Applications of Stack

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Applications of Stack

 Last In First Out (LIFO List)
 Insertions and Deletions from the same
end called the Top
 Push(), Pop(), Top(), IsEmpty() IsFull()
 Implementation
◦ Arrays
◦ Linked Lists (SLL/DLL)
Applications of Stack
 Reversing a String
 Parentheses Matching
 Arithmetic Expressions
◦ Infix to Postfix conversion
◦ Infix to Prefix conversion
◦ Evaluation of Postfix arithmetic expressions
Matching Parentheses
 Balanced parentheses and brackets
◦ every open parenthesis/bracket is matched
with a corresponding close parenthesis
◦ Parenthesis/bracket are properly nested

 Example
 (x(y)(z)) - balanced
 a( {(b)}c) - balanced
 w)(x) - not balanced
 p({(q)r)} - not balanced
Matching Parentheses
 Scan expression from left to right, one character at a

 If left/opening parenthesis, push corresponding closing

parenthesis onto the stack

 If right/closing parenthesis then

◦ If stack empty then
 error, exit
◦ Else
 If it matches with the topmost element on the stack then
 pop stack and continue
 else
 report error and exit
Matching Parenthesis
 Draw the status of the stack for following


Matching Parenthesis
◦ Reading the string, from Left to Right, the
status of stack is:


] }

} } } } }

) ) ) ) ) ) )
Arithmetic Expressions
 A + B : Infix
 +AB : Prefix
 AB+ : Postfix

 Stack Applications
◦ Conversions
◦ Evaluation
Evaluation of Arithmetic Expressions
 Precedence rules
◦ Exponentiation
◦ Multiplication/Division
◦ Addition / Subtraction

 Use parentheses to overide precedence rules

 When operators of same precedence are

scanned (without brackets)
◦ the order is assumed to be left to right, the order in
which they are read
Example: Infix to Postfix
 Example 1  Example 2

A+B*C (A + B) * C
=> (A + (B*C)) => (A + B) *C)
=> (A + (BC*)) => (AB+) * C)
=> A (BC*) + => (AB+) C*
=> ABC * + => AB + C *
 A+B–C
◦ AB+C- (Postfix)
◦ - + ABC (Prefix)

 (A+B) * (C-D)
◦ AB+ CD - * (Postfix)
◦ *+AB – CD (Prefix)
Conversion: infix to postfix
 A+B*C–D/E

Pre (*) > Pre (+)

Pre (-) < Pre (*)
Pre (-) == Pre (+)
Pre (/) > Pre (-)

AB C* +DE /-
Conversion: infix to postfix
The Algorithm
◦ Read an item from input infix expression
◦ If item is an operand append it to postfix string
◦ If item is “(“ push it on the stack
◦ If the item is an operator
 If the operator has higher precedence than the one already on
top of the stack then push it onto the operator stack
 If the operator has lower precedence than the one already on
top of the stack then
 pop the operator on top of the operator stack and append it
to postfix string, and
 push lower precedence operator onto the stack
◦ If item is “)” pop all operators from top of the stack one-by-
one, until a “(“ is encountered on stack and removed
 If Stack Empty and corresponding “(” not obtained then “error”
Conversion: infix to postfix
 A * B – (C+D) + E
◦ Push (*) *
◦ Pre (-) < Pre (*) => Pop (*) & Push (-) -

◦ Push “(“ - (

◦ Push (+) since STop = “(“ - ( +

◦ Since “)” => Pop (+) , Pop “(” -

◦ Pre (+) == Pre (-) => Pop (-), Push (+) +

◦ Since end pop till stack empty

AB * CD+ - E+
Evaluating a postfix expression
 Each operator in a postfix string refers to
the previous two operands in the string
 One of the operand may itself be the
result of applying a previous operator
Evaluating a postfix expression using a
 Read the input string from Left to Right
 Each time an operand is read
 Push it on the stack
 When an operator is read
◦ Pop the two operands from the top of the stack
◦ Perform the indicated operation on the two
◦ Push the result back onto the stack, so that it is
available as an operand for the next operator
Evaluating a postfix expression using a Stack
– Example
 63+2*
◦ Push (6)
◦ Push (3)
◦ Pop (3)
◦ Pop (6)
◦ Calculate ( 6+3 = 9)
◦ Push (9)
◦ Push (2)
◦ Pop (2)
◦ Pop (9)
◦ Calculate (9 * 2 = 18)
◦ Push (18)
Implementing Postfix Through

Implementing Postfix Through

Conversion: Infix to Prefix
 Reverse the input string
 Scan the input string from left to right
one character at a time (token)
 Call modified infix to postfix algorithm
 Reverse the output string to get the
prefix expression
Conversion: Infix to Prefix
If token is

 Left “(“
Push on the stack

 Operand (number/letter)
Write directly to output string

 Right “)”
Pop stack till corresponding “(” is found
If Stack Empty then “error”
Else while stack not empty
pop stack and write to output string
Conversion: Infix to Prefix
 Operator
If stack empty or sTop = “(“ then
push token/ operator onto stack

If precedence (token) >= precedence (sTop)

push token/ operator onto stack

If precedence (token) < precedence (sTop) then

while stack not empty
Pop stack and write to output
Push token onto stack
Conversion: Infix to Prefix

 A – (B/C) * D - Infix

 A – (/BC) * D

 A – [(/BC) * D]

 A - */BCD

 -A*/BCD - Prefix
Conversion: Infix to Prefix
 Infix: A – (B/C) * D
 Reverse: D * (C/B) – A
 Convert to postfix:
◦ D
◦ Push (*) *
◦ Push “(“ * (
◦ DC
◦ Push (/) since sTop == “(“ * ( /
◦ Pop (/), Pop “(“ *
 => DCB/
◦ Pre (-) < Pre (*) => Pop (*)
 => DCB/*,
 Push (-) -
◦ DCB/*A
◦ Pop (-) => DCB/*A-
 Reverse: -A * / B C D
Evaluating Prefix
 Read the input string from Right to Left
 Each time an operand is read
◦ Push it on the stack
 When an operator is read
◦ Pop the two operands from the top of the stack
◦ Perform the indicated operation on the two
◦ Push the result back onto the stack, so that it is
available as an operand for the next operator

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