Criteria For Best Supporting Actor
Criteria For Best Supporting Actor
Criteria For Best Supporting Actor
1 2 3 4
A little Sufficient Exemplary
No evidence evidence of evidence of evidence of
of appropriate appropriate appropriate appropriate
acting acting acting acting
technique for technique for technique for technique for
the character the character the character the character
portrayed. portrayed. portrayed. portrayed.
1 2 3 4
The Acting The acting is The acting is The acting is
has flaws. The solid. The sound. The exceptional.
actor/actress actor/actress actor/actress The
is occasionally is immersed is immersed in actor/actress
immersed in their character is immersed in
in their
most of the their character
their character.
time. at all times.
1 2 3 4
The stage The stage The stage The stage
presence of the presence of the presence of the presence of the
actor is not actor is lacking actor evident for actor precisely
evident for the for the character the character evident for the
being portrayed being portrayed character being
character being
and was able to and was able to portrayed and
portrayed and
make make was able to
was not able to
connections to connections to make
make the audience the audience. connections to
connections to occasionally. the audience
the audience. very well.
1 2 3 4
Satisfactory Solid vocal Excellent vocal
vocal expression, expression,
Vocal delivery expression, speaks clearly speaks quite
needs work, some projection with projection clearly with
lacks articulation issues and and solid use of excellent
and projection, some stage with some projection and
no blocking, and articulation defined excellent use of
no use of issues and little character-driven the stage with
character-driven use of gesture. well-defined
gesture. character-driven character-driven
gesture. gesture.
1 2 3 4
Actions Actions Actions
appear to rarely compliments
with the main
compliments with the main
have no character
with the main character
connection extremely
character. most of the
with the main well
character. throughout
the time.