Sustainable Development

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Sustainable Development;

Global Warming;
Climate Change
Presented by:
Reyna Grace L. Caspillo
Princess Danielle L. Andrada
Charles John I. Reyes
To know what is Sustainable Development, Global
Warming and Climate Change and substantially discuss
how it happens;
Determine the Causes and Effects of the following topics;
Evaluate the students’ understanding through a group
activity and a quiz.
Sustainable Development;
By: Reyna Grace L. Caspillo
 Sustainability
means meeting our
own needs without
compromising the
ability of future
generations to
meet their own
A pattern of growth
in which resource
use aims to meet
human needs while
preserving the
environment so that
these needs can be
met not only in the
present, but also for
generations to come.
1. Economic Sustainability

 This pillar ensures that our  The way to achieving

economic growth economic growth whilst
maintains a healthy respecting environmental
balance with our limits.
 Entrepreneurship Program in the

 A recognition of the socio-economic  A discipline that allows and enable

need to develop, grow. , and fuel the citizens to set up business ventures,
resources for economic generate employment and productivity
sustainability; and sustain it ethically and
2. Environmental Sustainability

 Responsible interaction
 Allow for a long-term
with the environment to
environmental quality.
avoid depletion or
degradation of natural
 DENR: Selfie for Biodiversity

 To support eco-tourism campaigns  To popularize and promote

of the government. Environmental sustainability in the
3. Social Sustainability

 Supports initiatives like peace,  The ability of a community to develop

social justice, reducing processes and structures which not
only meet the needs of its current
poverty, and other grassroots members but also support the ability of
movements that promote future generations to maintain a healthy
social equity. community.
 Workshop in Native Accessories

 Supports initiatives in social  To enhance the ability of a

sustainability by giving community to develop processes
workshops for unemployed and structures reducing poverty.
Global Warming;
By. Princess Andrada
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