The document discusses strategies for dairy farm hygiene and clean milk production. It outlines key elements like animal health, housing, feeding, milking practices and facilities. Healthy animals that are well housed, fed and managed can produce milk more efficiently. The document emphasizes the importance of hygienic practices from farm to processing to ensure milk safety and prevent spread of diseases. It provides various measures related to animal management, milking equipment cleanliness, and hygienic milking practices to produce clean milk.
The document discusses strategies for dairy farm hygiene and clean milk production. It outlines key elements like animal health, housing, feeding, milking practices and facilities. Healthy animals that are well housed, fed and managed can produce milk more efficiently. The document emphasizes the importance of hygienic practices from farm to processing to ensure milk safety and prevent spread of diseases. It provides various measures related to animal management, milking equipment cleanliness, and hygienic milking practices to produce clean milk.
The document discusses strategies for dairy farm hygiene and clean milk production. It outlines key elements like animal health, housing, feeding, milking practices and facilities. Healthy animals that are well housed, fed and managed can produce milk more efficiently. The document emphasizes the importance of hygienic practices from farm to processing to ensure milk safety and prevent spread of diseases. It provides various measures related to animal management, milking equipment cleanliness, and hygienic milking practices to produce clean milk.
The document discusses strategies for dairy farm hygiene and clean milk production. It outlines key elements like animal health, housing, feeding, milking practices and facilities. Healthy animals that are well housed, fed and managed can produce milk more efficiently. The document emphasizes the importance of hygienic practices from farm to processing to ensure milk safety and prevent spread of diseases. It provides various measures related to animal management, milking equipment cleanliness, and hygienic milking practices to produce clean milk.
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Hygiene is a set of practices performed to preserve health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),Hygiene refers to conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases. Health is basically, a feature of the dairy production process quality. The EU Food hygiene legislation, which came into effect on 1 January 2006, set out more clearly the duty of food businesses to produce food safely and to achieve consistency. It covers the whole food chain from farm to fork. Key elements of the dairy hygiene legislation are those relating to the health and cleanliness of the animals for CLEAN MILK PRODUCTION. WHY..???????...
In all dairy operations, small or large, animal
health care represents a major component, next to genetics, feeding and management quality.
Firstly, because healthy animals can produce milk
more efficiently and healthy calves can grow in a more optimal way. Secondly, because healthy animals will show a better feed intake pattern throughout lactation as well as a better fertility performance. Thirdly, because healthy animals will show less welfare problems throughout their life, hence, improving herd longevity . Fourthly, because animal health status can have a large impact on public health and food safety issues. NEED FOR PRODUCING CLEAN MILK… • The need for quality begins at the farm where milk is produced. If milk is not produced hygienically it can affect the health of many people. • Besides being a health hazard, contamination of milk can lead to huge economical losses. CONCEPT OF CMP
• ‘Clean Milk’ is defined as milk drawn from
the udder of healthy animals, which is collected in clean dry milking pails and free from extraneous matters like dust, dirt, flies, hay, manure etc. • Clean milk has a normal composition, possesses a natural milk flavour with low bacterial count and is safe for human consumption (Sinha, 2000) • Have a high keeping quality, high commercial value, can be transported over long distances & is a high quality base product for processing, resulting in high quality products. FACTORS AFFECTING CMP • Milk – source of protein and calcium. • Milk – most easily perishable and contaminated commodity. • Milk should be stored/chilled immediately after milking. • Hygienic practice from farm to factory . MEASURES OF CMP Poor sanitation
Poor storage Improper
High Bacterial Count Handling
Causes of high bacterial load in milk
The following measures should be taken care for the production of clean milk:
