The Second Law of Thermodynamics
The Second Law of Thermodynamics
The Second Law of Thermodynamics
Process 1-2:Reversible isothermal heat addition at high temperature, TH > TL, to the
working fluid in a piston-cylinder device that does some boundary work.
Process 2-3:Reversible adiabatic expansion during which the system does work as
the working fluid temperature decreases from TH to TL.
Process 3-4:The system is brought in contact with a heat reservoir at TL < TH and a
reversible isothermal heat exchange takes place while work of compression
is done on the system.
Process 4-1:A reversible adiabatic compression process increases the working fluid
temperature from TL to TH
You may have observed that power cycles operate in the clockwise direction when
plotted on a process diagram. The Carnot cycle may be reversed, in which it
operates as a refrigerator. The refrigeration cycle operates in the counterclockwise
Carnot Principles
(a)The efficiency of an irreversible heat engine
is always less than the efficiency of a
reversible one operating between the same
two reservoirs.
th th , Carnot
1. An inventor claims to have invented a heat
engine that develops a thermal efficiency of
80 percent when operating between two heat
reservoirs at 1000 K and 300 K. Evaluate
his claim.
-5 oC