The Old Pond by Matsuo Basho

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•The Old Pond by Matsuo


Shakespeare's Sonnet 116

Matsou Basho
 1644- November 28,1694
 Ueno, in Iga Province
 At the age of 18, he served at Todo Clan as a
cook and learned haikai poetry from his master
 Famous poet of the Edo period in Japan and
known as the first great poet of Haiku
 Recognized as the greatest master of haiku and
for his collaborative haikai no renga form
 “basho” a Japanese banana plant
1684, his mother died in his hometown Iga
and he traveled to Nara, Kyoto, Nagoya,
and Kiso to visit the grave
Travel writing called “Nozarashi Kiko” or
the Journal of Bleach Bones in a field
He died because of an illness on the way
of his travel to Osaka
He completed the writing of “The Narrow
Road to Deep North”
The old pond
Original Japanese translation
Fu-ru i-ke ya (5)
ka-wa-zu to-bi-ko-mo (7)
mi-zu no o-to (5)
Literal translation (Fumiko Saisho)
Fu-ru(old) i-ke(pond) ya
ka-wa-zu(frog) to-bi-ko-mo(jumping into)
mi-zu(water) no o-to(sound)
The old pond
a frog jumps in,
sound of water.
-translated by Robert Hass

An old silent pond

a frog jumps into the pond
splash! Silence again.
-translated by Harry Behn
OLD POND by Matsou Basho
-the symbols of this poem describe objects
such as pond (a symbolic meaning
towards a person’s mind)
-Pond describes itself a feeling of tranquility
and peace.
- “A frog jumps in” symbolically a feeling
of disturbance and chaos.
- “the sound of water” symbolically talks
about the effect of disturbance.
Whenever there is peace there will
always be chaos that has yet to occur.

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