Knowing Oneself - Edited Journal Questions
Knowing Oneself - Edited Journal Questions
Knowing Oneself - Edited Journal Questions
*based from this definition, the “Self” is an intangible entity that directs person’s thoughts
and actions. It is the outside physical realm of a person.
Example : “FRIENDLY”
Uniqueness – manifestation of your own brand: sunny disposition, readiness to
give advice when needed, generosity to those in need
Consistent – from childhood to adolesence to adulthood
* Consistency through time and the unique manner by which thoughs, feelings,
and behavior are expressed, defines personality.
Questions to ponder:
1. What will happen if one is raised in an unsupportive home filled with
verbal degradations?
2. What will happen if one is raised in a fostering or nurturing
3. Is it right to compare individuals with high self-esteem from low self-
esteem? Why or why not?
4. What can be done, if one’s enemy is her or his low self-esteem?
5. What can be done, if one’s enemy is her or his bloated self-esteem
and self-concept?
Four Ways to get to Know
Yourself Better
• a reflective looking inward : an examination of one's own
thoughts and feelings
• an act of recognizing and noting a fact or occurrence
• conveys information about behaviours and offers an
evaluation of the quality of one’s behaviours
• personality test
Four Ways to get to Know
Yourself Better
• a reflective looking inward : an examination of one's own
thoughts and feelings
*Try consulting a few people whose opinions you trust as you ask the following questions:
Sensing or Intuition
how one prefers to process information
Thinking or Feeling
how an individual prefers to make decisions
Judgement or Perception
how an individual prefers to manage one’s life
Journal Reflection Rubric
Criteria Beginning Developing Accomplished Exemplary Total
Content 0-17 points 18-24 points 25-30 points 31-35 points
Reflection Reflection lacks critical Reflection demonstrates Reflection demonstrates Reflection demonstrates a
thinking. Superficial limited critical thinking in some degree of critical high degree of critical
connections are made with applying, analyzing, and/or thinking in applying, thinking in applying,
the topic’s concepts. evaluating topic’s concepts. analyzing, and/or evaluating analyzing, and evaluating
Minimal connections made topic’s concepts. topic’s concepts.
through explanations, Connections made through Insightful and relevant
inferences, and/or explanations, inferences, connections made through
examples. and/or examples. contextual explanations,
inferences, and examples.
Personal Growth 0-24 points 25-34 points 35-45 points 46-50 points
Conveys inadequate Conveys limited evidence of Conveys evidence of Conveys strong evidence of
evidence of reflection on reflection on own work in reflection on own work with a reflection on own work with a
own work in response to the response to the self- personal response to the self- personal response to the self-
self-assessment questions assessment questions assessment questions posed. assessment questions posed.
posed. Personal growth and posed. Demonstrates less Demonstrates satisfactory Demonstrates significant
awareness are not evident than adequate personal personal growth and personal growth and
and/or demonstrates a growth and awareness awareness through some awareness of deeper
neutral experience with through few or simplistic inferences made, examples, meaning through inferences
negligible personal impact. inferences made, examples, insights, and challenges. made, examples, well
Lacks enough inferences, insights, and/or challenges Some thought of the future developed insights, and
examples, personal insights that are not well developed. implications of current substantial depth in
and challenges, and/or Minimal thought of the experience. perceptions and challenges.
future implications are future implications of current Synthesizes current
overlooked. experience. experience into future
Writing Quality 0-7 points 8-10 points 11-13 points 14-15 points
Needs to improve writing Average and/or casual Above average writing style Well written and clearly
style, clarity, language used, writing style that is and logically organized with organized; characterized by
and/or frequent errors in sometimes unclear and/or minor errors in grammar, elements of a strong writing
grammar, punctuation, with some errors in punctuation, usage, and style and basically free from
usage, and spelling. grammar, punctuation, spelling. grammar, punctuation,
usage, and spelling. usage, and spelling errors.