Activated Sludge Design (Complete Mix Reactor) : Setyo S. Moersidik

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Activated Sludge Design

(Complete Mix Reactor)

Setyo S. Moersidik
Program Studi Teknik Lingkungan FTUI
[email protected]
Unit Process: Reactors
• While not a unit operation, reactors are
essential process operations
• They are identified on flowsheets by the
type of vessel and their flow:
– Batch reactor
– Continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR)
– plug flow or tubular reactor
• Batch reactor
– A tank or vessel where reactants have
been placed and products are removed
– There is no inflow or outflow of reactants
or products.
• Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR)
– Run at steady state (ie no accumulation)
– Very well mixed
– Modelled as having no spatial variations in concentration,
temperature, pH or reaction rate in the vessel
– T an C are identical everywhere in the vessel, they are the same
at the exit as in the tank.
• Plug Flow or Tubular Reactor
– Consists of a cylindrical pipe
– Assume the flow is highly turbulent and there
is no radial variation in concentration.
Activated Sludge Principles
• Wastewater is aerated in a tank
• Bacteria are encouraged to grow by providing
• Oxygen
• Food (BOD)
• Nutrients
• Correct temperature
• Time

• As bacteria consume BOD, they grow and multiply

• Treated wastewater flows into secondary clarifier
• Bacterial cells settle, removed from clarifier as sludge
• Part of sludge is recycled back to activated sludge tank,
to maintain bacteria population
• Remainder of sludge is wasted
Schematic of activated sludge unit
Kinetics of Microbial Growth
• Biochemical reaction

• Biomass concentration.
• The concentration of biomass, X (mg/L),
increases as a function of time due to
conversion of food to biomass:

Where m is the specific growth rate constant (d-1).
This represents the mass of cells
produced/mass of cells per unit of time.
Effect of substrate concentration on
growth rate constant
Monod Kinetics
• Growth rate
• Growth rate constant, m , is a function of the
substrate concentration, S.
• Two constants are used to describe the growth
 m m (mg/L) is the maximum growth rate constant (the rate
at which the susbtrate concentration is not limiting)
– Ks is the half-saturation constant (mg/L) (i.e.,
concentration of S when m = m m/2

• Biomass production

• Where kd represents the endogenous

decay rate (d-1) (i.e., microorganism death
– Substituting the growth rate constant:
• Substrate utilization

Where Y is the yield factor (mg of

biomass produced/mg of food consumed)
• Y range:
– Aerobic: 0.4 - 0.8 mg/mg
• Food to microorganism ratio (F/M)
• Represents the daily mass of food supplied to the
microbial biomass, X, in the mixed liquor
suspended solids, MLSS
• Units are Kg BOD5/Kg MLSS/day
• Since the hydraulic retention time, q =
V/Qo, then
Typical range of F/M ratio in activated sludge units

Treatment Process F/M

Kg BOD5/Kg MLSS/day

Extended aeration 0.03 - 0.8

Conventional 0.8 - 2.0

High rate > 2.0

Design parameters for activated sludge processes
Process q c ( d) q ( h) F/M Qr/Q X (mg/L)

Conventional 5-15 4-8 0.2-0.4 0.25-5 1,500-3,000

Complete-mix 5-15 3-5 0.2-0.6 0.25-1 3,000-6,000

Step-aeration 5-15 3-5 0.2-0.4 0.25-0.75 2,000-3,500

Modified- 0.2-0.5 1.5-3 1.5-5.0 0.05-0.15 200 – 500

Contact- 5-15 0.5-1 0.2-0.6 0.25-1 1,000-3,000
stabilization 3-6 4,000-
Extended- 20-30 18-36 0.05-0.15 0.75-1.5 3,000-6,000
High-rate 5-10 0.5-2 0.4-1.5 1-5 4,000-
aeration 10,000
Pure-oxygen 8-20 1-3 0.25-1.0 0.25-0.5 6,000-8,000
Operational characteristics of activated sludge processes
Process Flow model Aeration system BOD5 removal
efficiency (%)

Conventional Plug-flow Diffused air, 85-95

mechanical aerators

Complete-mix Complete-mix Diffused air, 85-95

mechanical aerators

Step-aeration Plug-flow Diffused air 85-95

Modified-aeration Plug-flow Diffused air 60-75
Contact- Plug-flow Diffused air, 80-90
stabilization mechanical aerators

Extended-aeration Complete-mix Diffused air, 75-95

mechanical aerators
High-rate aeration Complete-mix Diffused air, 75-90
mechanical aerators

Pure-oxygen Complete-mix Mechanical aerators 85-95

Activated Sludge Design Equations
Mass balance of biomass production
• Influent biomass + biomass production = effluent
biomass + sludge wasted

• Substitute biomass production equation

• Assume that influent and effluent biomass

concentrations are negligible and solve

Mass balance of food substrate
• Influent substrate + substrate consumed = effluent
susbtrate + sludge wasted substrate

• Substitute substrate removal equation

• Assume that no biochemical action takes place in

clarifier. Therefore the substrate concentration in the
aeration basin is equal to the substrate concentrations in
the effluent and the waste activated sludge. Solve:

Overall equations
– Combine the mass balance equations for food and biomass:

• The cell residence time is:

• and the hydraulic retention time is,q = V/Qo

» Substitute and rearrange:

• Compute the F/M ratio
 Beban BOD (BOD Loading rate atau
Volumetric Loading rate).
 Beban BOD adalah jumlah massa
DESAIN KUNCI BOD di dalam air Iimbah yang masuk
(influent) dibagi dengan volume

