Balancing Life and School
Balancing Life and School
Balancing Life and School
It is inevitable
Change management
Adopting new methods and re-adapting
others is essential to a successful career
and a happy home life
Technology management
managing technology
requires ensuring that technology
serves rather than abuses you.
Leisure management
Rest and relaxation
“time-off” is a vital component of the
human experience
The most overlooked
Too much leisure activity can lead to
tips to balance school
and life
1. Set goals that you can
High goals tends to demoralize a person
if unachieved
Low goals, on the other hand can make
a person sluggish
2. Manage your time
Time management is a key component to
academic and personal success. It is an
vital skill that helps a person focus his/her
efforts on what is most important.
Plan your schedule
Set goals and deadlines for projects
Make a to-do list
3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle
Physical and emotional well-being plays a
major role in academic, professional, and
personal success. Take time to establish
and maintain an active and informed
wellness plan.
Get enough
Make time for
Eat well
4. Be where you are
Focus on the task at hand
Do not worry about what you are not
figure out the
best place to
study where all
of your materials
are accessible
and you can truly
Plan segments of
time for study, 5. Get organized
family, exercise,
and other tasks
that need to get
6. Learn to say “no”
7. Use your support
Support groups
Discuss your Family
expectations for Friends
school with your
family and friends. teachers
Negotiate household
duties based on your
Know when you
need help
8. Have some fun
Reward yourself for competing your
work before deadline.
Make time to enjoy friends and family
Get a hobby
9. Enjoy this phase of life
High school life occurs just once in a
lifetime, enjoy it while it lasts.
Keep yourself calm and happy at all