Ackermann Power Steering

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Power Steering

Ackerman Geometry
δo δi

 Basic layout for

passenger cars, trucks,
and ag tractors
 δo = outer steering Center of
angle and δi = inner L Gravity
steering angle R
 R= turn radius δo
 L= wheelbase and
Figure 1.1.
t=distance between Pivoting
tires Spindle

(Gillespie, 1992)
Cornering Stiffness and
Lateral Force of a Single
 Lateral force (Fy) is the force produced by
the tire due to the slip angle.
 The cornering stiffness (Cα) is the rate of
change of the lateral force with the slip
angle. α

Fy Figure 1.2. Fy

C 
Fy acts at a

(1) distance (t) from
the wheel center
known as the
pneumatic trail

(Milliken, et. al., 2002)

Slip Angles
 The slip angle (α) is the angle at which a tire rolls
and is determined by the following equations:

W f *V 2
f  (2)
Cf * g * R V
Wr *V 2
r  Fy t
Cr * g * R (3)

W = weight on tires
C α= Cornering Stiffness
Figure 1.2.
g = acceleration of gravity Repeated
V = vehicle velocity

(Gillespie, 1992)
Steering angle
 The steering angle (δ) is also known as the
Ackerman angle and is the average of the front
wheel angles
 For low speeds it is: δo

  (4)
For high speeds it is:

L of
    f r Gravity R
R (5)
αf=front slip angle
αr=rear slip angle Figure 1.1.
(Gillespie, 1992)
Three Wheel
Figure 1.3. Three wheel
vehicle with turn radius
and steering angle

 Easier to determine steer angle

 Turn center is the intersection of just
two lines
Both axles pivot
Figure 1.5. Both axles
pivot with turn radius
and steering angle

 Only two lines determine steering

angle and turning radius
 Can have a shorter turning radius
Aligning Torque of a
Single Tire
 Aligning Torque (Mz) is the resultant
moment about the center of the
wheel due to the lateral force.

M z  Fy * t (6) α

Figure 1.7. Top Mz
view of a tire
showing the
aligning torque.

(Milliken, et. al., 2002)

Camber Angle

 Camber angle (Φ) Φ

is the angle
between the wheel
center and the
 It can also be
referred to as
inclination angle Figure 1.8.
(γ). Camber angle

(Milliken, et. al., 2002)

Camber Thrust
 Camber thrust (FYc) is
due to the wheel rolling
at the camber angle Mzc tc
 The thrust occurs at Fyc
small distance (tc) from
the wheel center
 A camber torque is then
produced (MZc)

Figure 1.9. Camber thrust and torque

(Milliken, et. al., 2002)

Camber on Ag Tractor
Pivot Axis

Figure 1.10.
Camber angle on
an actual tractor
Wheel Caster
Pivot Axis
 The axle is placed
some distance
behind the pivot
 Promotes stability
 Steering becomes
more difficult Figure 1.11. Wheel
caster creating

(Milliken, et. al., 2002)

Neutral Steer

 No change in the steer angle is

necessary as speed changes
 The steer angle will then be equal to
Ackerman angle.
 Front and rear slip angles are equal

(Gillespie, 1992)
 The steered wheels must be steered to a
greater angle than the rear wheels
 The steer angle on a constant radius turn is
increased by the understeer gradient (K)
times the lateral acceleration. V

L ay
   K * ay (7)

Figure 1.2.

(Gillespie, 1992)
Understeer Gradient
 If we set equation 6 equal to equation 2 we can see that
K*ay is equal to the difference in front and rear slip
 Substituting equations 3 and 4 in for the slip angles yields:

Wf Wr
K   (8)
Cf Cr
ay  (9)
(Gillespie, 1992)
Characteristic Speed

 The characteristic speed is a way

to quantify understeer.
 Speed at which the steer angle is
twice the Ackerman angle.

57.3 * L * g
Vchar  (10)

(Gillespie, 1992)
 The vehicle is such that the steering
wheel must be turned so that the
steering angle decreases as speed is
 The steering angle is decreased by the
understeer gradient times the lateral
acceleration, meaning the understeer
gradient is negative
 Front steer angle is less than rear steer
(Gillespie, 1992)
Critical Speed
 The critical speed is the speed
where an oversteer vehicle is
no longer directionally stable.

