Session Guide NCAE Interpretation v.1

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Basic Facts

National Career Assessment Examination

Nailed It! NCAE Interpretation
Module Objectives

At the end of this module, the

learners are expected to:

1. Master the contents and parts of the

learning materials for the proper orientation
and interpretation of NCAE results to co-
career advocates and learners;
Module Objectives

2. apply proper interpretation and information

dissemination of NCAE results; and,

3. promote the utilization of NCAE results as

active support to Career Guidance and DepEd
BEA programs.

1. Intensify awareness on different occupations
particularly new and unfamiliar ones.
1. The facilitator will divide the participants into (4) four groups.
2. The facilitator shall prepare a fish bowl for draw lots, written on it
are the different occupations such as: meteorologist, real estate agent,
event organizer, animator, make-up artist, stylist, composer,
cosmetologist, embalmer, surveyor, petroleum engineer, architect,
3. Each group will be given two (2) minutes to perform the Charade
game. Charade is a game of pantomimes: you have to "act out" a
phrase without speaking, while the other members of your team try
to guess what the phrase is. The objective is for your team to guess
the phrase as quickly as possible. –
4. One volunteer from each group shall act out.
5. The team who had the most number of correct answers is the
MAIN ACTIVITY Activity No. 2

1. Ask the participants to stay in the group.

2. Each participant shall be given a 1 copy of NCAE result as sample.

Personal . Information such as: Examinee No., Name, Date of Birth, LRN,
Name of School, School I.D., Region and Division shall be deleted by the
facilitators for Confidentiality.

3. Each participant shall prepare a Learner profiling based on the given NCAE
result. One (1) minute.

4. Each group will be given ten (10) minutes to prepare a simulation. The
presentation shall showcase how NCAE results be properly interpreted to
Career Advocates.

5. Each group will be given three (3) minutes to present.

Sample Learners Profile
Sex : MALE

Occupational General Scholastic

Preferred Track
Interests Ability (GSA)
1 – Arts & Design 1 – Com Tech LA
1. Scientific Ability
2 – TVL 2 - Business and 2. Logical
Commerce Reasoning
3. Reading
3 - Engineering Comprehension

1. Verbal Ability
2. Mathematical
 Basic Facts of NCAE
DO No 55, s. 2016
Specific Objectives
Domains measured
Target Clientele
Mode of Administration
Schedule of Administration
Test Administration Scheme:
 Test Result Interpretation
Parts off NCAE Result
Test Results Utilization
Cut-Off Score
Screening of Students (Sports, Arts and Design Tracks)
Test Results Dissemination:
Policy Guidelines

In order to guide the conduct of career

guidance at the school level and to ensure the
development of skills and competencies required in
the world of work, DepEd shall conduct a career
assessment through the Bureau of Education
Assessment (BEA) to Grade 9 students beginning
School Year 2016-2017.
Domains Measured

A. General Scholastic Aptitude (GSA)is the

average of the standard scores in these

 Scientific Ability
 Reading Comprehension
 Verbal Ability
 Mathematical Ability
 Logical Ability
Domains Measured
B. Occupational Inventory Interest (OII)

Is an inventory/checklist of occupational
interests which provides an assessment on
inclinations/preferences for comprehensive
career guidance. A profile chart of the students’
occupational inclinations and preferences
through the identified cluster occupations is
Domains Measured
C. Aptitude for Senior High School (SHS)
Measures the innate ability or potential of
a student to succeed in the following SHS

• Academic- ABM, STEM, HUMSS

• Technical-Vocational-Livelihood
• Sports
• Arts and Design
Target Clientele

• The test shall be administered to all Grade 9

learners who are currently enrolled in public
schools and private schools with a
government permit or recognition.
• Learners with special needs may also be
assessed provided that test accommodations
are met.

(Refer to DO. 55, s. 2016 Sec. 9)

Mode of Administration:

 Census will be the mode of administration

Schedule of Administration:

 The test shall be administered annually

every last Wednesday and Thursday of
Test Administration Scheme
 The test shall be administered in two days.

Day Test Domain
1 1 Technical-Vocational-

2 2 Occupational Interest
Arts and Design
Test Result Interpretation

 Test results shall be recommendatory.

 The career choice of the student based on

his/her aptitude and occupational interest
shall prevail as facilitated by the guidance
counselor/teacher and as guided by the
trends in the labor market.

