Stoich SHS 2018

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“stoicheon” element + “metron” to measure

deals with quantitative relationships among

a) elements within compounds

(formula stoichiometry)

b) substances in a reaction
(equation/reaction stoichiometry)
Atomic Mass
gives the relative atomic masses of the elements
based on carbon - 12.01 amu

magnesium - 24.31amu
hydrogen - 1.01 amu
Average atomic mass
(mass of the isotope x natural abundance)

Sample. The two most common isotopes of lithium are

lithium-6 with a natural abundance of 7.5 % and lithium-7
which has 92.5 % abundance. The average atomic mass of
lithium is
(6 x 0.075) + (7 x 0.925) = 6.925 amu

Copper has two stable isotopes with the following

masses and % abundances: Cu-63 (62.93 amu, 69.09%
abundance) and Cu-65 (64.9278 amu, 30.91% abundance).

Calculate the average atomic mass of copper.

(63 x 0.6909) + (65 x 0.3091)
43.53 + 20.09

Copper amu = 63.62

Molecular Mass and Formula mass
sum of the atomic masses of atoms in a compound


3 atoms x 14 amu = 42

1 atom x 23 amu = 23
65 amu
The Mole and Molar Mass
a chemist’s dozen
the amount of substance containing
6.02 x 1023 particles (atoms, ions, molecules)
1 mole C atoms contains 6.02 x 10 23 atoms = 12 g
1 mole Na+ ions contains 6.02 x 10 23 ions = 23 g
1 mole of H2O molecules contains 6.02 x 10 23 molecules = 18 g

What is the mass of 1 molecule of water?

Mole relationships in formulas
1 mole H2SO4
= 2 moles H
= 1 mole of S
= 4 moles O
Now it’s your turn…

Given: Na3PO4

Calculate the following:

1. molecular mass
2. the mass in g of 2 moles
3. the no. of moles in 250 g
4. the no. of moles Na in 2 moles of Na3PO4
5. the no. of molecules Na3PO4 in 328 g of
Percent Composition
One can find the percentage of the mass
of a compound that comes from each of
the elements in the compound by using
this equation:

(number of atoms)(atomic weight)

% element = x 100
(FW of the compound)
Percent Composition
So the percentage of carbon and
hydrogen in ethane (C2H6, molecular
mass = 30.0) is:
(2)(12.0 amu) 24.0 amu
%C = = x 100 = 80.0%
(30.0 amu) 30.0 amu

(6)(1.01 amu) 6.06 amu

%H = = x 100 = 20.0%
(30.0 amu) 30.0 amu
Percentage composition
gives the parts by mass of an element
per 100 parts
by mass of the compound

Determine the % composition of water

1CH4 + 2O2 ---------------- 1CO2 + 2 H2O


Mole 1 mole CH4 = 2 moles O2 = 1 mole CO2 = 2 moles H2O

Weight 1 (16) g CH4 = 2 (32) g O2 = 1 (44) g CO2 = 2 (18) g H2O
Particles 1 (6.02 x 10 23) molecules CH4 = 2 (6.02.x.10 23) molecules O2
= 1 (6.02 x 1023 ) molecules CO2 = 2 (6.02 x 1023 ) molecules H2O
Volume 1 liter CH4 = 2 liters O2 = 1 liter CO2 = 2 liters H2O
(only at the same T and P)
How manyFrom
eight three
frames four
can be assembled
bikes three
can bebikes
be be
from the parts

The limiting part is the

number of pedal

Hein, et. al Calculations from Chemical Equations
H2 + Cl2  2HCl

+ 

4 molecules Cl2 can

form 8 molecules HCl Cl 2 is the
3 molecules limiting
of H 2 remain
7 molecules H2 can H2 is in excess
form 14 molecules HCl
Limiting reagent
the reactant that is completely consumed
Theoretical yield
the calculated maximum amount of product
Actual yield
the amount of product actually obtained

What is percent yield ?

