Lesson 1 Agricultural Crop Production: Use of Farm Tools

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Lesson 1

Agricultural Crop


1. Define the word(s)

 Tool
 Farm
 Farm Tool
 Hand Tool

2. Identify the different kind of hand tools

3. Draw/sketch a kind of hand tool

TOOLS- any device or implements used

to carry out mechanical functions
whether manually or by machine.

FARM- an area of land and its buildings

used under one management for
growing crops and rearing animals
FARM TOOLS- these are used in land

HAND TOOLS- these are objects that are

usually light and are used without the
help of animalies and machineries.
 These are tools made of light materials
and are used manually.

 Most of it are used in cultivating the

area for small garden or in backyard
 BOLO- used for cutting tall grasses and
weeds and chopping branches of
 CROWBAR- used for digging big holes
and for digging out big stones and
 PICK- MATTOCK- used for digging
canals, breaking hard topsoil and for
digging up stones and tree stumps.
 GRAB HOE- is used for breaking hard
topsoiland pulverizing soil.
 SPADE- is used for removing trash
or soil, digging canals or ditches and
mixing soil media.
 SHOVEL- is used in removing trash,
digging loose soil, moving soil from one
place to another and for mixing soil
 RAKE- is used for cleaning the gound
and leveling the topsoil.
 SPADING FORK- is used for loosening
the soil, digging out root crops and
turning over the materials in a
compost heap.
 LIGHT HOE- is used for loosening
and leveling soil and digging out
furrows for planting.
 HAND TROWEL- is used for loosening
the soil around the growing plants and
putting small amount of manure
fertilizer in the soil.
 HAND CULTIVATOR- is used for
cultivating the garden plot by loosening
the soil and removing the weeds
around the plant.
 HAND FORK- is used for inter row
 PRUNING SHEAR- is for cutting
branches of planting materials and
unnecessary branches of plants.
 AXE- is for cutting bigger size post.
 KNIFE- is for cutting planting
materials and for performing other
operations in horticulture.
 SPRINKLERS- used for watering
seedlings and young plants.
 WATER PAILS- used for hauling
water, manure and fertilizer.
 SPRAYER- are for spraying insecticides,
foliar fertilizers, fungicides and
 WHEEL BARROW- is used for hauling
trash, manures, fertilizers, planting
materials and other equipment.
 SICKLE- is a hand held agricultural
tool with a variously curved blade
typically used for cutting weeds.

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