn1 significantly
different than Inn2 t(349)=7.219, p< 0.000
Analysis of Variance: ANOVA
• One-way ANOVA is a generalised version of the
independent samples t-test: it examines
differences among three or more groups on a
quantitative/numerical (numerical/interval/ratio)
• ANOVA stands for analysis of variance.
• After ANOVA is conducted, one must determine
which groups differ significantly using post-hoc
or multiple comparisons tests.
• You have to select a test of homogeneity of
variance to examine equal variances.
• You have then to choose a post-hoc based on
whether equal variances are assumed (Scheffe),
and one based on whether equal variances are
not assumed (Games-Howell).
• Based on results of test of homogeneity of
variance, you will select the more suitable post-
hoc test, if a significant ANOVA result is found.
ANOVA Question
¾How many variables?
¾Which one is the independent variable,
and which one is the dependent variable?
¾What types of variables are they?
¾ ANOVA appropriate?
Post-hoc Tests
• Post-hoc tests allow you to determine where
significant differences lie.
• When the ANOVA is found to be significant, one
must examine which two groups differ
significantly from the total number of groups: so
post-hoc tests look at mean differences between
different pairs: e.g. given three groups:
Jamaican, Barbadian, Grenadian, you will
examine differences such as Jamaican versus
Grenadian, Grenadian versus Barbadian, and
Barbadian versus Jamaican.
Post hoc tests
• There are many post-hoc tests to choose from
when doing an ANOVA.
• Post-hoc tests are done based on whether equal
variances are assumed, or not. This assumption
is also for ANOVA (like the t-test).
• The Scheffe post-hoc test should be selected
when equal variances assumed but the Games-
Howell post-hoc test should be selected if not.

• Using tourism data1:

Does overall satisfaction with the destination
experience vary by age of tourist?
2 variables: satisfaction with destination and
Independent variable = age
Dependent variable = overall satisfaction with
Age is categorical with more than 2 categories,
and satisfaction is quantitative/numerical.

Overall satisfaction with the destination

95% Confidence Interval for
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound Minimum Maximum
18 - 25 14 3.86 1.167 .312 3.18 4.53 2 5
26 - 40 95 4.03 .818 .084 3.86 4.20 1 5
41 - 60 134 3.84 .949 .082 3.68 4.01 1 5
Over 60 19 3.11 1.049 .241 2.60 3.61 1 5
Total 262 3.86 .946 .058 3.74 3.97 1 5

• The first table in the ANOVA output is similar to that

of the descriptive stats table from the t-test. It shows
the means and standard deviations for each
group. Mean satisfaction scores based on a five-
point scale ranging from 1(very dissatisfied) to 5
(very satisfied).
Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Overall satisfaction with the destination

Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
1.664 3 258 .175

• This table (Levene’s test) tests the assumption of

equal variances for the ANOVA – this is the same
assumption found in the t-test but in another table.
Look at the sig. or p-value - the value is .175 which
is above .05. The result indicates that equal
variances assumption is met.
Multiple Comparisons

Dependent Variable: Overall satisfaction with the destination

Difference 95% Confidence Interval
(I) Age (J) Age (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
Scheffe 18 - 25 26 - 40 -.174 .264 .933 -.92 .57
41 - 60 .014 .259 1.000 -.72 .74
Over 60 .752 .325 .151 -.16 1.67
26 - 40 18 - 25 .174 .264 .933 -.57 .92
41 - 60 .188 .124 .512 -.16 .54
Over 60 .926* .232 .001 .27 1.58
41 - 60 18 - 25 -.014 .259 1.000 -.74 .72
26 - 40 -.188 .124 .512 -.54 .16
Over 60 .738* .226 .015 .10 1.38
Over 60 18 - 25 -.752 .325 .151 -1.67 .16
26 - 40 -.926* .232 .001 -1.58 -.27
41 - 60 -.738* .226 .015 -1.38 -.10
Games-Howell 18 - 25 26 - 40 -.174 .323 .948 -1.11 .76
41 - 60 .014 .323 1.000 -.92 .94
Over 60 .752 .394 .249 -.33 1.83
26 - 40 18 - 25 .174 .323 .948 -.76 1.11
41 - 60 .188 .117 .378 -.12 .49
Over 60 .926* .255 .007 .22 1.63
41 - 60 18 - 25 -.014 .323 1.000 -.94 .92
26 - 40 -.188 .117 .378 -.49 .12
Over 60 .738* .254 .038 .03 1.44
Over 60 18 - 25 -.752 .394 .249 -1.83 .33
26 - 40 -.926* .255 .007 -1.63 -.22
41 - 60 -.738* .254 .038 -1.44 -.03
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.

• This is the post-hoc tests to see where the differences lie.

You have to focus on the Scheffe post hoc test as the
Levene’s test revealed equal variances (p = .175). You can
see that those over 60 differed significantly from those 26-40,
and 41-60 – they (60+) had significantly lower satisfaction

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