Managing Diversity Within and Across Culture
Managing Diversity Within and Across Culture
Managing Diversity Within and Across Culture
Across Culture
Acquire ability to understand,
Communicate effectively interact with people
across cultures,
and work with varying cultural beliefs and
How do we manage a culturally diverse team?
Select the team members/ leader who is
competent and understands the culture of
diverse society in the organization.
Take time to establish relationships and trust
with all section of the diverse society
Learn about differences and expectations:
Communicate, communicate, communicate.
How Diversity can be managed Effectively in
the workplace
Creative Collaboration. Set your team up for
success by clearly identifying company and
department goals.
Constant Communication. Give frequent
coaching and feedback on how they are doing.
Culture Adoption Theory
Cultural adaptation is the process in which
person takes time to integrate into a
new culture and feel comfortable within it
A person in this position encounters a wide
range of emotions that the theory describes in
four different stages.
1. Facilitation Comfortable Stage : Person is very
positive, curious, and anticipate new exciting
experiences. ...
2. Culture shock Stage :- Unacceptability,
Unwelcomeness, biasness, disparity, strange
behavior etc.
3. Recovery Stage:- gradually develop belief, trust
their culture and religion, respect to the law
4. Adjustment stages – become part of them.
According to Milton Bennett's Developmental Model of
Inter- cultural Sensitivity there are six stages that a
person must go through to become culturally sensitive
1. Denial,
2. Defense,
3. Commonality
4. Cultural awareness,
5. Culturally sensitive,
6. Adaptation, and
7. Integration.
Hofstede Study, Edward T Hall Study,
A masculine culture is made up of male gender
roles that focus on values such as money, success,
and competition. These cultures consist of a need
for power, assertiveness, dominance, and wealth
and material success.
Traditionally, masculinity and femininity have been
conceptualized as opposite ends of a single
dimension, with masculinity at one extreme
and femininity at the other
Hofstede Study, Edward T Hall Study,
Value Chain Analysis
Value chain analysis (VCA) is a process where a
firm identifies –
A. Its primary and support activities
B. that add value to its final product and
C. then analyze these activities to reduce costs
or increase differentiation.
Value Chain Analysis
• The term value chain describes a way of
looking at a business as a chain of activities
that transform inputs into outputs that
customers value
• Value chain analysis (VCA) attempts to
understand how a business creates customer
value by examining the contributions of
different activities within the business to
that value
• VCA takes a process point of view
Value Chain Analysis
Value Chain Analysis
How Porter’s Value Chain can be used
By following these basic steps the organization can
be analyzed using the Value Chain.
Step 1: identify sub activities for each primary
Step 2: identify sub activities for each support
Step 3: identify links. ...
Step 4: look for opportunities/ solutions to optimize
and create value.
Value Chain Analysis
The overall goal of every organization is
1. To deliver maximum value for the least
possible total cost.
2. There are many advantages of value chain
analysis, which all result in a company's
ability to understand and optimize the
activities that lead to its competitive
advantage and high profit levels.
Organization Structure
Organizational Structure
Horizontal Boundaries – Between Different
departments or functions in a firm. Sales
people are different from administration
people. One division is separate from another
Vertical Boundaries – Between operation and
management, between corporate and
Organizational Structure
Geographic Boundaries Between different
physical locations, between different countries
and different culture.
External Interface Boundaries Between a
company and its customers, suppliers,
partners, etc.
Competitive Advantage