01 Operation Management
01 Operation Management
01 Operation Management
Dr. T. T. Kachwala
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Historical Milestones in OM
Models of Operations
Historical Milestones in OM
1. Ancient times (Before 1700s): for example the Egyptian Pyramids, the
Great Wall of China, the Aqueducts of the Roman Empire.
Historical Milestones in OM
6. 1920s Henry Ford Model ‘T’: used assembly lines (straight line
production). Parts were moved by automatic Conveyor belts. The
results were outstanding. Assembly time reduced from 728 hours to
only 93 minutes <Snap Shot on Scientific Management at Ford
7. Post World War I: Human Relations Movement began.
Contributions of Elton Mayo, Maslow, Herzberg & McGregor.
8. World War II: Operations Research developed as a discipline to
optimize objective function in Decision Making.
9. Post World War II: Service Revolution with a spectacular
contribution to national economy for example; banks, hotels,
information technology, hospitals etc.
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Historical Milestones in OM
12. CNC, CAD, SPC, TQM, ISO standards, Benchmarking & SCM have
all impacted Operations.
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Service Industry also provides a product, but this product is intangible and cannot be
described in the same dimensional terms as manufactured goods. The type of
service industries are: Airlines where output is travel, Banking where output is
loans, Software where output is application program, Entertainment where output is
games & enjoyment, Hotels where output is a comfortable stay. These service
outputs cannot be held as finished goods inventory.
In the service industry there is generally more client contact in all phases of
operating environment than there is in manufacturing. Those persons in services are
more people oriented as opposed to those in manufacturing, where there is usually a
higher proportion of technicians and engineers. Service Providers should be warm &
courteous and have good interpersonal skills for the job that entails significant
contact with customers.
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College Doctors
H Co
Education Lawyers
Dry Cleaning
House Paints
L Co
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The separation of manufacturing and services is clearly not a black and white
matter. Some service firms violate the intangible product rule as illustrated
1. Engineering and Construction Service firms build bridges
2. Food services or restaurants provide meals
3. Retail store are service organization involved in sale of tangible end product
On similar lines, within all manufacturing industry there are service elements
for example
1. An after sales service for repairs
2. Legal service for employee rights
3. Purchasing services to improve quality of supplied products
4. Internal company training services to ensure effective performance
5. Human Resource department is a service for hiring employees, following
promotions, administering salaries, welfare activities etc.
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. Steel Product
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Models of Operations
A simple model for operations comprises three basic blocks: inputs, transformation
and outputs. Such a model is illustrated below:
organization needs
1. Physical (manufacturing)
2. Location (Transportation)
3. Exchange (Retailing)
4. Storage (Warehousing)
6. Educational (Colleges)