2 Alternating Currents

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1. Alternating EMF and Current

2. Average or Mean Value of Alternating EMF and Current
3. Root Mean Square Value of Alternating EMF and Current
4. A C Circuit with Resistor
5. A C Circuit with Inductor
6. A C Circuit with Capacitor
7. A C Circuit with Series LCR – Resonance and Q-Factor
8. Graphical Relation between Frequency vs XL, XC
9. Power in LCR A C Circuit
10. Watt-less Current
11. L C Oscillations
12. Transformer
13. A.C. Generator

Created by C. Mani, Principal, K V No.1, AFS, Jalahalli West, Bangalore

Alternating emf:
Alternating emf is that emf which continuously changes in magnitude and
periodically reverses its direction.
Alternating Current:
Alternating current is that current which continuously changes in magnitude
and periodically reverses its direction.

E = E0 sin ωt E = E0 cos ωt
E I = I0 sin ωt E I = I0 cos ωt
,I E0 ,I E0
I0 I0
0 0
π/2 π 3π/2 2π 5π/2 3π 7π/2 4π θ = ωt π/2 π 3π/2 2π 5π/2 3π 7π/2 4π θ = ωt

T/4 T/2 3T/4 T 5T/4 3T/2 7T/4 2T T/4 T/2 3T/4 T 5T/4 3T/2 7T/4 2T
t t

E, I – Instantaneous value of emf and current Symbol of

E0, I0 – Peak or maximum value or amplitude of emf and current AC Source
ω – Angular frequency t – Instantaneous time
ωt – Phase
Average or Mean Value of Alternating Current:
Average or Mean value of alternating current over half cycle is that steady
current which will send the same amount of charge in a circuit in the time of
half cycle as is sent by the given alternating current in the same circuit in
the same time.
dq = I dt = I0 sin ωt dt

q = ∫ I0 sin ωt dt

q = 2 I0 / ω = 2 I0 T / 2π = I0 T / π

Mean Value of AC, Im = Iav = q / (T/2)

Im = Iav = 2 I0 / π = 0.637 I0 = 63.7 % I0

Average or Mean Value of Alternating emf:

Em = Eav = 2 E0 / π = 0.637 E0 = 63.7 %
Note: Average or Mean value of alternating current or emf is zero over a
cycle as the + ve and – ve values get cancelled.
Root Mean Square or Virtual or Effective Value of
Alternating Current:
Root Mean Square (rms) value of alternating current is that steady current
which would produce the same heat in a given resistance in a given time as
is produced by the given alternating current in the same resistance in the
same time.
dH = I2R dt = I02 R sin2 ωt dt

H = ∫ I02 R sin2 ωt dt

H = I02 RT / 2 (After integration, ω is replaced with 2 π / T)

If Iv be the virtual value of AC, then
H = Iv 2 RT Iv = Irms = Ieff = I0 / √2 = 0.707 I0 = 70.7 % I0

Root Mean Square or Virtual or Effective Value of

Alternating emf: Ev = Erms = Eeff = E0 / √2 = 0.707 E0 = 70.7 % E0
1. Root Mean Square value of alternating current or emf can be calculated over any
period of the cycle since it is based on the heat energy produced.
2. Do not use the above formulae if the time interval under the consideration is less than
one period.
Relative Values Peak,
Virtual and Mean Values of
Alternating emf: Ev
Em = Eav = 0.637 E0 0
π/2 π 3π/2 2π 5π/2 3π 7π/2 4π θ = ωt

T/4 T/2 3T/4 T 5T/4 3T/2 7T/4 2T

Ev = Erms = Eeff = 0.707

1. The given values of alternating emf and current are virtual values unless
otherwise specified.
i.e. 230 V AC means Ev = Erms = Eeff = 230 V
2. AC Ammeter and AC Voltmeter read the rms values of alternating current
and voltage respectively.
They are called as ‘hot wire meters’.
3. The scale of DC meters is linearly graduated where as the scale of AC
meters is not evenly graduated because H α I2
AC Circuit with a Pure Resistor: R
E = E0 sin ωt

I=E /R
= (E0 / R) sin ωt E = E0 sin ωt

I = I0 sin ωt (where I0 = E0 / R and R = E0 / I0)

Emf and current are in same phase.