57.3 * L * g
Vcrit  (11)

Note: K is negative in oversteer case

(Gillespie, 1992)
Lateral Acceleration Gain
 Lateral acceleration gain is the ratio of
lateral acceleration to the steering angle.
 Helps to quantify the performance of the
system by telling us how much lateral
acceleration is achieved per degree of
steer angle
ay 57.3Lg (12)

 KV 2
(Gillespie, 1992)
Example Problem
 A car has a weight of 1850 lb front axle and 1550 lb
on the rear with a wheelbase of 105 inches. The tires
have the cornering stiffness values given below:
Load Cornering Cornering
lb/tire Stiffness Coefficient
lbs/deg lb/lb/deg
225 74 0.284
425 115 0.272
625 156 0.260
925 218 0.242
1125 260 0.230
Determine the steer angle if the
minimum turn radius is 75 ft:
 We just use equation 1.

L 105 / 12
   0.117 rad.
R 75
Or 6.68 deg
Basic System Components

 Steering Valve
 Cylinder/Actuator
 Filter
 Reservoir
 Steering Pump
 Relief Valve
– Can be built into

 Driven by direct or indirect coupling

with the engine or electric motor
 The type depends on pressure and
displacement requirements,
permissible noise levels, and circuit

 There are three types of actuators

– Rack and pinion
– Cylinder
– Vane
 The possible travel of the actuator is
limited by the steering geometry

 Between the steered wheels

 Always double acting
 Can be one or two cylinders
 Recommended that the stroke to bore
ratio be between 5 and 8 (Whittren)
Hydrostatic Steering Valve
 Consists of two sections E
– Fluid control D A
– Fluid metering
 Contains the following
– Linear spool (A) G
– Drive link (B)
– Rotor and stator set
(C) F
– Manifold (D)
– Commutator ring (E) B H
– Commutator (F)
– Input shaft (G)
– Torsion bar (H)
Steering Valve
 Usually six way
 Commonly spool valves
 Closed Center, Open Center, or Critical Center
 Must provide an appropriate flow gain
 Must be sized to achieve suitable pressure losses
at maximum flow
 No float or lash
 No internal leakage to or from the cylinder
 Must not be sticky
Valve Flows
 The flow to the load from the valve can be
calculated as:

 The flow from the supply to the valve can

be calculated as:

QL=flow to the load from the valve A1=larger valve orifice

QS=flow to the valve from the supply A2=smaller valve orifice
Cd=discharge coefficient ρ=fluid density
PS=pressure at the supply PL=pressure at the load
(Merritt, 1967)
Flow Gain

 Flow gain is the ratio of flow

increment to valve travel at a given
pressure drop (Wittren, 1975)
 It is determined by the following


QL=flow from the valve to the load

Xv=displacement from null position
Flow Gain
Lands ground to
change area
Open Center Valve Flow

 The following equation represents the flow to the

load for an open center valve:

 If PL and xv are taken to be 0 then, the leakage

flow is:

U=Underlap of valve

(Merritt, 1967)
Open Center Flow Gain

 In the null position, the flow gain

can be determined by (Merritt,
pg. 97):


The variables are the same as defined in the

previous slide.

(Merritt, 1967)
Pressure Sensitivity

 Pressure sensitivity is an indication

of the effect of spool movement on
 It is given by the following equation
from Merritt:

Open Center Pressure
 In the null position, the open center
pressure sensitivity is:


U = underlap
(Merritt, 1967)
Open Center System

 Fixed Displacement Pump

– Continuously supplies flow
to the steering valve
– Gear or Vane
 Simple and economical
 Works the best on smaller
Open Center Circuit, Non-
Reversing Metering

 Non-Reversing-
Cylinder ports are
blocked in neutral
valve position, the
operator must steer
the wheel back to
Open Center Circuit,

 Reversing –
return to
Open Center Circuit,
Power Beyond
 Any flow not used
by steering goes
to secondary
 Good for lawn
and garden Auxiliary
equipment and Port
utility vehicles
Open Center Demand
 Contains closed center load
sensing valve and open
center auxiliary circuit valve
 When vehicle is steered,
steering valve lets pressure
to priority demand valve,
increasing pressure at
priority valve causes flow to
 Uses fixed displacement
Closed Center System
 Pump-variable delivery, constant pressure
– Commonly an axial piston pump with
variable swash plate
– A compensator controls output flow
maintaining constant pressure at the
steering unit
– Usually high pressure systems
 Possible to share the pump with other
hydraulic functions
– Must have a priority valve for the
steering system
Closed Center Circuit,
 Variable displacement
 All valve ports blocked
when vehicle is not
being steered
 Amount of flow
dependent on steering
speed and
displacement of
steering valve
Closed Center Circuit with
priority valve
 With steering
priority valve
– Variable volume,
– Priority valve
ensures adequate
flow to steering
Closed Center Load
Sensing Circuit
 A special load sensing
valve is used to operate
the actuator
 Load variations in the
steering circuit do not
affect axle response or
steering rate
 Only the flow required by
the steering circuit is
sent to it
 Priority valve ensures the
steering circuit has
adequate flow and

