Plenary 2: "Yang Tersembunyi"
Plenary 2: "Yang Tersembunyi"
Plenary 2: "Yang Tersembunyi"
“Yang Tersembunyi”
1. M3 mengidentifikasi agen endogen dan eksogen kimia, fisika,
biologi yang mengakibatkan jejas sel serta mekanisme perubahan
2. M3 dapat membedakan mekanisme dan proses dalam sel akibat jejas
3. M3 adaptasi sel terhadap jejas dan kematian sel
4. M3 perubahan dalam siklus sel neoplasma, repair dan regenerasi
5. M3 proses dan mekanisme karsinogenesis
6. M3 jenis dan peran gen dalam karsinogenesis dalam progresifitas
7. M3 proses invasi dan metastasis dalam tumor
8. M3 histopatologi neoplasma
9. M3 imunologi tumor
LO 1
• Cells are active participants in their environment, which
constantly adjust their structure & function to
accommodate extracellular change & stress demands.
• Cells tend to maintain their immediate & intracellular
environment in a relatively narrow range of physiological
parameters - cells maintain normal homeostasis
• 2 basic patterns of cell death:
• - necrosis (especially coagulative nerve) occurs after the
blood supply is lost / after being exposed to toxins &
marked with cell swelling, denaturation protein
and damage to organelles → severe tissue
• - apoptosis (physiology:
embryogenesis; pathological: mutation damage that
is not repaired)
Oxygen Deprivation
• Chemical material
• Infectious agent
• Immunological reaction
• Genetic defect Nutritional imbalance
• Physical agent Aging
Mekanisme jejas sel
LO 2
M3 dapat membedakan mekanisme dan proses dalam sel akibat
jejas sel
Possible Biochemical Mechanisms of Cell Injury
1) ATP depletion.
5) Mitochondrial damage.
Mechanisms of Cell Injury
Reversible injury
Irreversible injury
Ischemic and Hypoxic Injury
Reversible Injury
1. Hypertrophy
Hypertrophy is a large increase in organs due to the increase in the size of cells in
the organ.
Example: skeletal muscle in bodybuilders and heart cut across, so the capacity becomes
smaller and the heart's work becomes heavier.
2. Metaplasia
Metaplasia is a change in cells from one type to another. Occurs in response to
continuous injury or irritation that results in chronic inflammation of the tissue.
Example: changes in respiratory tract cells from ciliated columnar epithelial cells to
multilevel squamous epithelial cells in response to long-term smoking
3. Dysplasia
4. Atrophy
Atrophy is the shrinking of cell mass due to the loss of cell
Causes of atrophy:
a) The reduced need for these cell organelles. Usually
occurs in older bedrests.
b) Reduced energy supply which results in the inability of
cells to replace their organelles. This can happen to
people who starvate protein.
c) Cannibalistic digestion of several cells against their
d) Specific machine inhibitions that synthesize the needs
of organelles. Example: inhibition of the ribosomal RNA
system by actinomycin which inhibits new ribosomal
5. Hypertrophy
• Increase in number of cells
• In cells that have the ability to divide
• Chronic hormones & irritation
• Reversible
• Non-neoplastic but is a "fertile soil" for neoplastic
• The arrangement of the jar is still regular
Jejas Reversible
• Vascular degeneration
• fatty change
Jejas Irreversible
Necrosis shows a sequence of morphological changes
that follow the death of living cells which are generally
caused by enzymes degradative in cells that experience
lethal injury
Page 23
Types of necrosis:
1. Coagulativa necrosis
2. Liquefactive / kolikuativa necrosis
3. Caseous necrosis
4. Fat necrosis
5. Gangrenous necrosis
6. Fibrinoid necrosis
Repair: physiological adaptation of organs after injury
to restore organ / tissue continuity regardless of whether the
replacement of the damaged / lost tissue has occurred
Regeneration: replacement of damaged / lost tissue
with exactly the same "copy" so that the organ / tissue
morphology and function can be restored
Scar Formation
Angiogenesis : VEGF
granulation tissue formation: fibroblasts, neovascular,
loose extracellular matrix, cell inflammation t.u
remodeling: maturation and reorganization of connective
tissue: stable fibrous scar
LO 4
• New growth”
• Willis: massa jaringan yang abnormal, tumbuh
berlebihan, tidak terkoordinasi dengan jaringan normal
dan tumbuh terus meskipun stimulus yang
menimbulkannya telah hilang.
• Dasar pertumbuhan neoplasma: hilangnya kontrol
pertumbuhan normal.
B. Karakteristik Neoplasma Jinak & Ganas
• Secara umum:
– Kebanyakan tumor jinak: tumbuh lambat.
tergantung hormon & supply darah
contoh: leiomyoma uterus akan tumbuh cepat jika estrogen
>> (kehamilan)
– Kebanyakan tumor ganas: tumbuh cepat.
• Secara umum, kecepatan pertumbuhan tumor berhubungan
dengan derajat differensiasinya – kebanyakan tumor ganas
tumbuh lebih cepat daripada tumor jinak.
3. Invasi lokal (local invasion)
• Tumor jinak
– Tumbuh lokal & tidak mempunyai kemampuan untuk
menginfiltrasi, menginvasi jaringan sekitarnya.
– Berbatas jelas dengan jaringan sekitar, mempunyai kapsul
(simpai) ataupun pseudocapsul (simpai semu).
– Tidak metastasis (tidak beranak sebar)
– Pengecualian: hemangioma (tumor jinak pembuluh darah) –
tidak berkapsul & tumbuh seperti infiltratif dalam jaringan.
• Leiomyoma uteri
• Tumor ganas:
– Tumbuh progresif, invasi & infiltrasi ke jaringan
– Batas tidak jelas & tidak berkapsul
– pengecualian: tumor ganas yang tumbuhnya lambat
bisa terlihat berbatas jelas pada makroskopis, namun
secara mikroskopis akan terlihat pertumbuhan yang
infiltratif ke jaringan sekitar.
4. Metastasis