Informal Economy: Grounded Theories: PMD 307 - International Labor Laws Professor
Informal Economy: Grounded Theories: PMD 307 - International Labor Laws Professor
Informal Economy: Grounded Theories: PMD 307 - International Labor Laws Professor
Swanson, L., Bruni – Bossio, V. (2018). A Righteous
Undocumented Economy. Retrieved from
Illeyt R. Silva
PhD Student
Informal Economy: Its Concept
Refer to economies where activities involved are
deemed non compliant
Informality is a multidimensional continuum (De
Castro et al, 2014)
Grounded Theories
Keith Hart (1973) coined the term Informal Economy where he
explained that;
Informal Economies where those who had been unsuccessful
at earning adequate incomes in the formal system
Community based
participatory action presented notions on;