Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystem

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Terrestrial and Aquatic


 is the collection of several communities of

living organisms interacting with non-living
 There are two types of ecosystems: terrestrial and
aquatic ecosystems.
Terrestrial ecosystems

are ecosystems found

only in land; these
include tropical
rainforests, deserts,
grasslands, deciduous
forests, tundra, and
Tropical rainforest is a hot, moist biome found near
Earth's equator. The world's largest tropical rainforests are
in South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Tropical
rainforests receive from 60 to 160 inches of precipitation
that is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year.
Desert is a barren area of landscape where little
precipitation occurs and, consequently, living conditions are
hostile for plant and animal life.
Grasslands a large open area of country covered with grass,
especially one used for grazing.

Deciduous forest is a biome dominated by deciduous trees

which lose their leaves seasonally. The Earth has temperate
deciduous forests, and tropical and subtropical deciduous
forests, also known as dry forests
• Tundra a vast, flat, treeless Arctic region of Europe, Asia, and
North America in which the subsoil is permanently frozen.
• Taiga the sometimes swampy coniferous forest of high northern
latitudes, especially that between the tundra and steppes of
Siberia and North America.
Aquatic ecosystems

• are ecosystems found in

bodies of water; these
include lakes, rivers,
ponds, wetlands, oceans,
and seas
•The linkages between
terrestrial and aquatic
ecosystems have been
established in various
Factors That Link the Terrestrial and Aquatic
• Different habitats of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
are intertwined by the flux of materials within these
Interaction in Land-Sea Interface

• The land-sea interface or • 1.A food web is formed

coastal ecotone is a major across the ecotone boundary.
ecosystem where a Next is an illustration that
depicts the feeding
transition area between relationships of different
the sea and the shoreline organisms within the terrestrial
is found. It shows how and aquatic ecosystems. For
factors in two ecosystems instance, humans that live in a
interact and affect each terrestrial ecosystem can get
other. their food from a lake where
fish and arthropods reside.
Terrestrial subsidies such as nitrogen, organic
carbon, and phosphorus enter the aquatic
ecosystems via rivers.
Emerging Aquatic Insects

• Emergent aquatic insects are important food sources

for riparian predators - predators that reside within the
riparian zone or the interface between land and a body
of water such as a river. Most of the lifespan of these
insects are underwater and emerge as adults to breed
and return back into the water to lay eggs.
One good example of a riparian predator that feed on aquatic
insects is the spider. It was studied that the spiders' biomass
are higher and web densities increase near an edge of a
stream. When spiders are far from the stream edge, both
biomass and web densities decreased.

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