Pemeriksaan Fisik THT
Pemeriksaan Fisik THT
Pemeriksaan Fisik THT
Signs of inflammation,
Note the condition of the canal skin, and the
presence of wax, foreign tissue, or discharge.
The mobility of the eardrum can be evaluated
using a pneumatic speculum, which attaches to
the otoscope. The drum should move on
squeezing the balloon.
Pre aurikuler pit/sinus
Pre aurikuler tag
Atresia liang telinga
Fistel Mastoid
Otits eksterna
Colour: Hemorrhage, dullness, blue, bullae
Perforations: Marginal and Central, site, size.
Mobility: (Retractions) by using a pneumatic
otoscope, or Siegle's speculum.
Middle ear:
Glomus tumor
telinga tengah
Omsk benigna (tenang)
Omsk maligna
Tests for Eustachian tube functions
Qualitative Methods:
i] Valsalva Maneuver:
Principle: Demonstration of tubal
patency without external aids.
Method: After taking a deep breath,
the patient pinches his nose and
closes his mouth in an attempt to
blow air in his ears. Otoscopy shows
movement of the drum. Auscultation
reveals crackling.
Note: Failure of this test does not
prove pathologic occlusion of the
This maneuver in the presence of
nasal and nasopharyngeal infection
carries the danger of transmission of
infection to the ear.
Tests for Eustachian tube functions
ii]Toynbee's test:
Principle: It is safer and confirms normal tubal
Method: The nose is closed and the patient
swallows. There is in drawing of the tympanic
membrane, confirmed by otoscopy and on
auscultation when a noise is heard.
Quantitative Methods:
Acoustic impedance Tympanometry.
Unterberger's Stepping test
Stepping on one spot with the eyes closed.
Peripheral lesions- rotation of the body axis to the side of
the labyrinthine lesion.
Central disorders- the deviation is irregular.
Deviations of greater than 40 degree are significant
Tests of Balance
Romberg test
- Patient stands upright with the
feet parallel and close together,
eyes closed ,and the arms folded in
front of the chest or outstretched.
- Unilateral peripheral lesion or a
unilateral cerebellar lesion, the
patient tends to sway towards the
affected side.
- Central lesions give irregular
pattern of sway.
- The patient deviates towards the
side of the lesion, in gross lesions.
Finger-nose pointing test:
Method: The index finger of the outstretched hand is brought to
the point o the nose with the eyes closed.
Result: Ataxia and disorders of coordination indicate an ipsilateral
cerebellar lesion or a disorder of positional sense.
Positional testing ( Dix - Halpike
- Screening test for Positional nystagmus.
- Nystagmus induced or aggravated by this
test is attributable to cervical proprioceptors
and vertebral artery compression.
(With the head in different positions).
- The head is firmly grasped with the patient
sitting on a couch.
- The patients head is rotated 45 to one side
and then the other while he is made to
assume the supine position with the head
hanging 30 below the edge of the table. The
head is kept in this position for some time.
- The eyes should be observed for
Tests of Hearing:
Stenger test:
If sounds of identical frequency but different intensity are presented simultaneously to
each ear, only louder sound will be perceived.
The test can be performed with tuning forks or a n audiometer.
- The examiner stands behind the patient.
- A tuning fork is struck and is held 20 cm from the good ear - the patient hears the
- The fork is then removed and placed 5 cm from the bad ear - patient 'denies' hearing
- Another fork is the held 15 cm from the good ear without the patient noticing.
- If there is genuine hearing loss patient will the fork in the good ear.
- But if there is non-organic loss the patient will be unable to hear the fork in the good
ear as the fork is closer in his 'bad' ear.
Hearing tests
Hearing tests
Whispered speech test. Your GP will whisper a combination of numbers and letters
behind you and check if you can hear anything by asking you to repeat the
combination. Your GP will probably move further away from you each time to test the
range of your hearing.
Tuning fork test. Different tuning forks can be used to test your hearing at a variety of
frequencies. They can also help determine the type of hearing loss.