E = E0 sin ωt y
E I = I0 sin ωt
,I E0 E0
π/2 π 3π/2 2π 5π/2 3π 7π/2 4π θ = ωt

T/4 T/2 3T/4 T 5T/4 3T/2 7T/4 2T

t 0 ωt
AC Circuit with a Pure Inductor:
E = E0 sin ωt
Induced emf in the inductor is - L (dI / dt) L

In order to maintain the flow of current, the

applied emf must be equal and opposite to
E = E0 sin ωt
the induced emf.
I = ∫ (E0 / L) sin ωt dt
E = L (dI / dt)
E0 sin ωt = L (dI / dt) I = (E0 / ωL) ( - cos ωt )

dI = (E0 / L) sin ωt dt I = I0 sin (ωt - π / 2)

(where I0 = E0 / ωL and XL = ωL = E0 / I0) Current lags behind emf by π/2 rad.

XL is Inductive Reactance. Its SI unit is ohm.
y E
E = E0 sin ωt 0

E I = I0 sin (ωt - π / 2)
,I E0
0 0
π/2 π 3π/2 2π 5π/2 3π 7π/2 4π θ = ωt π/2 x
T/4 T/2 3T/4 T 5T/4 3T/2 7T/4 2T
t I0
AC Circuit with a Capacitor:
E = E0 sin ωt C

q = CE = CE0 sin ωt
E = E0 sin ωt
I = dq / dt
= (d / dt) [CE0 sin ωt] (where I0 = E0 / (1 / ωC) and
I = [E0 / (1 / ωC)] ( cos ωt ) XC = 1 / ωC = E0 / I0)
XC is Capacitive Reactance.
I = I0 sin (ωt + π / 2)
Its SI unit is ohm.

Current leads the emf by π/2 radians.

y E0
E = E0 sin ωt
E I = I0 sin (ωt + π / 2)
,I E0
0 ωt
π/2 π 3π/2 2π 5π/2 3π 7π/2 4π θ = ωt
0 x
T/4 T/2 3T/4 T 5T/4 3T/2 7T/4 2T
Variation of XL with Frequency:
I0 = E0 / ωL and XL = ωL
XL is Inductive Reactance and ω = 2π f
XL = 2π f L i.e. XL α f

0 f

Variation of XC with Frequency:

I0 = E0 / (1/ωC) and XC = 1 / ωC
XC is Inductive Reactance and ω = 2π f
XC = 1 / 2π f C i.e. XC α 1 / f

0 f

1) Inductance (L) can not decrease Direct Current. It can only decrease
Alternating Current.
2) Capacitance (C) allows AC to flow through it but blocks DC.
AC Circuit with L, C, R in Series C
Combination: VR
The applied emf appears as VC
Voltage drops VR, VL and VC
across R, L and C respectively.
1) In R, current and voltage are in E = E0 sin ωt
phase. VL VL
2) In L, current lags behind voltage by
- VC
π/2 π/2
3) In C, current leads the voltage by 0
π/2 π/2 I VR I VR
E = √ [VR2 + (VL – VC)2] VC VC
√ [R2 + (XL – XC)2] E
Z = √ [R2 + (XL – XC)2] I VR
E = √ [VR2 + (VL –
Z=√ [R2 + (ω L – 1/ωC)2]
XL – XC ω L – 1/ωC
tan Φ = or tan Φ =
XL – XC ω L – 1/ωC
tan Φ = or tan Φ =

Special Cases:
Case I: When XL > XC i.e. ω L > 1/ωC,
tan Φ = +ve or Φ is +ve
The current lags behind the emf by phase angle Φ and the LCR
circuit is inductance - dominated circuit.