from harmful bacteria. • High bacterial count reduces the keeping quality of milk. • Animal management involves the housing, feeding and health . HOUSING
• Animal shed - main source of contamination
• Protects animals against micro-organisms, people, wind, rain, heat etc. • Mud, urine, faeces and feed residues should be regularly removed from the shed. • Shed should have proper drainage, sufficient ventilation and lighting. • In very wet areas, slaked lime can be used for drying. • Sufficient water facility should be available for drinking as well as washing the shed and animal. • It should be provided , with windows admitting daylight. • The stall air should be always fresh, pure, and free from dust and dirt. Avoid direct air currents and dust source in cow shed and milking byres. • Shed : well-roofed, well ventilated, dry and comfortable with adequate elevation . • Appropriate arrangement for disposal of animal waste (manure pit or biogas plant) and left over feed & fodder. • Protection from flies and insect which are potential sources of contamination. • Piggery and poultry farming should be avoided near the animal premises. • It is equally important to clean the cattle shed from time to time. The milking area of the shed needs special hygienic attention. The floor of the milk shed should be swept with clean water, and disinfected with one-percent bleaching powder solution. Brooming the cattle shed and removal of dung and urine from time to time will control the files which are a major menace and source of infection. Chemical sprays can also be used.It is recommended to clean (sweep) the cattle shed minimum 30 minutes ahead of actual milking so that the flying dust is allowed to settle on the ground which prevents its entry in milk vessels. The shed should be fitted with fly-proof wire mesh wherever possible. Keep the feed materials having off-flavours away from the milking area since these flavours are known to enter milk.It should be cleaned after every milking.
Livestock should not have access to the shed
during the day. Cleaning of walls, standings, gutter and other surroundings should be practiced regularly FEEDING
• Balanced feed with appropriate quantities of
green fodder straw and concentrates having essential nutrients and minerals is important. • Feed ingredients should be stored in moisture- free conditions. • It is better to use the de-oiled ingredients in cattle feed which will eliminate the risk of pesticide contamination of milk. • Feeds which have been contaminated with aflatoxins, plant toxins, heavy metals and radioactive metals should be avoided. • Clean and potable water supply should always be available. Facilities should be provided for a sufficient supply of safe and potable water. • Good quality straw and supply of adequate minerals and vitamins. • Feeding should be made one hour before milking. • During milking, non-dusty concentrate can be provided to keep animals busy. • Silage and wet crop residues should not be fed at milking place as it may impart foul odour to the milk. ANIMAL HEALTH • Pre-requisite for CMP – healthy herd • Routine examination of cattle for diseases like TB, Brucellosis etc. • Diseased animals should be kept separate • Sanitary precautions to prevent and control diseases should be adopted • Using inducer drugs should be avoided • Check for udder wounds and mastitis. • Vaccination of animals against FMD, Anthrax, etc. should be done regularly HYGIENIC MILKING
• Key factors : Hygienic condition of udder.
• Some organism may enter milk during hand milking and machine milking. • In addition, personal hygiene of the worker are important. • Hygienic practices during milking contribute to produce safe and suitable milk. • Floor sweeping just before milking should be avoided • Milker’s Hygiene Free from communicable diseases Should wear clean clothes, nails trimmed Should neither eat or spit anything • Before milking, milker should clean his hands with soap, potable water and then wipe with clean cloth or towel. UDDER WASHING; • Washing and cleaning should be done gently without damaging the orifices and clefts between the quarters of the udder. • There should be three buckets of water along with separate cloths, Plain water, disinfectant solution, mild detergent solution for final wash. First wash with plain water and this will remove dirt particles from the udder. A gentle detergent solution can be used for removing persistent dirt. Still the dirt persists, wipe it with a wet cloth, the cloth should be wrung along with the bucket. During severe winters, lukewarm water is preferred and this will also helps in letting down of milk.The temperature of the warm water should not be beyond 55C.
