The salivary glands consist of 3 paired major glands,
1- parotid glands: opens against the upper 2nd molar buccally by Stensen’s duct, the
secretion is mainly serous.
2- submandibular glands: opens near the lingual frenum by Warthin’s duct, the secretion
is mixed but mainly serous.
3- sublingual glands: open near the opening of submandibular gland by Bartholin’s duct,
the secretion is mixed but mainly mucous.
In addition to these major glands, there is a countless of minor salivary glands found in
almost every part of the oral cavity, except the gingiva & anterior region of the hard
Both, major & minor salivary glands consist of parenchyma elements which are
supported by C.T. stroma.
The paranchymal is derived from the oral epith & consist of terminal secretory units
leading to ducts that open into the oral cavity. The parenchyma surrounded by a C.T.
capsule & extend into it.
The blood & lymphatic vessels & nerves that supply the gland will contained within the
The normal function & health of the mouth depends on the normal composition &
secretion of the saliva.
The important function of salivary glands is the production of saliva which contain
various organic & inorganic substances & help in mastication, deglutition & digestion of
Investigations for salivary glands:
1- Sialometery: measures the amount of saliva production in a certain time.
2- Sialochemistry: measures the composition of saliva.
3- Sialography: by introducing the iodine containing contrast media through the
opening of the duct.
4- Sonagraphy: Ultrasonic patterns when dealing with minor salivary glands.
5- Cytology: by aspiration.
6- Biopsy.
By total or partial removal or marsupulization.
2- Infections
A- Viral infection (Mumps):
Is an acute, contagious infection which often occurs in minor epidemics & is caused by
It is the commonest cause of parotid enlargement & may affect the submandibular &
sublingual glands.
The virus transmitted by direct contact with infected saliva & by droplet spread. Mostly
affect the children & the incubation period is about 2-3 weeks.
Clinically, the disease start with fever, malaise, followed by painful swelling of sudden
onset behind the ear.
The bilateral parotid involvement occur in about 70%.
Then the swelling gradually subsides over a period of about 7 days.
Occasionally, in adults other internal organs are involved, such as testes, ovaries, CNS,
& pancreas. Orchitis is the most common complication, occurring in about 20% in adult
After the attack, immunity is long-standing, & with use of vaccine, childhood mumps
becomes infrequent.
B- Pyogenic bacterial infections: are common & may be seen after major
abdominal surgery or in glands that have been obstructed.
3- Degenerative disease
Sjogren Syndrome
Is an immune-mediated chronic inflammatory disease, characterized by
lymphocytic infiltration & acinar destruction of salivary & lacrimal glands.
Mainly affects middle-aged females, & symptoms related to dryness &
soreness of the mouth & eyes are common clinical presentations.
The patient also complain from difficulty in swallowing & speaking, increased
fluid intake, disturbance of taste, & rapidly progressive caries.
S.G. enlargement is usually bilateral without pain, & predominantly affects the
parotid gland.
The disease classified into 2 types:
1- primary: xerostomia + xerophthalmia
2- secondary: xerostomia + xerophthalmia + C.T. disease usually rheumatoid
Initially, the S.G. show lymphocytic infiltration around intralobular ducts with acinar
atrophy & obliteration of the duct lumen by proliferation of ductal epith, lead to formation
of islands of epith tissue, termed epimyoepithelial islands.
Finally, the lesion consists of sheets of lymphoid cells surrounding the epimyoepithelial
island & replacing entire S.G. lobules.