Socio-demographic Profile of the Learner

GSA and
Descriptive Rating
Preferred tracks
Areas of Occupational
NCAE Result Page 2
NCAE Result Page 2
Test Result Utilization
 Reporting and interpretation of the results shall be used in
career advocacy, career guidance and homeroom guidance.
 It can be used for entry assessment to the specific Senior
High School (SHS) tracks/strands in all public and private
 Prior to entering SHS, the aptitude of students in select
programs shall be measured in order to ensure that they have
the potential to complete the program.
 The Certificate of Ratings (CORs) shall include a report on
the students’ General Scholastic Aptitude, Occupational
Interest Inventory (with first and second preferences), and
the track they opt to pursue vis-a-vis their aptitude in the
SHS tracks.
 Results shall be reported in Standard Scores and Percentile
Cut-Off Score
 There is a required cut-off score for students who wish
to enroll in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) Strand.

 The final grade both in Science and Math in Grade 10

should be 85 and above.

 Learners should also have at least a percentile rank of

86 and above in the STEM subtest.

However, there will be no prescribed cut-off score for the scholastic

grades and scores in any subtest for those who desire to enter into
the HUMSS and ABM Strands, and the TVL Track.
Screening of Students (Sports, Arts, Design)

 There will be two screenings for students who wish to enroll

in the Sports and Arts and Design Tracks.

 The first screening will be the results of the NCAE in the

corresponding subtests. Aptitude should be at least a
percentile rank of 51 and above.

 The second screening for the Sports Track will be done

through skills-related fitness tests, while for the Arts and
Design Track, it will be through a performance and skills
assessment. Both screenings will be administered by the
accepting schools.
Table 1. Criteria for entry to senior high school (SHS)
SHS Tracks/Strands
Academic Track
General Arts and TVL
Criteria STEM ABM HUMSS Sports Track
Academic Design Track Track
Strand Strand Strand

Final Grade no
lower than 85
Grades at None None None None None None
both in Math
Grade 10
and Science

Percentile rank
Career Percentile rank of 51 and
of 86 and
Examination None None None above in the corresponding None
above in the
Results career subtests
STEM subtest

Essay on
Write up of Simple current social
Essay on a Performance
scientific business issues, short Skills-related Livelihood
project of and skills
inquiry concept/idea, story or fitness tests project
Alternative interest, assessment
process, draft marketing articles, administered idea/s, and
Entry project plan, administered
experiment, ideas, and book/movie by the other such
Requirements and other by the
and other such other such reviews, and accepting summative
summative accepting
summative summative other such schools assessments
assessments schools
assessments assessments summative
Accepting schools shall administer
alternative entry requirements as needed.

Schools may also opt to have other

alternative assessment aside from those
in the table above. These assessments
should be in line with their chosen
Test Result Dissemination
• Test results will be released not more than three months after
the examination. Specific test data shall be disseminated to
different stakeholders.
1. Internal Stakeholders

A. Learners. They shall receive individual Certificate of

Rating (COR) that contains the obtained test scores in the domains
and level of preferences in the occupational fields.
B. School/Division/Region. A report on the Institutional
Performance Profile (IPP) or summary of test results by domain
shall be released to these offices.
C. Policy makers, program managers, and learning
resource developers. A report on the national test results by
specific variable shall be provided.
Test Result Dissemination
2. External Stakeholders

A. Parents/Guardians. An orientation forum shall be

conducted by the guidance counselor to inform them of the test results
and the in-demand and hard-to-fill occupations by industry per region,
to guide them in the track or course for senior high school.

B. Academe, community leaders, local government units,

non government organizations (NGOs), civil society organizations,
legislators, industries, local and foreign donors, researchers, and other
government agencies

Test results by specific scope (municipal/congressional and school

year) and variable (gender, type of school, etc.) shall be provided upon
APPLICATION - Activity No.3

1. The facilitator will provide each participant a

2. The participants will write the preferred tracks in each

center. Each group shall give the possible opportunities
based on the Kto12 curriculum exits. Participants may
utilize the Inventory of Occupational Interest listed in
the NCAE result.

3.Two minutes will be given to finish the task.

4. One (1) volunteer from each group may present the

Sample Learners Profile
EVALUATION Activity No. 4


1. The facilitator will provide the materials to each group.

2. The participants are free to present what they have gained

in the whole activity in terms of Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes &
Values and their Plan of Action on how to maximize NCAE
result and its interpretation. The participants are encourage to
be creative in doing the output.

3. The group will be given five (5) minutes to finish the task
and another (5) minutes for discussion.
Prepared by:

Sheena Wella G. Arguelles, RGC, RPm

Juliezen H. Ulanghutan, RN
Paulo T. Adorio, Ed.D

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