Transplantation: Presented by Santhiya K II M.SC Biotechnology 18PBT014
Transplantation: Presented by Santhiya K II M.SC Biotechnology 18PBT014
Transplantation: Presented by Santhiya K II M.SC Biotechnology 18PBT014
Presented by
Santhiya K
II M.Sc biotechnology
• Transplantation: transfer of cells, tissues and organs from one
site of the body to another (in the same individual or between
two persons)
• Need?
• Cure for many diseases – replacing old, damaged or non-
functional organs with healthy, functional organs.
• Tissues, cells or organs- graft; transferred from donor (provides
the graft) to the recipient or host (receives graft).
• Transplantation immunology - sequence of events- after an
allograft or xenograft is removed from the donor and
transplanted into a recipient.
• A major limitation in the success of transplantation is the
immune response of the recipient to donor tissue.
1944 : Medawar (Father of transplantation) showed that skin
allograft rejection is ahost versus graftresponse.
1954 : The first successful identical twin transplant of a human
kidney was performed by Joseph E.Murray in Boston
1967 : The first successful liver transplant wasdone by Dr. Thomas E.Starzl
1967 : The first heart transplantation by Christian Barnard
1968 : The first successful bone marrowtransplant was done by
E.Donnall Thomas
Self tissue (Homograft) is transferred from one
region of the body to another
Antigens of the autograft- similar to those seen in other
sites of the body.
Immune system recognizes the self antigens of graft.
No immune response -elicited
Autograft survive a l l the life
Ex., - Transfer of healthy skin to burned area,
- Use of healthy blood vessels to replace
blocked coronary arteries,
- Plastic surgery of skin.
Also called syngraft
Tissue is transferred between genetically
identical individualsof the same species
Histocompatibility antigens of the
isograft and recipient – identical- graft
survives and not rejected.
EX: human isograft can be performed
between Identicaltwins.
Tissue is transferred between two genetically different
members of the same species
Histocompatibility antigens of the allograft and
recipient or host - dissimilar - immune response is
elicited- leads to graft rejection
Ex., In humans, graft is transferred fromone individual
to another
Tissue is transferred between the individuals of two
different species; Also called as heterograft
Ex., Graft of human transferred to animal
Histocompatibility complex antigens between the
donor and recipient have genetic disparity - graft is
rejected more vigorously
Types of graft
based on donor
Types of graft based on transplant location
6 . Immunosuppressive agents
Immunological basis of graft rejection
Strain C Strain B
Thus, allograft rejection meets two important
properties of immune system - Specificity and Memory.
T cells play a key role in allograft rejection
Beneficial in – LEUKEMIA
Moderate GvH reaction is beneficial to destroy the
residual leukemic cells which persists inspite of
In animal experiments – GVHD
Runt’s disease
Growth retardation
Lymphoid atrophy
Terminally fatal In
humans –
Severe inflammatory reaction, Rashes,
Diarrhea & Pneumonitis
Immunosuppressive therapy