The Second Law of Thermodynamics

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The Second Law of Thermodynamics

The first law of thermodynamics gives no

information about direction; it states only
that when one form of energy is converted
into another, identical quantities of energy
are involved regardless of the feasibility of
the process
No information about the feasibility of a
• All processes in nature occur unaided or
spontaneously in one direction. But to make the
same process go in the opposite direction one
needs to spend energy.
• Some reversible processes:
• Isochoric and isobaric heating and cooling :the
heat given to change the state can be rejected
back to regain the state.
• Isothermal and adiabatic processes -the work
derived can be used to compress it back to the
original state
• Evaporation and condensation
Some Definitions :
• Heat (thermal) reservoir
• A heat reservoir is a sufficiently large system
in stable equilibrium to which and from which
finite amounts of heat can be transferred
without any change in its temperature.
• A high temperature heat reservoir from which
heat is transferred is sometimes called a heat
source. A low temperature heat reservoir to
which heat is transferred is sometimes called
a heat sink.
• Thermodynamic cycle
A system has completed a thermodynamic
cycle when the system undergoes a series
of processes and then returns to its original
state, so that the properties of the system
at the end of the cycle are the same as at
its beginning.
Heat Engine
Heat Pump/Refrigerator
The Carnot Cycle

Process 1-2:Reversible isothermal heat addition at high temperature, TH > TL, to the
working fluid in a piston-cylinder device that does some boundary work.

Process 2-3:Reversible adiabatic expansion during which the system does work as
the working fluid temperature decreases from TH to TL.

Process 3-4:The system is brought in contact with a heat reservoir at TL < TH and a
reversible isothermal heat exchange takes place while work of compression
is done on the system.

Process 4-1:A reversible adiabatic compression process increases the working fluid
temperature from TL to TH

You may have observed that power cycles operate in the clockwise direction when
plotted on a process diagram. The Carnot cycle may be reversed, in which it
operates as a refrigerator. The refrigeration cycle operates in the counterclockwise

Carnot Principles
(a)The efficiency of an irreversible heat engine
is always less than the efficiency of a
reversible one operating between the same
two reservoirs.
 th   th , Carnot

(b) The efficiencies of all reversible heat

engines operating between the same two
constant-temperature heat reservoirs have
the same efficiency.
• A Carnot heat engine receives 500 kJ of heat
per cycle from a high-temperature heat
reservoir at 652oC and rejects heat to a low-
temperature heat reservoir at 30oC.
Determine T1 = 652oC

(a) The thermal efficiency of Q1

this Carnot engine. WOUT


(b) The amount of heat rejected Q2

to the low-temperature heat T2 = 30oC

1. An inventor claims to have invented a heat
engine that develops a thermal efficiency of
80 percent when operating between two heat
reservoirs at 1000 K and 300 K. Evaluate
his claim.

2. An inventor claims to have developed a

refrigerator that maintains the refrigerated
space at 2oC while operating in a room
where the temperature is 25oC and has a
COP of 13.5. Is there any truth to his claim?
A heat pump is to be used to heat a building
during the winter. The building is to be
maintained at 21oC at all times. The building
is estimated to be losing heat at a rate of
135,000 kJ/h when the outside temperature
drops to -5oC. Determine the minimum power
required to drive the heat pump unit for this
outside temperature.
21 oC

-5 oC

The heat lost by the building has to be

supplied by the heat pump
A domestic food freezer maintains a
temperature of -130C when the ambient
temperature is 300C. If heat leaks into the
freezer at the continuous rate of 1.75 kJ/s,
what is the least power required to pump this
heat out continuously?
A cold storage is to be maintained at -50C
while the surrounding is at 350C. The heat
leakage from the surroundings into the cold
storage is estimated to be 29 kW. The actual
COP of the plant is one third of an ideal plant
working between the same temperatures.
Find the power required to drive the plant?
A reversible engine is supplied with heat from
two constant temperature sources at 900 K
and 600 K and rejects heat to a constant
temperature sink at 300 K. The engine
develops work equivalent to 90 kJ/s and
rejects heat at the rate of 56 kJ/s. Estimate: 1.
Heat supplied by each source and 2. Thermal
efficiency of the engine.
Two Carnot engines operate in series
between two reservoirs maintained at 6000C
and 1000C, respectively. The energy rejected
by the first engine is input into the second
engine. If the first engine's efficiency is 20
percent greater than the second engine's
efficiency, calculate the intermediate
A reversible heat engine operates between two
reservoirs at temperatures 700 °C and 50 °C. The
engine drives a reversible refrigerator which operates
between reservoirs at temperatures of 50 °C and
-25 °C. The heat transfer to the engine is 2500 kJ and
the net work output of the combined engine
refrigerator plant is 400kJ.
Determine the heat transfer to the refrigerant and the
net heat transfer to the reservoir at 50 °C.
Reconsider (a) given that the efficiency of the heat
engine and the COP of the refrigerator are each 45
percent of their maximum possible values.

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