Theoretical Yield
0 The theoretical yield is the amount of product that
can be made
0 In other words it’s the amount of product possible
from stoichiometry. The “perfect reaction.”
0 This is different from the actual yield, the amount
one actually produces and measures
Percent Yield
A comparison of the amount actually obtained to the
amount it was possible to make

Actual Yield
Percent Yield = x 100
Theoretical Yield
Calculating Percent Yield
• Suppose a student performs a reaction and obtains
0.875 g of CuCO3 and the theoretical yield is
0.988 g. What is the percent yield?
Cu(NO3)2(aq) + Na2CO3(aq) → CuCO3(s) + 2 NaNO3(aq)

0.875 g CuCO3
× 100 % = 88.6
0.988 g CuCO3

• The percent yield obtained is 88.6%.

Chapter 10 19
Stoichiometric Calculations

The coefficients in the balanced equation give

the ratio of moles of reactants and products
Stoichiometric Calculations
From the mass of
Substance A you can
use the ratio of the
coefficients of A and B
to calculate the mass
of Substance B formed
(if it’s a product) or
used (if it’s a reactant)
Stoichiometric Calculations
Example: 10 grams of glucose (C6H12O6) react in a
combustion reaction. How many grams of each product are

C6H12O6(s) + 6 O2(g)  6 CO2(g) + 6 H2O(l)

10.g ? + ?

Starting with 10. g of C6H12O6…

we calculate the moles of C6H12O6…
use the coefficients to find the moles of H2O & CO2
and then turn the moles to grams
Stoichiometric calculations
C6H12O6 + 6O2  6CO2 + 6H2O

10.g ? + ?
MW: 180g/mol 44 g/mol 18g/mol
#mol: 10.g(1mol/180g)
0.055 mol 6(.055) 6(.055mol)
6(.055mol)44g/mol 6(.055mol)18g/mol
#grams: 15g 5.9 g
Determining the Limiting Reactant
• If you heat 2.50 mol of Fe and 3.00 mol of S, how
many moles of FeS are formed?
Fe(s) + S(s) → FeS(s)
• According to the balanced equation, 1 mol of Fe
reacts with 1 mol of S to give 1 mol of FeS.
• So 2.50 mol of Fe will react with 2.50 mol of S to
produce 2.50 mol of FeS.
• Therefore, iron is the limiting reactant and sulfur
is the excess reactant.

Chapter 10 24
Determining the Limiting Reactant
• If you start with 3.00 mol of sulfur and 2.50 mol
of sulfur reacts to produce FeS, you have 0.50 mol
of excess sulfur (3.00 mol – 2.50 mol).
• The table below summarizes the amounts of each
substance before and after the reaction.

Chapter 10 25
Mass Limiting Reactant Problems
There are three steps to a limiting reactant problem:
1. Calculate the mass of product that can be
produced from the first reactant.
mass reactant #1  mol reactant #1  mol product  mass product

2. Calculate the mass of product that can be

produced from the second reactant.
mass reactant #2  mol reactant #2  mol product  mass product

3. The limiting reactant is the reactant that produces

the least amount of product.

Chapter 10 26
Mass Limiting Reactant Problem
• How much molten iron is formed from the
reaction of 25.0 g FeO and 25.0 g Al?
3 FeO(l) + 2 Al(l) → 3 Fe(l) + Al2O3(s)
• First, let’s convert g FeO to g Fe:

1 mol FeO 3 mol Fe 55.85 g Fe

25.0 g FeO × × ×
71.85 g FeO 3 mol FeO 1 mol Fe
= 19.4 g Fe
• We can produce 19.4 g Fe if FeO is limiting.

Chapter 10 27
Problem, continued
3 FeO(l) + 2 Al(l) → 3 Fe(l) + Al2O3(s)
• Second, lets convert g Al to g Fe:

1 mol Al 3 mol Fe 55.85 g Fe

25.0 g Al × × ×
26.98 g Al 2 mol Al 1 mol Fe
= 77.6 g Fe

• We can produce 77.6 g Fe if Al is limiting.