 Steering valve
and metering
unit as one
linked to
steering wheel

 Metering unit at
steering wheel,
steering valve
remote linked
Design Calculations-
 Calculate Kingpin Torque
 Determine Cylinder Force
 Calculate Cylinder Area
 Determine Cylinder Stroke
 Calculate Swept Volume
 Calculate Displacement
 Calculate Minimum Pump Flow
 Decide if pressure is suitable
 Select Relief Valve Setting
(Parker, 2000)
Kingpin Torque (Tk)

 First determine
the coefficient
of friction (μ) Figure 3.10.
using the chart.
Coefficient of
Friction Chart
E (in) is the and Kingpin
Kingpin offset (Parker)
and B (in) is the
nominal tire

(Parker, 2000)
Kingpin Torque
 Information about the tire is needed. If we
assume a uniform tire pressure then the
following equation can be used.

T W * *  E2 (1)
W=Weight on steered axle (lbs)
Io=Polar moment of inertia of tire print
A=area of tire print
μ.= Friction Coefficient
E= Kingpin Offset
(Parker, 2000)
Kingpin Torque
 If the pressure distribution is known then the
radius of gyration (k) can be computed. The
following relationship can be applied.
k 2
 (2)
 If there is no information available about the tire
print, then a circular tire print can be assumed using
the nominal tire width as the diameter

Tk  W*μ  E2 (3)

(Parker, 2000)
Calculate Approximate
Cylinder Force (Fc)

FC  (4)

Fc= Cylinder Force (lbs) Figure 3.11 Geometry
R = Minimum Radius Arm Diagram (Parker)
TK= Kingpin Torque
(Parker, 2000)
Calculate Cylinder Area (Ac)
Ac  (5)

 Fc=Cylinder Force (lbs)
 P=Pressure rating of steering valve
 Select the next larger cylinder size
-For a single cylinder use only the rod area
-For a double cylinder use the rod end area plus
the bore area
(Parker, 2000)
Determine Cylinder Stroke (S)

Figure 3.11 Geometry

Diagram (Parker)

(Parker, 2000)
Swept Volume (Vs) of Cylinder

 Swept Volume (in3) One Balanced Cylinder

VS  * (D  D ) * S
R (6)
DB=Diameter of bore
DR=Diameter of rod
S = Stroke
Vs = Swept volume
(Parker, 2000)
Swept Volume of Cylinder
 One Unbalanced Cylinder
– Head Side

 * DB2
Vs  *S
4 (7)

– Rod Side
-Same as one balanced
 Two Unbalanced Cylinders
 *S
Vs  (2 * DB  DR )
2 2
(Parker, 2000)

D (9)

D= Displacement
n= Number of steering wheel turns lock to lock
Vs = Volume swept

(Parker, 2000)
Minimum Pump Flow

D * Ns
Q (10)

Ns = steering speed in revolutions per minute
Q = Pump Flow is in gpm per revolution
D = Displacement

(Parker, 2000)
Steering Speed

 The ideal steering speed is 120 rpm,

which is considered the maximum
input achievable by an average person
 The minimum normally considered is
usually 60 rpm
 90 rpm is common

(Parker, 2000)
Hydraulic Power Assist

 Hydraulic power assist means that a

hydraulic system is incorporated with
mechanical steering
 This is the type of power steering used
on most on-highway vehicles
Full Time Part Time
Power Steering
 Part Time
– The force of the center springs of the valve gives
the driver the “feel” of the road at the steering

 Full Time
– The valve is installed without centering springs.
Any movement of the steering wheel results in
hydraulic boost being applied.

(Vickers, 1967)
Electrohydraulic Steering

 Electrohydraulic steering can refer

– A hydraulic power steering system
driven with and electric motor
– A power steering system that uses
wires to sense the steering wheel
input and actuate the steering valve
Electric Motor

 An electric motor can be used to

power the steering pump instead of
the engine
– Lowers fuel consumption
– Allows for more flexibility of design
SKF Electro-hydraulic Steering
Considerations for E-H
System Design
 Simulation of end stops
 Operational environment
 Safety
 Steering functions
 Force feedback

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