What Is Lead Time ?
What Is Lead Time ?
What Is Lead Time ?
Factors determining the lead time of a
• Styling
• No. of parts in the product .
• No. of different operations on each part .
• Extend to which the processes are
dependent , that is processes which cannot
be performed until previous operations
have been completed .
WIP – Work In Process
• Work in process consists of products that
are in the process of being manufactured
or fabricated but are not yet complete .
Work in process consists of the cost of
direct materials , direct labour , direct
purchased services and indirect costs
including general and administrative costs
, used in producing an end item .
• Work in process or in-process inventory
concept is used in production and supply
chain management.
• Production management aims to minimize
work in process. Work in process requires
storage space, represents capital
investment and presents a risk of
expiration of the goods. A queue to a
production step shows that the step is
probably under-capacity with respect to
other steps.
Throughput time
• Throughput is the volume of work that
can be completed in a specific amount of
time . The time block may be hour , day or
week .
• Throughput time is the amount of time it
takes for a style to go through the
production process , cutting to shipping .
• It includes actual processing time and the
time a style waits to be processed ahead
of each operation .
• It can be minutes , days or weeks .
Effect of WIP on the throughput
• When WIP is more , throughput time
increases due to back log ahead .