Dynamic Compaction Ppyt

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Dynamic Compaction is simply the dropping
of heavy weights on ground surface to
densify soils at depth
DYNAMIC COMPACTION IS Suitable for granular soils AND land fills

Dynamic compaction is suitable for the following conditions:

■ • Loose and partially saturated fills
■ • Saturated free-drained soils
■ • Silts with plasticity index less than 8
■ • Clayey soil with a low degree of saturation (moisture content lower than plastic
For the clayey soil, more time is required than the cohesionless soil. In clayey soil
several blows are applied at each location followed by 1 - 4-week rest period, then the
process is repeated.
Dynamic compaction (DC) strengthens
weak soils by controlled high energy
tamping (dropping a static weight from a
defined height)
■ The weight of hammer used varies from 80 to 360kN
■ Height of hammer drop varies between 7.5m to 30.5 m.
■ The stress waves generated by the hammer drops helps in the densification to a
large depths.
Why Dynamic Compaction

■ Compacts large areas of loose granular fills

■ Reduces the volume of landfill waste
■ Increases in situ density and the voids are collapsed
■ Increased bearing capacity
■ Reduces post-construction settlement
Dynamic compaction (DC)
is applied in different
passes to improve
the ground efficiently:
- Pass 1: ‘deep’ treatment
- Pass 2: ‘intermediate
- Pass 3: ‘shallow
Dynamic compaction on lose fill
Compactive energy per blow = m.g.h
■ m = mass of the falling weight in metric tons,
■ g = gravitational constant,
■ h = height of fall in meters.
-The resulting high energy impact
transmits shock waves through the
ground to the depth to be treated.
-This reduces air and water voids between
soil particles resulting in enforced
Deep craters are formed by tamping
Craters may be filled with sand after each pass
Heave around craters is generally small
• The treatment is carried out in a
of impact positions on various grid
patterns which are arranged so that
compacted zones beneath the
weights overlap to ensure the whole
area has been treated
Spacing between impact points depend upon:
Depth of compressible layer
Permeability of soil
Location of ground water level
Deeper layers are compacted at wider grid spacing, upper
layers are compacted with closer grid spacing
Applications of Dynamic compaction:

■ Port and Airport Platforms

■ Heavy Storage Facilities
■ Landfill sites

Dynamic compaction is generally less effective to improve saturated clayey

soils. Special measures have to be taken for this method to be reasonably
effective for these soils, such as providing drainage and/or dewatering and
having a long waiting period for dissipation of excess pore water pressure.
Impact by deep dynamic compaction induces noise, vibration, and lateral
movement, which may cause problems to nearby buildings, substructures,
and utility lines. This method often requires instrumentations to monitor
vibration, noise level, and ground movement. When it is used in
saturated clayey soils, piezometers are needed to monitor generation and
dissipation of excess pore water pressure

■ https://engineering.purdue.edu/PGS/past-events/2015/presentations/Woods-PGS-
■ https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323694792_Dynamic_Compaction
■ https://civildigital.com/dynamic-compaction-ground-improvement-advantages/
■ http://civil.emu.edu.tr/old_website/data/civl454/CH6-

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