Pure tone audiometry. An audiometer produces sounds of different volumes and
frequencies. During the test, you're asked to indicate when you hear a sound in the
headphones. The level at which you can't hear a sound of a certain frequency is known
as your threshold.
If your hearing loss has a sensorineural cause, a number of tests can be performed to
pinpoint where the problem lies.
Otoacoustic emissions. This is used to measure your cochlear function by recording
signals produced by the hair cells.
Auditory brainstem response. This measures the activity of the cochlea, auditory nerve
and brain when a sound is heard.
Examination of the nose
Nasal obstruction
Post nasal drip
Bleeding. Should be taken seriously as it may be due to
a tumor.
Aural symptoms of deafness, discharge, and blockage.
Method of Posterior Rhinoscopy
Post Nasal Mirror:
it consists of a handle on which a small mirror is
attached to shaft at an angle of 110. There is
another angulation in the shaft.
Hold the mirror like a pen in the right hand.
Warm the mirror slightly on the flame of the spirit lamp
to avoid condensation from the expired air.
Ask the patient to open the mouth.
Take the tongue depressor in the left hand and depress
the anterior 2/3rds of the tongue.
Feel the warmth of the mirror on the back of the wrist.
It should not be hot.
Introduce the mirror from
the angle of the mouth over
the tongue depressor and
slide it behind the uvula.
Avoid touching the posterior
wall of the pharynx as it may
trigger gagging.
Instruct the patient to breath
through the nose.
Tilt the mirror in different
direction tot see various
structures of the
Digital palpation
Posterior Rhinoscopy with
The throat consists of the ; oral cavity ,and the
It includes the following
Hard and soft palates,
It includes the following
Soft palate,
Anterior and posterior
tonsillar pillars,
dorsum and
the margins.
Check for:
common and taste
size: Macroglossia in
acromegaly, Down's
ulcers: Traumatic, dental,
apthous, malignant,
tuberculous, syphilitic.
movements: Restricted in hypoglossal palsies,
tumor infiltration.
fasciculation: Motor neuron disease,
depapillation: Vitamin deficiencies,
furrowing , as in geographic tongue
coating: Thrush, black hairy tongue.
Hypoglossal palsy: Tongue deviates towards the
Cheeks: Parotid duct opening
Opposite upper 2nd molar),
red or white patches, ulcers,
Palate: Swelling, ulcer,
movement, perforations,
clefts etc.
Uvula: Position, deviations
(Towards the normal side in
palsies), ulcers.
Tonsillar pillars: Linear congestion, ulcers, patches.
Tonsils: Presence, size, crypts, ulcers, express the contents of the
crypts by pressing on the pillars to see whether purulent.
Posterior pharyngeal wall: Lymphoid follicles, ulcers.
Floor of mouth: Wharton duct openings, ulcers, and bimanual
Teeth and occlusion
The upper and lower vestibule of the cheek.
Tonsillar grading
T0 = sdh dilakukan tonsilektomi
T1 = tonsil sdh melewati pillar anterior
T2 = tonsil sdh melewati pillar anterior dan
T3 = tonsil sdh mendekati/mencapai garis
o T0 = tonsil masih dalam fossa tonsiler
o T1 = tonsil <dr 25% jarak uvula-pillar
o T2 = tonsil 25%-50% jarak uvula-pillar
o T3 = tonsil 50%-75% jarak uvula-pillar
o T4 = tonsil >75% jarak uvula-pillar anterior
The mirror is plane, on a straight handle.
Mirror is held like a pen in the right hand with
the glass pointing downwards.
Warm the mirror and test the temperature on
the back of the hand.
The patient is asked to stick out the tongue
which is held with a piece of gauze.
The patient is asked to
breath through the
The mirror is introduced
into the mouth to the
uvula which is gently
pushed back to get a
view of the larynx and
the pyriform fossae.
The patient is asked to
say 'Aaa' and 'Eee'.
Direct laryngoscopy
Examination of the Neck forms an integral part of
examination of the larynx.