Functions in MS Excel

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Len Emonth Now()

Find SLN() PMT
Mid Counts Proper
Right Subtotal ISNA
Left FV Iferror
If PV Value
Sum Datedif Datevalue
Sumif Today Append
Sumifs Year Average
Count Month Averageif
Counta Day() Averageifs
Countif Now() And
Countifs Trim() Or
Order of Precedence Rules
Order of Precedence Example Resulting Value Explanation

1. Operation in = A1*(3 + 5) If A1=2, the Excel first performs the

parenthesis resulting value is addition of 3+5 even though
2*(3+5), or multiplication has a higher
2*8=16 precedence than addition,
because the addition
operation is enclosed in
2. Exponentiation = 3 *A1 ^ 3 If A1=2, the Excel first performs the
resulting value is exponential operation of
3*2^3, or 3*8=24 cubing A1, and then performs
the multiplication.
3. Multiplication and =A1 + B2 * C3 If A1=2, B2=3 , Excel first multiplies B2 by
division from left to and C3=10, the C3 and then adds the result
right resulting value is to A1.
2+3*10, or
4. Addition and =A1-B2+C3/10 If A1=2, B2=3 , Excel first divides C3 by 10,
subtraction form left to and C3=10, the then subtract B2 from A1,
right resulting value is and finally adds this value to
2-3+10/10, or - the quotient.
Excel error messages

Error Description
##### Insufficient width in cell to display
numerical data, or negative date/time
#NAME? Unrecognized text in a formula
#N/A No Answer
#REF! Invalid cell reference
#VALUE! Wrong argument type or operand
#NUM! Invalid numeric values in a formula or
#DIV/0! Division by zero
Absolute and Relative References
Referenc Meaning
e Style
$A$1 Both the column and row reference are fixed.
Neither will be incremented or changed during a
copy or fill operation.
$A1 Only the column reference is fixed. It will not
change during a fill or copy, but the row will
A$1 Only the row reference is fixed. It will not change
during a fill or copy, but the column will change.
Returns TRUE if all its arguments are TRUE; returns FALSE if
one or more argument is FALSE.

Syntax AND(logical1,logical2, ...)

Returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE; returns FALSE if all
arguments are FALSE.

Syntax OR(logical1,logical2,...)

Logical First Second Result

Operator Condition Condition
AND True True True
AND True False False
AND False False False
AND False True False
OR True True True
OR True False True
OR False True True
OR False False False
Nested IF Function - example
If Score is Then return
• Greater than 97 Oustanding
• From 94 to 97 Very Satisfactory
• From 87 to 93 Very Good
• From 86 to 81 Good
• From 80 to 75 Passed
• Below 75 Failed
=IF(A2>97,"Oustanding",IF(A2>93,"Very Satisfactory",IF(A2>86,"Very
CONCATENATE - Joins several text strings
into one text string.


CONCATENATE (text1, text2,...)

Text1, text2, ... are 1 to 30 text items to be joined
into a single text item. The text items can be text
strings, numbers, or single-cell references.

The "&" operator can be used instead of
CONCATENATE to join text items.

Returns the sequential serial number that represents a particular date. If the
cell format was General before the function was entered, the result is
formatted as a date.


Year() returns the year

Month() returns the month
Day() returns the day
Today() returns today’s date
Now() returns the serial number of the current date and time.

Microsoft Excel stores dates as sequential serial numbers so they can be
used in calculations. By default, January 1, 1900 is serial number 1, and
January 1, 2008 is serial number 39448 because it is 39,448 days after
January 1, 1900.
computes the date difference between two dates


"y" The number of complete years in the period.

"m" The number of complete months in the period.

"d" The number of days in the period.

"md" The difference between the days in start_date and end_date. The
months and years of the dates are ignored.

"ym" The difference between the months in start_date and end_date. The
days and years of the dates are ignored
"yd" The difference between the days of start_date and end_date. The
years of the dates are ignored.
The End

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