 Beban BOD dapat dihitung dengan

rumus berikut:
Q x S0
 Beban BOD = ______ kg/m3.hari
loading  Dimana:
 Q = debit air Iimbah yang masuk
 S0 = Konsentrasi BOD di dalam air
Iimbah yangmasuk (kg/m3)
 V = Volume reaktor (m3)
 Isi di dalam bak aerasi pada
pengolahari air limbah dengan
sistem lumpur aktif disebut sebagai
DESAIN KUNCI mixed liquor yang merupakan
campuran antara air limbah dengan
biomassa mikroorganisma serta
padatan tersuspensi lainnya. MLSS
adalah jumlah total dari padatan
tersuspensi yang berupa material
MLSS organik dan mineral, termasuk
didalamnya adalah mikroorganisma.
Mixed-liqour MLSS ditentukan dengan cara
menyaring lumpur campuran dengan
suspended solids kertas saring (filter), kemudian filter
(MLSS). dikeringkan pada temperatur 105°C,
dan berat padatan dalam contoh
• Porsi material organik pada
MLSS diwakili oleh MLVSS,
yang berisi material organik
bukan inikroba, inikroba
hidup dan mati, dan
MLVSS haricuran sel (Nelson dan
Lawrence, 1980). MLVSS
Mixed-Iiqour diukur dengan memanaskan
volatile terus sampel filter yang telah
suspended solids kering pada 600 - 650°C,
dan nilainya mendekati 65-
75% dan MLSS.
• Food - to - microorganism ratio
atau Food -to- mass ratio
DESAIN KUNCI disingkat F/M Ratio
– Parameter ini menujukkan
jumlah zat organik (BOD) yang
dihilangkan dibagi dengan
jumlah massa mikroorganisma
di dalam bak aerasi atai
reaktor. Besarnya nilai E/M
F/M ratio umunya ditunjukkan
dalam kilogram BOD per
kilogram MLLSS per hari
(Curds dan Hawkes, 1983;
Natharison, 1986).
 F/M dapat dihitung dengan
menggunakan rumus sebagai
 F/M = --------------------
 Dimana:
 Q = Laju alir limbah Juta Galon per
hari (MGD)
 S0 = Konsentrasi BOD di dalam air
limbah yang masuk ke bak areasi
F/M (reaktor) (kg/m3)
 S = Konsentrasi BOD di dalam
 MLSS = Inixed liquor suspended
solids (kg/m3)
 V = Volume reaktor atau bak aerasi
 Hydraulic retention time (HRT).
 Waktu tinggal hidraulik (HRT) adalah
waktu rata— rata yang dibutuhkan
DESAIN KUNCI oleh larutan influent masuk dalam
tangki aerasi untuk proses lumpur
aktif; nilainya berbanding terbalik
dengan laju pengenceran (dilution
rate, 0) (Sterrittdan Lester, 1988).

 HRT = l/D = V/ a (2.3)

 Dimana:
HRT  V = Volume reaktor atau bak aerasi
 Q = Debit air Iimbah yang masuk ke
dalam tangki aerasi (m3/jam)
 D = Laju pengenceran (jam1).
• Ratio Sirkulasi Lumpur
(Hidraulic Recycle Ratio,
– Ratio sirkulasi adalah
perbandingan antara
jumlah lumpur yang
disirkulasikan ke bak
HRT aerasi dengan jumlah air
limbah yang masuk ke
dalam bak aerasi.
 Umur lumpur (sludge age) atau
sering disebut waktu tinggal
rata-rata (mean cell residence
 Parameter ini menunjukkan
waktu tinggal mikroorganisma
dalam sistem lumpur aktif. Jika
HRT memerlukanwaktu dalam
jam, maka waktu tinggal sel
mikroba dalam bak aerasi dapat
dalam hitungan hari.
Waktu Tinggal  Parameter ini berbanding
terbalik dengan laju
pertumbuhari mikroba. Umur
lumpur dapat dihitung dengan
rumus sebagai berikut
(Hammer, 1986; Hawkes, 1983):
 Umur Lumpur (Hari) = -------------------

 Dimana:
 MLSS = Mixed liquor suspended
solids (mg/I).
V = Volume bak aerasi (L)
 SSe = Padatan tersuspensi
Umur Lumpur dalam effluent (mg/I)
 SSw = Padatan tersuspensi
dalam lumpur limbah
 Qe = Laju effluent Iimbah
(m /hari)
 Qw = Laju influent Iimbah
(m /hari).
 Cara konvensional untuk mengamati
kemampuan pengendapan lumpur adalah
dengan menentukan Indeks Volume Sludge
(Sludge Volume Index = SVI). Caranya
DESAIN KUNCI adalah sebagai berikut : campuran lumpur
dan air Iimbah (mixed liquor) dan bak aerasi
dimasukkan dalam silinder kerucut volume 1
liter dan dibiarkan selama 30 menit. Volume
sludge dicatat. SVI menunjukkan besarnya
volume yang ditempati 1 gram lumpur
(sludge). SVI dapat dihitung dengan
menggunakan rumus sebagal berikut:

SV x 1 000
 SVI (ml/g) = ---------------- mililiter per
SVI gram
 Dimana:
 SV = Volume endapan lumpur di dalam silinder
kerucut setelah 30 menit
pengendapan (ml).
 MLSS = mixed liqour suspended solid (mg/I).

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