TM4112 - 13 Interpreting Dynamic Model

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design Facies
Property modelling
And Upscaling


TM4112 Karakterisasi & Pemodelan Reservoir
 Simulator output
 Post-processing
 Numerical performance statistics
 Sources of error in computed results
 Reviewing simulation output to ensure valid results
Sources of Error in Computed
 Model is usually only approximate
 Truncation error
 Instability
 Roundoff error
 Inaccurate reservoir description
Model is Usually Only Approximate
 Modeling only the hydrocarbon phases when
connate water is present
 Black oil model is based on an approximation to
actual fluid property behavior
 Three phase relative permeability used in the
simulator is usually calculated from two-phase
Truncation Error
 Truncation error arises from replacement of
differential equations by difference equations
 Numerical dispersion
 Grid sensitivity studies
 Timestep sensitivity studies
 Slight errors arising in explicit, Crank-Nicholson, or
IMPES formulations during one time step may grow
exponentially during subsequent time steps, making
the results meaningless
 Fully implicit models sacrifice some degree of
accuracy in order to obtain stability
Roundoff Error
 Usually not a problem
Inaccurate Reservoir Description
 History matching - modify reservoir description so
that model performance agrees with observed field
 Parameter sensitivity studies
Simulator Output
 Echo input data
 Model equilibration
 Production statistics
 Numerical performance statistics
Echo Input Data
 Most simulators will optionally print out the input
data used for a run
 Simulation control information
 Reservoir data

 Fluid data

 Multiphase data
Model Equilibration
 Most models will calculate the equilibrium pressure
and saturation distribution, based on the datum
elevation and pressure, the positions of the fluid
contacts, and the capillary pressure tables input to
the model
 Pressure distribution
 Saturation distribution
Production Statistics
 Fieldwide
 Production
and injection by phase
 Average pressure
Production Statistics
 Regional
 Production and injection by phase
 Average pressure

 Regional migration by phase

 Material balance - cumulative net withdrawal from

each region
 Directional - net flow into/out of a region from each of
the other regions
Production Statistics
 Individual well
 Production and injection by phase
 Surface, bottomhole, and gridblock pressures

 For wells completed in multiple grid blocks, production

and injection by phase for each completion
Numerical Performance Statistics
 Material balance error
 Outer iterations
 Inner iterations
 Cutbacks
 Maximum pressure and saturation changes
Material Balance Error
 Material balance error is a measure of how well the
simulator is keeping track of total amount of each
 Low material balance error is necessary, but not
 Incremental material balance error
 Cumulative material balance error
 Material balance error will depend on the model
formulation and the solution method
Outer Iterations
 Used to monitor the performance of implicit
 Number of times the linear system of equations has
to be solved to complete a time step
 Greatly affected by difficulty of the problem
 An excessive number of "outer" iterations may
indicate stability problems.
Inner Iterations
 Used to monitor performance of iterative matrix
solution methods
 Number of passes required to converge to solution
of equations.
 Excessive inner iterations may indicate need for
direct matrix solution method
 Whether the number of "inner" iterations is high or
low depends on the iterative solution method
 ”Inner" iterations are highly dependent on the
difficulty of the problem
 We can set controls on maximum allowed pressure
or saturation change during a time step, or
maximum number of solver iterations.
 If the pressure or saturation change within any
gridblock exceeds the maximum allowed, the
simulator will cut the time step size and repeat the
time step.
 Same happens if the maximum number of linear or
non-linear iterations is reached.
Maximum Pressure and Saturation
Changes During a Time Step
 Definition
 Purpose
 Helps engineer comprehend massive amount of data
 Prepare presentations of work for others interested in
Graphs and Tables of Time-
Dependent Data
 Results
 Fieldwide

 Regional

 Individualwell
 Well connection

 Numerical performance statistics

Graphs of Time-Dependent Data
 Production data
 Production rate vs. time
 Cartesian

 Semilog

 Production rate versus cumulative production

 Cartesian

 Log-log
Graphs of Time-Dependent Data
 Pressure data - single well models
 Horner plots
 Log-log plots of Dp vs Dt

 Residual plots

 Difference between field observations and

simulation results
 Difference between different sets of simulation runs
Cartesian Graph of Pressure vs
Semilog Graph of Pressure Vs Time
Maps of Space- and
Time-Dependent Data
 Presentation
 2D maps
 3D maps

 Fence diagrams

 Data
 Pressure

 Saturation
2D Map Presentations
 Colorfill maps - entire grid block is colored based
on the value calculated for the gridblock
 Contour maps - contours are drawn based on
triangulation/interpolation between values at
gridblock centers
 X-Y layers - show what is happening in a single
 X-Z or Y-Z cross sections - show what is happening
along a cross section
3D Map Presentations
 Display options
 Orientation

 Different scale factors for z-axis and for x- and y-axes

 Different scale factors for elevation and for gross
 Hiding all grid blocks with value higher/lower than
specified threshold ("onion")
 Elevation as z-axis
 One dependent variable as colorfill or contour,
another dependent variable as z-axis
 Pressure
 Pressure at datum or fluid potential
 Infer direction of fluid movement
 Saturation of each phase
 Position of flood front
 Residual maps
 Difference between field observations and simulation
 Difference between different sets of simulation runs
Reviewing Simulation Output to
Ensure Valid Results
 We recommend using the following procedure to
systematically review simulation output to ensure
that results are valid.
 The full review will normally be required following
major changes in the model. Some items should
routinely be reviewed
Review Warning Messages
 Review output for warning or error messages
printed out by the simulator
 Fluidproperty, relative permeability, and capillary
pressure table trend checking
 Grid blocks with zero permeability or porosity

 Wells located in inactive grid blocks

 Other simulator specific warning/error messages

Review Input Data Printout
 Review output to ensure that the simulator is
correctly reading the input data.
 Rock properties
 Fluid properties

 Multiphase properties
Review Initialization
 Review reservoir initialization/equilibration as
calculated by the model
 Compare original fluids in place in the model to values
estimated using volumetrics
 Pressure

 Saturation

 Position of gas-oil, oil-water, gas-water contacts

Review Numerical Performance
 Material balance error
 Outer iterations
 Inner iterations
 Cutbacks
 Maximum pressure and saturation changes
 Is the model oscillating?
Review Production Statistics
 Ensure that wells are being operated in the desired
 Check
 That each well is in the desired location
 That correct algebraic sign is used for production and
 For wells changing from constant rate to constant
Review Production Statistics
 Check
 For wells which have been shut in due to excessive gas
or water production, GOR or WOR
 Total production from multiply completed wells

 For wells drilled or completed by an automatic well

management scheme
 Mattax, C. C., and Dalton, R. L.: Reservoir
Simulation, SPE Monograph Series No. 13, 1990.
 Aziz, K., and Settari, A.: Petroleum Reservoir
Simulation, Applied Science, 1979.
 Odeh, A. S.: "Reservoir Simulation...What is it?" JPT
(Nov. 1969) 1383-1388.
 Coats, K. H.: "Use and Misuse of Reservoir
Simulation Models," JPT (Nov. 1969) 1391-1398.
 Coats, K. H.: "Reservoir Simulation: State of the Art,"
JPT, (Aug. 1982) 1633-1642.
 Satter, A., Frizzell, D. F., and Varnon, J. E.: "The Role
of Mini-Simulation in Reservoir Management,"
paper presented at the Indonesian Petroleum
Association Nineteenth Annual Convention, Oct.
 Kyte, J. R., and Berry, D. W.: "New Pseudo Functions
to Control Numerical Dispersion,“ SPEJ (Aug. 1975)

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