Dante's Inferno
Dante's Inferno
Dante's Inferno
These lovers and more have been swept up in the Tornado of their
passion endlessly reaching for each other, yet eternally kept apart
by the winds of Hell.
Circle III- The Gluttonous
These are the sinners of EXCESS.
People who eat too much, take too many drugs,
drink too much…
This circle is guarded by Cerberus (from Greek
Mythology, he is the 3 headed dog who guarded the
entrance to the Greek Underworld)
In Dante’s Inferno the 3 headed dog continuously
chews on the sinners who are stuck in clumps of
Gluttons who feasted away their lives now lie like
pigs in the mud while the three headed dog takes
him time eating them- forever.
Circle IV- Misers and Spendthrifts