Environmental Health & Toxicology

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Environmental Health

& Toxicology

2 April 2009 EnvHealth&Tox.ppt 1

Risk = probability of suffering harm from
◦ EVERYTHING we do involves some risk.
 Choices:
 To smoke or not
 To use seat belt or not
 To cross street or not
 That life is risky is not an issue
 Making life choices that manage risk is
personal/family/social issue.

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Measuring risk.
◦ Probability:
 0 < P < 1.0
◦ Example:
 Lifetime Pcancer from exposure to [chemical] =
 = 1/ 1,000,000 (small risk)
 Then, in population of USA, about 300 cases/75 years due to
this cause

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Risk assessment Please list in order of
◦ Using data, models to risk severity:
quantify risk. ◦ homicide
◦ Identifying real or ◦ automobile accident
potential hazard ◦ obesity
◦ Determining ◦ cancer
probabilities of harm,
◦ heart disease
severity of risk
◦ smoking (pack/day)
◦ airplane crash
◦ fire
◦ accident at home

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Risk assessment
probabilities of
harm; severity
Nature of risk
◦ Health risk
◦ Environmental risk
◦ Economic risk
◦ Social impact

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◦ Ionizing radiation,
◦ fire,
◦ weather,
 wind, tornado
 lightning
◦ noise,
◦ etc.

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◦ Natural vs. synthetic
 Water is dangerous in
large quantities
◦ Organic, inorganic
◦ Pollution
 air,
 water,
 land

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◦ Pathogens, parasites &
◦ Allergens
 pollen, mold spores, poison
◦ Dangerous animals
 dogs, cattle, horses,
 snakes
 wasps, bees
 jellyfish, Portuguese man-

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• Cultural hazards
– Working conditions,
– diet,
– drinking,
– driving,
– STDs,
– poverty,
– age (?)
– Exposure to physical,
chemical, & biological

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Chemical Hazards
Toxicology: Science that
studies effects of poisonous
substances on humans and
other organisms
◦ Any chemical can be harmful
◦ “The dose makes the poison.”
Toxicity:measure of how
harmful [chemical, toxin]

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Whether [chemical] is harmful depends
◦ Quantity ingested, absorbed (dose)
◦ Frequency of exposure
◦ Who is exposed?
 gender, age, personal sensitivity, etc.
◦ Body’s detoxification systems & health
Example: Alcohol

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Effect = response
◦ How much damage done, to what organs?
◦ Time frame:
 Acute effect: immediate, short term
 Chronic effect: permanent or long-lasting
 Symptoms may begin immediately, or delayed onset
 Single toxin may have acute & chronic effects

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Other factors:
◦ Solubility
 Water soluble
 Fat soluble
◦ Persistence: How long it lasts in body or
 Excretion = elimination in urine
 Natural degradability

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Other factors:
◦ Bioaccumulation:
increased concentration in
specific tissues over time.
◦ Biomagnification:
increased concentration
up a food web.

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Three methods, used together, to assess
health threat:
1. Case histories
2. Epidemiology
3. Animal testing

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1. Case histories
◦ Physicians send information of unusual
patient complaints/conditions to [agency]

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2. Epidemiology
◦ Human population studies attempt to correlate
exposure (who, state of health, dose &
frequency) to occurrence of effects.
◦ Limited by low numbers of individuals
exposed, genetic & experience variability,
other exposures, population movements.

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2. Epidemiology
◦ Framingham (Mass.) heart study.
◦ Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS),
Fall 2003.
◦ Bird flu (avian influenza virus H5N1)
– direct contact with infected poultry
– eye infections (conjunctivitis) to severe respiratory
disease (pneumonia) to death
– spread from person to person rare

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3. Animal testing
◦ Experiments on lab animals determine
 Toxicity & dose-response curve,
 Acute or chronic effects,
 Residence time in body
 Excretion rate,
 What tissues & organs affected,
 How harm occurs.

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Expense of laboratory studies
◦ Drug approval by Food & Drug Administration
(FDA) takes years, $$.
 Safety of medicines
 Effectiveness of medicines
◦ Studies of environmental chemicals, biological
agents also takes time & money.

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Principles of Toxicology:
The Study of Poisons
The study of the adverse effects of a
toxicant on living organisms
Adverse effects
◦ any change from an organism’s normal state
◦ dependent upon the concentration of active
compound at the target site for a sufficient time.
Toxicant (Poison)
◦ any agent capable of producing a deleterious
response in a biological system
What is a Poison?
All substances are poisons;
there is none that is not a poison.
The right dose
differentiates a poison and a remedy.

Paracelsus (1493-1541)
The amount of chemical entering the body
dependent upon
* environmental concentration
* properties of the toxicant
* frequency of exposure
* length of exposure
* exposure pathway
What is a Response?
Change from normal state
◦ could be on the molecular, cellular, organ, or
organism level--the symptoms
Localvs. Systemic
Reversible vs. Irreversible
Immediate vs. Delayed
Graded vs. Quantal
◦ degrees of the same damage vs. all or none
Dose-Response Relationship:
As the dose of a toxicant increases,
so does the response.