Case II: When XL < XC i.e. ω L < 1/ωC,

tan Φ = -ve or Φ is -ve
The current leads the emf by phase angle Φ and the LCR circuit is
capacitance - dominated circuit.
Case III: When XL = XC i.e. ω L = 1/ωC,
tan Φ = 0 or Φ is 0°
The current and the emf are in same phase. The impedance does
not depend on the frequency of the applied emf. LCR circuit
behaves like a purely resistive circuit.
Resonance in AC Circuit with L, C, R:

When XL = XC i.e. ω L = 1/ωC, tan Φ = 0 or Φ is 0° and

Z = √ [R2 + (ω L – 1/ωC)2] becomes Zmin = R and I0max = E / R
i.e. The impedance offered by the circuit is minimum and the
current is maximum. This condition is called resonant condition
of LCR circuit and the frequency is called resonant frequency.
At resonant angular frequency ωr, R1 < R2 < R3

ωr L = 1/ωrC or ωr = 1 / √LC or fr = 1 / (2π √LC) I0

Resonant Curve & Q - Factor: I0max

Band width = 2 ∆ ω
Quality factor (Q – factor) is defined as the R1
ratio of resonant frequency to band width. I0max / √2

Q = ωr / 2 ∆ ω
It can also be defined as the ratio of potential R2
drop across either the inductance or the
capacitance to the potential drop across the
resistance. 0 ωr ω
Q = VL / VR or Q = VC / VR ωr - ∆ ω ωr + ∆ ω
or Q = ωr L / R or Q = 1 / ωrCR
Power in AC Circuit with L, C, R:
E = E0 sin ωt
I = I0 sin (ωt + Φ) (where Φ is the phase angle between emf and current)
Instantaneous Power = E I
= E0 I0 sin ωt sin (ωt + Φ)
= E0 I0 [sin2 ωt cosΦ + sin ωt cosωt cosΦ]
If the instantaneous power is assumed to be constant for an
infinitesimally small time dt, then the work done is
dW = E0 I0 [sin2 ωt cosΦ + sin ωt cosωt cosΦ]
Work done over a complete cycle is

W = ∫ E0 I0 [sin2 ωt cosΦ + sin ωt cosωt cosΦ] dt

W = E0I0 cos Φ x T / 2

Average Power over a cycle is Pav = W / T

Pav = (E0I0/ 2) cos Φ (where cos Φ = R / Z
Pav = (E0/√2) (I0/ √2) cos Φ = R /√ [R2 + (ω L – 1/ωC)2]
is called Power Factor)
Pav = Ev Iv cos Φ
Pav = Ev Iv cos Φ Wattless Current or Idle
Power in AC Circuit with R: Ev
In R, current and emf are in phase.
Iv cos Φ Iv
Φ = 0° Φ
Pav = Ev Iv cos Φ = Ev Iv cos 0° = Ev Iv 90°

Power in AC Circuit with L: Iv sin Φ

In L, current lags behind emf by π/2. The component Iv cos Φ

generates power with Ev.
Φ = - π/2
However, the component
Pav = Ev Iv cos (-π/2) = Ev Iv (0) = 0
Iv sin Φ does not
Power in AC Circuit with C: contribute to power along
Ev and hence power
In C, current leads emf by π/2.
generated is zero. This
Φ = + π/2 component of current is
called wattless or idle
Pav = Ev Iv cos (π/2) = Ev Iv (0) = 0
Note: P = Ev Iv sin Φ cos 90° = 0
Power (Energy) is not dissipated in Inductor and Capacitor and hence they
find a lot of practical applications and in devices using alternating current.
L C Oscillations:
+++++ + + +
- - - - - - - -

At t = 0, UE=Max. & UB=0 At t = T/8, UE = UB At t = 2T/8, UE=0 & UB=Max.

