1 Report Writing

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Report Writing

What is a report?

 A report is a structured written

presentation directed to interested
readers in response to some specific
purpose, aim or request.
 There are many varieties of reports,
but generally their function is to give
an account of something, to answer a
question, or to offer a solution to a
Characteristics of an effective

An effective report is:

 appropriate to its purpose and
 accurate;
 logical;
 clear and concise; and
 well organised with clear section
Report structure

 One important advantage that a

report has over other written
communication is that it follows a
standardised format. This enables
readers to find and focus on specific
pieces of information. Most reports
are modeled on the following
structure (modified where necessary).
Report structure continued
 Title page
 Table of contents
 Executive Summary
 Introduction
 Discussion
 Conclusions
 Recommendations
 Bibliography
 Appendix
Procedure for report writing

The following is a suggestion as to how

you might proceed in compiling and
presenting a report. There are three
 Planning – including brainstorming
 Writing
 Formatting, revising and proof-
Stage One: Planning

Defining the purpose.

Read the brief carefully

 identify key words
 make sure you know what's really
being asked
Stage One: Planning continued
2. Defining the audience

 determine your audience's level of

determine what your audience needs
to know
Stage One: Planning continued
3. Establishing parameters

determine the scope and level of detail


determine the length of the report and

what can be covered in that length
Stage One: Planning continued
4. Gathering information

make sure the information you

gather is relevant and factually
make sure that you transcribe facts
and figures correctly
Stage Two: Writing

Write the report in three stages:

 Write the body
 Write the executive summary
 Write/compile the supplementary
1. Writing the body

There are four components of the body of the report: the

introduction, the discussion, the conclusion and the
The introduction leads into the main subject matter by giving
the necessary background of the report, its aims, premises,
scope, limitations, approach intended audience, possible
benefits and any instructions that may be useful for the
reader. If specialist terms are used in the report, define them
It puts the discussion in perspective, explains why the report is
necessary and gives background information on the subject
1. Writing the body continued
The discussion is the main body of the report.
Use headings and sub-headings. It describes,
analyses, interprets and evaluates the
procedures, data, findings, relationships,
visual material, methodology and results in
the report. This material should be presented
in an order that leads logically towards the
conclusions and recommendations.
1. Writing the body continued
In writing the discussion section of the
body, you should:
 pitch at appropriate level
 organise material logically
 use clear, concise language
 give concrete examples
1. Writing the body continued
Conclusions are drawn from evidence, analysis,
interpretation and evaluation presented in the
discussion. No new material should be
introduced; the conclusions should follow
logically from the Discussion.
The Conclusions section should give:
Key points
Main findings
1. Writing the body continued
The Recommendation section (when used - not
all reports give recommendations) should
present your informed opinions, suggestions,
possible actions to be taken, applications and
recommendations arising from a rational
consideration of the discussion and conclusions.
Be definite
Be perceptive
Be imaginative
Be rational
2. Abstract/executive summary
Once the body of the report is written, write the abstract.
The abstract (also known as the Executive Summary) is a
concise summary presentation of the essential elements of
the report, from the introduction through to and including
the recommendations. It should be independent (can be
read on its own), comprehensive (covers all the main
points), clear and concise. As a general rule it should be
short, only 10-15% of the length of the report, and should
be written in full sentences and paragraphs. It should
include a summary of the following:
Main points
3. Writing the supplementary
Title page identifies the report with the
following information:
 Title
 Author's name, position and
 Authority for report
 Place of origin
 Date
3. Writing the supplementary
material continued
Table of contents
The table of contents shows the section
titles and major headings listed in order
of appearance and indicates page
locations. Standard page numbering
begins with the Introduction. The
Abstract or Executive Summary is
usually numbered with lower case
Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, etc.)
3. Writing the supplementary
material continued
The bibliography lists all publications
either cited or referred to in preparing
the report.
Stage Three: Formatting,
revising and proof-reading

Apply the following "report checklist"

 Have I fulfilled the purpose of the report?
 Is it written at a level appropriate to its audience?
 Are its facts correct?
 Is it comprehensive?
 Is all the included information relevant?
 Are the layout and presentation well thought out?
 Is the style clear, concise and professional?
 Does the abstract summarise?
 Does the introduction adequately introduce the discussion?
 Is the discussion organised logically?
 Does the conclusions section interpret, analyse and evaluate?
 Are the recommendations reasonable?
 Does the table of contents correspond with the actual contents? Are
page numbers correct?
 Have I acknowledged all sources of information through correct
 Have I checked spelling, grammar and punctuation?
 Have I carefully proof-read the final draft
Writing a research report
 A research report uses similar
structure to that of any other report
however the planning stages must
involve research.
 To assist in directing the research an
action plan should be prepared
Action plan
A description of what needs to be done,
when and by whom to achieve the
results called for by one or more

It contains task assignments, schedules,

resource allocations and ...
Action plan continued
....steps that must be taken, or activities that
must be performed well, for a strategy to
An action plan has three major elements:
 (1) Specific tasks : what will be done and
by whom.
 (2) Time horizon: when will it be done.
 (3) Resource allocation: what specific funds
are available for specific activities. Also
called action program.
report on research findings

Determine the structure of your report

You have spent a great deal of time
conducting the research project. Although you
might be tempted to rush through the process
of completing your report, this might result in
a less than satisfactory outcome that does not
meet the needs of the project. You can have
comprehensive, relevant and accurate research
results but if you do not structure the report
appropriately you will not be able to prove or
disprove your research hypothesis.
The structure of your report
You must create guidelines as to what
information is needed and the desired
layout or format of your report.
You must make a decision as to how the
information in the report is to be presented.
The information must be ‘packaged’ as a
report so that the purpose of conducting the
research is met. For example if the research
project was conducted to determine how a
park was used, then the report needs to
answer that question.
Reports need to be planned before
detailed writing starts. This may involve
deciding what the main headings will
be, the sub-headings wanted and the
key points to be included under each
heading and sub-heading. The content
should flow in a logical way, starting
with the background to the research
design, then reporting the main findings
and ending with conclusions and
Drafting and editing
Good layout and editing is important in
both report writing and in making
presentations. A starting point in
doing this is to decide on the layout
to be used, that is, the way material
will be presented in terms of
headings, sub-headings, use of dot
points, footnotes and so on.
You should ensure that the report you
provide is professional. This means reports
must be free of typographical, grammatical
and spelling errors. To achieve this it may
be necessary to employ the services of a
proof reader and editor. This person’s role
is to eliminate these types of errors. Also
they are expected to recommend changes
that will eliminate ambiguity in the text to
ensure that nothing is misunderstood or
Ensuring accuracy of the report
 Another requirement of presenting
and writing a professional report is
ensuring that your report is accurate.
Any references to information or
sources of information need to be
checked by you. This will be much
easier if you have kept a careful
record of information you have used
and where it has come from when
you (or someone else) comes to
check the sources.
The structure of the report
A short report may consist only of:
 purpose
 introduction
 discussion
 conclusion
 recommendations.

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