Addition of hypochlorite (500ppm i.e. 5 gram
hypochlorite powder in 10 liters of water or half oz per gallon of water) helps to disinfect the udder and is used as udder wash. Quaternary ammonium compounds (200-400 ppm) are better substitutes as many farmers think that chlorine is irritating to udder. More over QAC has less harmful effects on tissues and organic matter has lesser effects on its activities or 1% PP lotion. • Even Dettol and Savlon can be diluted and used to disinfect udder and teats. • Soaps, if used for udder washing, may serve only cleaning purpose as they have no microbial property required for sanitation. • After each milking wash and disinfect them and hang up to dry. • If udder clothes are used, provide a clean cloth for each cow. It should be sterilized before next use. • Disposable paper towels are preferable and more effective for drying after washing.The udder and teats should be wiped with clean cloth dipped in detergent after milking. METHOD / MILKING PRACTICE; • The animal should be milked out completely. No milk should be left inside after milking. Eliminate fore milk as it contains high bacterial counts.
• Dry milking should be practiced. Full hand milking
method should be followed as it reduces teat aberrations and there by chances of mastitis. Preferably avoid end-of-milking stripping with the finger and thumb. Rear quarters should be milked first as they contain most milk and the milking bucket hooded to reduce contamination from dust and udder hairs. • At the end of milking, the teats should be dipped in disinfectant solution (commonly iodophore) This method is called teat dipping and this helps in closure of teat sphincters. Teat dipping reduces the entry of mastitis germs and there by mastitis. Milking should be completed in 6-8 minutes. • Milking machine can be used in farms having more than 8 cows.If the herd size exceeds 100, a separate milk parlour will ensure better hygiene.
• The animal should be fed after milking so that
the animal naturally keeps standing for a longer time. If the animal is allowed to sit immediately after milking, there are good chances for the mastitis germs to enter the teat canals before their sphincters close up. • Ensured that the animals having any disease should be milked in the end. Milk of diseased animals and disease suspected animals should be disposed of separately. • Milk from the animals receiving antibiotic treatment should be handled separately for a period of 72 hours after stoppage of treatment. CLEANLINESS OF MILKING EQUIPMENTS AND UTENSILS • Milk vessels should be cleaned before and after each milking – rendering bacteria-free. • Detergents/chemicals used for cleaning should be non-injurious, non-toxic to health like Teepol. • Use of ash or mud not recommended. • Cleaned and sanitized vessels should be kept in inverted position. • Milking pail - dome shaped top should be used. • Open buckets should not be used. • For cleaning the milking bucket and foremilk (strip) cup, stool and udder washing equipments and other utensils is best done by an initial rinse in clean water immediately after milking, followed by scrubbing in a hot (45°C or above) detergent/disinfectant solution before finally rinsing in chlorinated water (50 ppm). • Another option is after scrubbing the equipment in hot detergent solution, disinfect by immersing it in hot (above 75°C) water for at least 3 minutes. • The stainless steel lid and rubber gasket, rubber tubes and a stainless steel teat cup assembly are loaded into a purpose designed steel-mesh basket and immersed into a rubber or mild-steel bin containing a 3-5% caustic soda solution. • The equipment remains in the solution until the next milking. Before use, all traces of caustic soda solution removed by thorough rinsing in chlorinated (50 ppm) water. On monthly intervals the solution is renewed and ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) added at the rate of 60gms to 45 liters of solution to prevent hard water deposits. • Hard water will cause surface deposits on equipment and reduce cleaning effectiveness. In such cases, it is necessary to use de-scaling acids such as sulphamic or phosphoric, periodically. • Detergents and disinfectants Detergents increase the wetting potential over the surfaces to be cleaned, displace milk deposits, dissolve milk protein, emulsify the fat and aid the removal of dirt. Detergent effectiveness is usually increased with increasing water temperature, and by using the correct concentration and time of application. • Detergents contain inorganic alkalis (eg. sodium carbonate and silicates and tri-sodium phosphate), surface-active agents (or wetting agents), sequestering agents ie water-softening (eg. polyphosphates) and acids for de-scaling. • Disinfectants are required to destroy the bacteria remaining and subsequently multiplying on the cleaned surfaces. Use only those which are approved, avoiding particularly those which can taint milk (eg. phenolic disinfectants). • Sodium hypochlorite is an inexpensive example of an approved disinfectant suitable for most dairy purposes. Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) can also be very effective at concentrations of 3%–5% at ambient temperatures, providing adequate contact time is given with the surfaces. MILKING PREMISES