- - - - - - - - - - -
+ + + +++++ + + +

At t =3T/8, UE = UB At t = 4T/8, UE=Max. & UB=0 At t =5T/8, UE = UB

+ + + +++++
- - - - - - - -C

At t = 6T/8, UE=0 & UB=Max. At t =7T/8, UE = UB At t =T, UE=Max. & UB=0

q0 q0

0 0
t t

Undamped Oscillations Damped Oscillations

If q be the charge on the capacitor at any time t and dI / dt the rate of

change of current, then

L dI / dt + q / C = 0 The final equation represents Simple

or L (d2q / dt2) + q / C = 0 Harmonic Electrical Oscillation with
ω as angular frequency.
or d2q / dt2 + q / (LC) = 0
So, ω = 1 / √LC
Putting 1 / LC = ω2 1
or f=
d2q / dt2 + ω2 q =0 2π √LC
Transformer is a device which converts lower alternating voltage at higher
current into higher alternating voltage at lower current.
Transformer is based on
Mutual Induction.
It is the phenomenon of
inducing emf in the P
S Load
secondary coil due to
change in current in the
primary coil and hence the
change in magnetic flux in
the secondary coil.
EP = - NP dΦ / dt For an ideal transformer, Efficiency (η):

ES = - NS dΦ / dt Output Power = Input Power η = ES IS / EPIP

ES / EP = NS / NP = K ESIS = EPIP For an ideal

transformer η
(where K is called ES / EP = IP / IS is 100%
Transformation Ratio ES / EP = IP / IS = NS / NP
or Turns Ratio)
Step - up Transformer: Step - down Transformer:

P S Load P S


NS > NP i.e. K > 1 NS < NP i.e. K < 1

ES > EP & I S < IP ES < EP & IS > IP

Energy Losses in a Transformer:

1. Copper Loss: Heat is produced due to the resistance of the copper
windings of Primary and Secondary coils when current flows through
This can be avoided by using thick wires for winding.
2. Flux Loss: In actual transformer coupling between Primary and Secondary
coil is not perfect. So, a certain amount of magnetic flux is wasted.
Linking can be maximised by winding the coils over one another.
3. Iron Losses:
a) Eddy Currents Losses:
When a changing magnetic flux is linked with the iron core, eddy
currents are set up which in turn produce heat and energy is wasted.
Eddy currents are reduced by using laminated core instead of a solid iron
block because in laminated core the eddy currents are confined with in
the lamination and they do not get added up to produce larger current.
In other words their paths are broken instead of continuous ones.
b) Hysteresis Loss:
When alternating current is
passed, the iron core is
magnetised and demagnetised
repeatedly over the cycles and
some energy is being lost in the
process. Solid Core Laminated Core

This can be minimised by using suitable material with thin hysteresis loop.
4. Losses due to vibration of core: Some electrical energy is lost in the
form of mechanical energy due to vibration of the core and humming
noise due to magnetostriction effect.
A.C. Generator:

R1 R1
B1 B1
R2 R2
B2 B2
Load Load

A.C. Generator or A.C. Dynamo or Alternator is a device which converts

mechanical energy into alternating current (electrical energy).
A.C. Generator is based on the principle of Electromagnetic Induction.
(i) Field Magnet with poles N and S
(ii) Armature (Coil) PQRS
(iii) Slip Rings (R1 and R2)
(iv) Brushes (B1 and B2)
(v) Load
Let the armature be rotated in such a way that the arm PQ goes down and
RS comes up from the plane of the diagram. Induced emf and hence
current is set up in the coil. By Fleming’s Right Hand Rule, the direction
of the current is PQRSR2B2B1R1P.
After half the rotation of the coil, the arm PQ comes up and RS goes down
into the plane of the diagram. By Fleming’s Right Hand Rule, the direction
of the current is PR1B1B2R2SRQP.
If one way of current is taken +ve, then the reverse current is taken –ve.
Therefore the current is said to be alternating and the corresponding wave
is sinusoidal.
Φ = N B A cos θ
At time t, with angular velocity ω, R
θ = ωt (at t = 0, loop is assumed to
be perpendicular to the magnetic field
and θ = 0°) Q θ B
Φ = N B A cos ωt n
Differentiating w.r.t. t,
dΦ / dt = - NBAω sin ωt
E = - dΦ / dt
E = NBAω sin ωt
E = E0 sin ωt (where E0 = NBAω) P


π/2 π 3π/2 2π 5π/2 3π 7π/2 4π θ = ωt

T/4 T/2 3T/4 T 5T/4 3T/2 7T/4 2T End of Alternating Currents


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