Innovative Methods

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Incremental Launching Method:

 The highly-mechanized Incremental Launching Method (ILM) is typically performed in a series

of increments. It is used in the construction of continuous concrete bridges as well as with
steel girder bridges.

 The ILM can also be applied to tied-arch and truss spans, if fully assembled before launching,
as well as to the construction of small and medium-sized cable-stayed bridges.

 Although the ILM will never qualify as the most cost-effective method for building a bridge, it
offers significant other advantages when used in the proper circumstances, such as spanning
inaccessible or environmentally-protected obstacles.

 Significant advantages of the ILM include minimal disturbance to surroundings, no falsework

required, reduced area for superstructure assembly, and increased worker safety, as erection
work is done from the ground.
The principle of the incrementally launched bridge consists of building the superstructure
segments in a casting yard located behind the bridge abutment.

Each segment is match cast against the previous one and prestressed to the section of
superstructure already built. The entire superstructure is then jacked forward a distance equal to
the length of this segment. This process is repeated until the bridge is in its final position.

This is virtually a “factory” for bridge construction in segments with advantages like maximum
productivity, reinforcement assemblages along the whole length of segment, minimum formwork
and others.
The advantages and disadvantages of incremental launching are given below.

●There is no need for false work to support the deck during casting in the spanned area.
●The deck is cast at one location, hence improving concrete quality control and saving on formwork.

●Nearly all the sections of the deck would experience both sagging and hogging moments during launching that are
higher than the moments in an instantaneously built deck.
●Deck has to be straight or of constant curvature.
●Special bearings are required at the supports.
●A jacking system is required to push the segments forward.
●Launching is carried out by specialist contractors that could result in increased price
Accelerated Bridge Construction
According to the U.S. Department of Transport, approximately 25% of the country’s bridges are in
need of repair or replacement. Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) is ideal for congested
highway networks, using innovative planning, design, material, and construction methods to
reduce traffic delays, closures, and construction time.

Although ABC often requires more capital than other methods of construction, its use becomes
more viable when considering the reduced impact on local businesses and the overall
Cantilever Construction
A self-supporting bridge built using the cantilever construction method. When scaffolding and
other temporary supports are difficult to install, this method saves all temporary work and
allows bridges to be built at great heights.

The balanced cantilever construction method is used when few spans ranging from 50 to 250m

Bridges using this method can be either precast or cast-in-place. Once the piers are built, they
are used as an erection platform for precast segments, or to support a form traveler for cast-in-
place segments. This method is easily adaptable to irregular and long span lengths, congested
project sites, rough and water terrain, rail crossings, and environmentally sensitive areas.
This method of constructing a bridge structure is used mainly for bridges spanning deep valleys
or for inaccessible terrain. An optimal span suitable for free cantilevering is 60 m – 150 m.

The free cantilever technology consists in developing the bridge structure by individual parts, the
so-called segments. Segments are concreted into formwork fixed to a special movable steel

An optimal design and weight of the form traveller is fundamental for the design and economic
advantageousness of the given structure.
Segmental Construction
Segmental construction is one of the most important developments in construction in the last
century and is a proven method for delivering durable structures that are both cost-effective and
visually appealing.

This construction method is used throughout the world and its versatility can be applied to most
structures, including highway, rail, and even movable bridges.

The balanced cantilever erection with launching gantry offers savings in lifting equipment. Bridge
segments are delivered along completed deck, and most works proceed above the terrain as
well, therefore no disruption is caused to existing traffic. All temporary loads are introduced
directly into piers.
The technique of cable-stayed construction has been used and continually developed over the
last 50years. It is the most common construction choice today when a bridge is required to span
more than 300m. Cable-stayed bridges can be either concrete or steel though a combination of
both materials is often chosen.

In ca cable stayed bridge, depending on its design, the cables carry the bridge deck from one or
both sides of the supporting tower. The stay cables carry the deck and transfer all bridge loads to
the foundations. This is done by transmitting the cable stay forces, through its extremeties, at it
anchorage points.

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