2-3 Linear Range 3
4 Maximum Response

0 1 DOSE
If Mortality is the response, the dose that is
lethal to 50% of the population LD50 can be
generated from the curve
Different toxicants can be compared--
lowest dose is most potent
LD50 Comparison
Chemical LD50 (mg/kg)
Ethyl Alcohol 10,000
Sodium Chloride 4,000
Ferrous Sulfate 1,500
Morphine Sulfate 900
Strychnine Sulfate 150
Nicotine 1
Black Widow 0.55
Curare 0.50
Rattle Snake 0.24
Dioxin (TCDD) 0.001
Botulinum toxin 0.0001
Exposure: Pathways
Routes and Sites of Exposure
◦ Ingestion (Gastrointestinal Tract)
◦ Inhalation (Lungs)
◦ Dermal/Topical (Skin)
◦ Injection
 intravenous, intramuscular, intraperitoneal

Typical Effectiveness of Route of Exposure

iv > inhale > ip > im > ingest > topical
Exposure: Duration
Acute < 24hr usually 1 exposure
Subacute 1 month repeated doses
Subchronic1-3mo repeated doses
Chronic > 3mo repeated doses

Over time, the amount of chemical in the body

can build up, it can redistribute, or it can
overwhelm repair and removal mechanisms
Absorption, Distribution,
Metabolism, and Excretion
Once a living organism has been exposed
to a toxicant, the compound must get into
the body and to its target site in an active
form in order to cause an adverse effect.
Body defenses:
◦ Membrane barriers
◦ Biotransformation enzymes, antioxidants
◦ Elimination mechanisms

abilityof a chemical to enter the blood

(blood is in equilibrium with tissues)
the process in which a chemical agent
translocates throughout the body

Blood carries the agent to and from its site

of action, storage depots, organs of
transformation, and organs of elimination
Rate of distribution (rapid) dependent upon
◦ blood flow
◦ characteristics of toxicant (affinity for the tissue,
and the partition coefficient)
Distribution may change over time
Storage and Binding
• Storage in Adipose tissue--Very
lipophylic compounds (DDT) will store in
fat. Rapid mobilization of the fat
(starvation) can rapidly increase blood
• Storage in Bone--Chemicals analogous
to Calcium--Fluoride, Lead, Strontium
• Binding to Plasma proteins--can
displace endogenous compounds.
Target Organs: adverse effect is dependent
upon the concentration of active compound at the
target site for enough time
Not all organs are affected equally
◦ greater susceptibility of the target organ
◦ higher concentration of active compound
Liver--high blood flow, oxidative reactions
Kidney--high blood flow, concentrates chemicals
Lung--high blood flow, site of exposure
Neurons--oxygen dependent, irreversible damage
Myocardium--oxygen dependent
Bone marrow, intestinal mucosa--rapid divide
Target Sites:
Mechanisms of Action

Adverse effects can occur at the level of the

molecule, cell, organ, or organism
Molecularly, chemical can interact with
Proteins Lipids DNA
Cellularly, chemicals can
◦ interfere with receptor-ligand binding
◦ interfere with membrane function
◦ interfere with cellular energy production
◦ bind to biomolecules
◦ perturb homeostasis (Ca)

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Toxicants are eliminated from the body by
several routes
Urinary excretion
Biliary Excretion via Fecal Excretion
Milk Sweat Saliva
 The process by which the administered chemical (parent
compounds) are modified by the organism by enzymatic
 1o objective--make chemical agents more water soluble
and easier to excrete
◦ decrease lipid solubility -->
decrease amount at target>increase ionization

◦ -> increase excretion rate --> decrease toxicity

 Bioactivation--Biotransformation can result in the
formation of reactive metabolites
Biotransformation (Metabolism)
Compound Without With
Metabolism Metabolism
Ethanol 4 weeks 10mL/hr

Phenobarbital 5 months 8hrs

DDT infinity Days to weeks

Key organs in biotransformation
◦ LIVER (high)
◦ Lung, Kidney, Intestine (medium)
◦ Others (low)
Biotransformation Pathways
* Phase I--make the toxicant more water soluble
* Phase II--Links with a soluble endogenous
agent (conjugation)
Individual Susceptibility
--there can be 10-30 fold difference in response
to a toxicant in a population

Genetics-species, strain variation, interindividual

variations (yet still can extrapolate between
mammals--similar biological mechanisms)
Gender (gasoline nephrotox in male mice only)
Age--young (old too)
◦ underdeveloped excretory mechanisms
◦ underdeveloped biotransformation enzymes
◦ underdeveloped blood-brain barrier
Individual Susceptibility
◦ changes in excretion and metabolism rates,
body fat
Health conditions
Previous or Concurrent Exposures
◦ additive --antagonistic
◦ synergistic
 Exposure + Hazard = Risk
 All substances can be a poison
 Dose determines the response
 Pathway, Duration of Frequency of Exposure and
Chemical determine Dose
 Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism & Excretion
 The extent of the effect is dependent upon the
concentration of the active compound at its site of action
over time
 Bioactivation: compounds to reactive metabolites
 Individual variation of the organism will affect ADME

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