Habitable Exoplanets
Habitable Exoplanets
Habitable Exoplanets
What is habitable exoplanet?
How did scientists identify exoplanet?
Methods used to find exoplanet.
Where are the exoplanets?
How many earth like planets are there?
Why do we search for habitable exoplanets?
Habitable exoplanets nearer to earth.
In astronomy and astrobiology
habitable zone means ecosphere ,’life
zone’,is the region around a star where a
planet with sufficient atmospheric
pressure can maintain liquid water on its
Exo planets or extra solar planets is
any planet that orbits star other than the
Hence the habitable exoplanet means
Due to great distance and darkness of
space ,exoplanets are small and hard to see.
A handful of ingenious methods have
been used to detect the planets too far away
for us to see.
As the hole is 10 times the size of earths
orbit around the sun the astronomers found
the exoplanets i.e when a planet passes
directly between an observer and the star it
orbits,it blocks some of that star’s light ,so
they conclude that it is an exoplanet.
The most common technique used to find an
exoplanet is dopler effect.
DOPLER EFFECT:-It shows that the star is going
away and then towards us with certain period that
can be deduced such that a planet is going towards
and away from in opposite direction in same period.
Kepler’s mission also helped to find earth like
planetary systems .
Kepler’s space telescope detects planets by the
brightness of the star by means it also determines
the size and shape of the orbits of these planets .
To date ,more than 1500 exoplanets have
been found while thousands of are still
awaiting confirmations.