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Latin music
Group 1
Franco Evangelista
Mayssia Lastimosa
Chandel De jesus
Rovy Valdez
Angela Santiago
Kylde Pulido
Jean Reyes
What is the history of Afro-Latin America music?

 The history of Afro-Latin America

music can be traced during the
European colonization and slave trade in  These were their “talking”
Africa drums , so- called because
 Latin America is comprised of they can somewhat imitate
different regions such as the Caribbean the human voice, relaying
Islands, Mexico, and Central and South current and timeless
America which are of diversified messages which are their
cultures of the European, Moors, history ,struggle, and
Mexicans, and other tribes in African. revolting joy.

What are the characteristic of Afro-Latin America music?

⬗ Conversation (Call and Response): a performance of voice interaction as an

answer to the first chant.
⬗ Improvisation: Non-scripted ways of singing which allow for sincere
conversation. It is a framework where the artist has freedom in creating the
musical mood.
⬗ The voice as an instrument. It is the manipulation of freely controlled piece
where they can change the tone of voce, its tempo, creation of moods, and
even changing the range and voice power.
⬗ The instrument as a voice. The instrument serves as a “singer” along with
the performer.

What is African

What is African music?

⬗ African music is a rich and diverse cultural heritage that

exists in hundreds of different languages.

⬗ The music in Africa always has the technique of “call and

response” in which a person leads by singing and phrase and
followed and answered by groups singers.

⬗ The ceremony of the
Coronation of the Black
Kings in 1674 in Recife.
⬗ The baque or toque is
considered as the
rhythmic pattern used in

Other vocal forms of African music

⬗ Blues- this is a ⬗ Soul- this is a kind ⬗ Spiritual- this kind
gloomy folk music of music that of music always has
of African American combines the basics a Christian or
origin, which is of rhythm and blues religious theme.
naturally in a and gospel music,
twelve-bar order. which was
popularized by the
African Americans.

⬗ Call and Response-
this is a sequence of
two different phrases
usually played by two
or more musicians.

American and
Jazz Music
What is Latin America music?
⬗ The rhythm and styles of
Latin American music are
influenced by the United
States and other countries in
Europe like Spain and
⬗ Latin music is the
combination of four musical
elements: musical styles ,
cultural background,
languages, and geography

What are the
instrument used
in Latin American
⬗ Bombo- It is a dual- ⬗ Chajchas- it is a
⬗ Zampoñas- it is a
headed drum made rattle made up of
panpipe-type or reed
from a deep tree trunk dried hooves from
made of pieces of
with patches made up sheep, llama, or
bamboo that are tied
of calf or goat skin; it goat and is worn
is played by using with a wrist cloth
two sticks. bracelet.

⬗ Charango- this is a ⬗ Quena- it is a flute ⬗ Cajon- it is a
10-string guitar made of bones or rectangular box
made from the shell bamboo that has a made of wood and
of an armadillo. vertical notched played and used as a
reed. drum.

⬗ Maracas- these are instruments ⬗ Claves- these are a pair of
made of gourd-like coconut hardwood sticks played by
shells with beans, seeds, or striking them together.
small pebbles placed inside;
they are played by shaking.


Different types of vocal
and dance forms of Latin

Vocal and dance forms of Latin America

⬗ Cumbia- it is a type ⬗ Tango- this is a ⬗ Cha-cha- this is a

of dance and music lively and spirited Latin American
similar to salsa and dance of two people. ballroom dance with
uses instruments like a fast basic pattern
accordions, guitars, of three steps with a
and percussions. shuffle. It also has
rhythmic pattern.
⬗ Bossa Nova- this is ⬗ Paso Doble- It is ⬗ Reggae- this is a
a style of music that Spain’s Traditional Jamaican form of
was derived from, couple dance. music and dance
samba, which is an with strong accented
original Brazilian and supplementary
music. beats.

⬗ Rumba- this is a kind of song ⬗ Foxtrot- it is a ballroom dance
and a dance which originated of two quick slow steps and
from Cuba. two quick steps and is executed
alternately in 4/4 time


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