Chapter 10 28
Problem Finished
• Let’s compare the two reactants:
– 25.0 g FeO can produce 19.4 g Fe
– 25.0 g Al can produce 77.6 g Fe
• FeO is the limiting reactant.
• Al is the excess reactant.

Chapter 10 29
Homework #1
½ sheet yellow paper (cross-wise):

Class number: Date:

Surname, First name: HW#1
Grade & Section: Score:
1. Determine the Limiting Reagent
Soda fizz comes from sodium bicarbonate and citric
acid (H3C6H5O7) reacting to make carbon dioxide,
sodium citrate (Na3C6H5O7) and water. If 1.0 g of
sodium bicarbonate and 1.0g citric acid are reacted,
which is limiting? How much carbon dioxide is

3NaHCO3(aq) + H3C6H5O7(aq) ------> 3CO2(g) + 3H2O(l) + Na3C6H5O7(aq)

2. Determine the Limiting reagent and
the percentage yield of the reaction.
Benzene (C6H6) reacts with Bromine to produce
bromobenzene (C6H6Br) and hydrobromic acid. If
30. g of benzene reacts with 65 g of bromine and
produces 56.7 g of bromobenzene, what is the
percent yield of the reaction?

C6H6 + Br2 ------> C6H5Br + HBr

3. Determine the limiting reagent and
determine the mass of the products.

React 1.5 g of NH3 with 2.75 g of O2.

How much NO and H2O is produced?
4NH3 + 5O2 --------> 4NO + 6H2O
Determine the Limiting reagent
Soda fizz comes from sodium bicarbonate and citric acid (H3C6H5O7)
reacting to make carbon dioxide, sodium citrate (Na3C6H5O7) and water.
If 1.0 g of sodium bicarbonate and 1.0g citric acid are reacted, which is
limiting? How much carbon dioxide is produced?
3NaHCO3(aq) + H3C6H5O7(aq) ------> 3CO2(g) + 3H2O(l) + Na3C6H5O7(aq)
1.0g 1.0g
84g/mol 192g/mol 44g/mol
1.0g(1mol/84g) 1.0(1mol/192g)
0.012 mol 0.0052 mol

(if citrate limiting)

0.0052(3)=0.016 0.0052 mol

So bicarbonate limiting:
0.012 mol 0.012(1/3)=.0040mol 0.012 moles CO2
44g/mol(0.012mol)=0.53g CO2
.0052-.0040=.0012mol left
0.0012 mol(192 g/mol)=
0.023 g left.
Benzene (C6H6) reacts with Bromine to produce
bromobenzene (C6H6Br) and hydrobromic acid. If 30. g of
benzene reacts with 65 g of bromine and produces 56.7 g of
bromobenzene, what is the percent yield of the reaction?

C6H6 + Br2 ------> C6H5Br + HBr

30.g 65 g 56.7 g
78g/mol 160.g/mol 157g/mol
30.g(1mol/78g) 65g(1mol/160g)
0.38 mol 0.41 mol
(If Br2 limiting)
0.41 mol 0.41 mol
(If C6H6 limiting)
0.38 mol 0.38 mol 0.38mol(157g/1mol) = 60.g
Example, one more
React 1.5 g of NH3 with 2.75 g of O2. How much NO
and H2O is produced? What is left?

4NH3 + 5O2 --------> 4NO + 6H2O

1.5g 2.75g ? ?
17g/mol 32g/mol 30.g/mol 18g/mol
1.5g(1mol/17g)= 2.75g(1mol/32g)=
.088mol .086
(If NH3 limiting):
.088mol .088(5/4)=.11

O2 limiting:
.086(4/5)= .086 mol .086 mol(4/5)= .086(6/5)=
.069mol .069 mol .10mol
.069mol(17g/mol) .069mol(30.g/mol) .10mol(18g/mol)
1.2g 2.75g 2.1 g 1.8g

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