• The milking premises should have a dairy or
suitable place equipped with a piped hot and cold water supply, a wash trough, brushes, a work surface, storage racks and cupboards and, if necessary, a vacuum pipeline connection. In addition, it is advisable to have a dairy thermometer (0°C - 100°C), rubber gloves and goggles for use when handling chemicals. COOLING • Advantage of producing clean milk is lost if post milking handling is not carefully done. • To preserve the keeping quality of milk, it should be cooled as soon as possible to a temp. below 5°C in a refrigerator. • The sooner the milk is cooled after removal, the better is the quality. • Bacterial growth is retarded by cooling the milk within 2 hours of milking. • Delivery of milk to the factory or consumers should be as frequent as possible ENSURING MILK HYGIENE IN INDIAN CONDITIONS EDUCATIONAL PROPAGANDA; • Proper awareness should be given to the dairy farmers regarding clean milk production through personal advice, film shows, demonstrations etc. By such extension works ,only the producers knows about the dreadful effects of their carelessness and unhygienic practices of milk production on the health issues of people as well as on their long term economic interests. • They should be educated properly. • “Without improving the quality of the raw material, the quality of the finished product cannot be improved.” • A massive awareness programme has been launched to improve the quality of raw milk. Trained extension agents conduct awareness and training programmes for milk producers, village cooperatives, procurement and other dairy professionals, members of milk cooperatives and transporters. • They should be educated about the importance of animal health & hygiene, use of potable water for washing milk vessels, clean stainless steel utensils, clean hands, hygienic milking procedures as well as a clean and tidy environment. INTRODUCING INCENTIVE PAYMENT PLAN • Payment for milk is usually based on quality of milk along with the two axis price system- Fat and SNF. But, usually less importance is given to the milk quality. For this, the consumers should also be willing to pay for quality of milk and this can be achieved through consumer education programmes utilizing mass media and other means. • We can also achieve this through imposition of penalty on default, penalty to the societies on supply of poor quality milk and payment of higher price to the cooperatives supplying good quality raw milk. • Protection of the consumer right for better quality milk through appropriate legislation is now become a necessity. The Milk and Milk Products Order should be strengthened. All milk vendors should be licensed for ensuring safe handling of milk and milk products. If properly enacted, such order will surely go for a long way towards improving the supply of quality milk. WIDESPREADING THE CONCEPT OF ORGANIC MILK
Organic farm products are the latest concept of
market that fetch good price from the consumer. Milk is not an exception. Hence, it will be in the interest of the dairy organizations to plan their programme to ultimately meet this demand and this can be only achieved through clean milk production. ESTABLISHMENT OF QUALITY TASK FORCE • It is suggested that the dairy organizations whether cooperative or private, concentrate their focus on the animal husbandry practices and milking practices apart from utmost care at milk collection centers. For that, the dairy organization should create a task force to initiate quality improvement programme. • The mode of action is that, the task force should undertake benchmark survey in terms of standard plate count and spore counts, and then decide the targets to be achieved in phased manner. • This should be followed by awareness programmes including farmer education and providing them required materials. Most quality control laboratories in the dairy plants are busy with routine testing for fat and SNF . NEW TECHNOLOGICAL INTERVENTION AT GRASS ROOT LEVEL
• Food grade stainless steel vessels and
accessories are intoduced. That includes • SPV System based BMC • AMCU • DPIP Others…………. • Holding of clean milk competitions. • Enabling villagers to visit exhibitions. • Bringing research and extension workers to villages to study local problems and extend help for solving these problems in a participatory way. REFERENCES • Livestock production and management- N.S.R.Sastry, C.K.Thomas • Handbook of Animal Husbandry- ICAR • Milk Hygiene ; WHO • Elements of Veterinary Public Health – Shanmugham,Ramasamy. • Journal of dairy science. • Journal of Animal science. • Indian veterinary journal. • The Food Hygiene Regulations 2006 THANK YOU….