Writing-Data-Commentary SVC PART 2
Writing-Data-Commentary SVC PART 2
Writing-Data-Commentary SVC PART 2
27/12/2019 1
Non-Prose Texts
Humans are visual creatures.
Most of us process information
based on what we see. 65% of
us are visual learners according
to the Social Science Research
Table 5 shows the most common
modes of PC virus infection for
US businesses. As can be seen in
the majority of the cases, the
source of the virus infection can
be detected, with disks being
brought to the workplace from
home being by far the most
significant (43%). However, it is
alarming to note that the source
of nearly 30% of viruses cannot
be determined. While it may be
possible to eliminate home-to-
workplace Infection by requiring
computers to run antiviral
software on flash drives brought
from home, business are still
vulnerable to major data loss,
especially from unidentifiable
sources of infection.
1.Who is the chart about?
2.Which activity do these
people spend the least
time doing?
3.Which activity do these
people spend the most
time doing?
Which statement is true?
𝖠. People spend more time in
caring for family members and
doing household chores than
B. It requires an associate
Highlighting statements
Present most important trends or patterns
Draw conclusion from data
Table 5 shows the most common
modes of PC virus infection for
US businesses. As can be seen in
the majority of the cases, the
source of the virus infection can
be detected, with disks being
brought to the workplace from
home being by far the most
significant (43%). However, it is
alarming to note that the source
of nearly 30% of viruses cannot
be determined. While it may be
possible to eliminate home-to-
workplace infection by requiring
computers to run antiviral
software on flash drives brought
from home, business are still
vulnerable to major data loss,
especially from unidentifiable
sources of infection.
Location elements/summary
Figure 1.
Figure 1.
In order to investigate the hypothesis that the unprecedented increase in the demand for guns was partially
driven by fears of a future Obama gun-control policy an empirical study was conducted.
Data Commentary 1
Figure 1 entitled Proportion of Households with
Handguns, shows the percentages of
American homes that owned at least one
handgun from 1973 to 2012. This percentage
remained relatively constant from 1998-2006
ranging from 20% to 21%. In 2008, the
percentage of households owning handguns
increased dramatically to just over 26%. This
was the first time since 1994 that over one quarter
of United States homes owned non-hunting
related guns (Alpers, Rosetti, & Salinas, 2015).
Results suggest existence of a large Obama
effect on the demand for guns.
Data Commentary 2
Figure 1 shows the proportion of
households with handguns indicating the
percentage of demands in the span of 39
years from 1973 to 2012. As can be seen
in the figure, there was a sudden
increased in the demand for guns in year
2008 (26.2%) from (20%) of 1998. Results
are consistent with fear of future Obama
gun-control policy as underlying
Practice 1
Identify the function of each numbered sentence.