Module-2 Ecotourism
Module-2 Ecotourism
Module-2 Ecotourism
Factors to be Considered in
1. Biodiversity – the Philippines is host to numerous species of
plant and animal life, a number of which are indigenous /native
to the country. The number and endemicity of plants and
animals in African countries like Belize and Madagascar have
been a major drawer for nature lovers. The survival of the
remaining life in these areas largely depends on the
management of the resources with ecotourism as the lead
2. Aesthetic Value – much of the basis for development in
many areas is hinged on the hinged on the aesthetic values found
in the destination.
2. Local Customs and Practices– Each nation or destination has its own
set of customs and practices. What may be ordinary in one area may be scandalous
to another.