Property Level Benchmarking With STAR Reports Review
Property Level Benchmarking With STAR Reports Review
Property Level Benchmarking With STAR Reports Review
• Outside the US, there are over 300 markets where Segmentation
reports are available.
Introduction to the
STAR Report
What is the STAR Report?
• The name “STAR” stands for “Smith Travel Accommodations
• The original version of this report was launched in 1987. The
STAR reports are continually being fine tuned and new pages
are added on a regular basis.
• The STAR Reports analyze your hotel’s performance:
– Occupancy
– Average Daily Rate (ADR)
– Revenue per Available Room (RevPAR)
– Supply (Room Nights Available)
– Demand (Room Nights Sold)
– Room Revenue
What do I not see on the STAR Report?
• The STAR Reports never show individual property data for any
other hotel except for your hotel (the subject).
‒ Tract Scale: the tract above broken down by Scale. The Scales
are collapsed so there are three Scale groups for chain hotels:
• Luxury, Upper Upscale, and Upscale Combined
• Upper Midscale and Midscale Combined
• Economy by itself
‒ A single industry segment: the report will use the best industry
segment that has sufficient participation using the following order:
• Submarket Collapsed Class – combined as on the previous page
• Submarket (Tract)
• Market Class
• Market Collapsed Class - Lux & Upper Up, Up & Upper Mid, Mid & Econ
• Market
• And if necessary: Country Class, Country Collapsed Class, Country, …
How do I use the STAR Report? – hints
• Start by looking at RevPAR and then drill down and check
Occupancy and ADR.
• Indexes make it easy to see whether you won or lost. Ranking
shows your position.
• Start with YTD, and Running numbers to see monthly data in
• Start with Weekday/Weekend numbers and drill down into
specific Days of the Week looking for opportunities to
• If Segmentation data is available, drill down from total to
Group, Transient, and Contract metrics looking for
opportunities to improve.
How do I use the STAR Report?
• Many people just use the STAR Reports as a “report card” to
measure their performance after the fact.
• A more effective approach is to use the STAR Reports as a tool
to evaluate a hotel’s performance, identify areas for
improvement and put a plan into place to implement changes.
• The next slides will demonstrate an iterative approach utilizing
four different steps:
1. Analyze
2. Identify
3. Develop
4. Monitor
How often do we go through this cycle?
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
60) Which statement is true regarding the format and timing of a STAR Report?
A. They are normally generated in Excel
B. If you change data on a STAR report, all of the related values will
recalculate, since there are embedded formulas
C. There are no graphs on the report
D. Weekly STAR Reports are generated on Monday
Quiz Questions continued
61) Which statement is true regarding the industry data that a hotel may see on a
STAR report?
A. North America hotels will see industry data for Market, Market Class, Tract
and Tract Scale
B. North America hotels will see data for only a single industry segment
C. Non-North America hotels will not see any industry segment data
D. North America and Non-North America hotels see the same exact pages on
the STR Report related to industry data
• Check the KPI Index Numbers for the current month. Check
KPI actual values for your hotel and the comp set.
• Check the Percent Changes for the Indexes and the actual
values to analyze year-over-year performance.
Participation information is displayed for the industry segments and comp set
Census: the total number of properties/rooms in a segment.
Sample: the number of properties/rooms that report data to STR.
Sample %: the percentage of rooms in each segment that report data to STR. Check
Numbers generally decrease as you move from Market down to Comp Set. Tract Scale
will have the smallest number of properties after the Comp Set.
STAR Summary – My Property vs. Comp Set and Industry Segments
• Rows display data for your hotel, four industry segments, and your comp set.
• Columns display values and percent changes for the current month, YTD,
running 3 month, and running 12 month time periods.
Did the general manager do the wrong thing? (No, they should be trying things
like this. It did not have the intended results.) What else could they try?
Competitive Set Report – Monthly Data Tables
The monthly table displays 18 months of occupancy, ADR and RevPAR for your
hotel versus the competitive set.
• Check the monthly Ranks and the Ranks for the Running time
periods to see longer trends.
Displays hotel info and participation for properties in the comp set, also months
and events, both this year and last year.
Day of Week and Weekday/Weekend Report
Day of Week and Weekday/Weekend Report – Day of Week Data
• Displays
and Percent
Changes for
each day of
the week for
the Current
Month, Year-
Running 3-
month and 12-
month periods.
Daily Data For Month – My Property vs. Competitive Set
Segmentation at a Glance
Additional Revenue RevPAR Analysis
Segmentation Response Report
Segmentation participation info is displayed for each hotel in the comp set.
Quiz Questions
Using the information from an excerpt of an “At a Glance” page from a Monthly STAR Report answer
the following question.
December 2012
Current Month 80.8 69.7 115.9 73.58 75.54 97.4 59.44 52.64 112.9
Year To Date 78.9 71.5 110.4 87.24 84.53 103.2 68.85 60.43 113.9
Running 3
81.2 71.8 113.1 82.00 82.06 99.9 66.58 58.90 113.0
Running 12
78.9 71.5 110.4 87.24 84.53 103.2 68.85 60.43 113.9
65) The Competitive Set Report in a Monthly STAR Report shows what information?
A. 12 months of monthly data and 3 years of YTD, Running 3-month, and
Running 12-month data
B. 18 months of monthly data and 3 years of YTD, Running 3-month, and
Running 12-month data
C. 12 months of monthly data and 2 years of YTD, Running 3-month, and
Running 12-month data
D. 18 months of monthly data and 2 years of YTD, Running 3-month, and
Running 12-month data
Quiz Questions continued
Using the information from an excerpt of a sample “Competitive Set Report” page from a Monthly STAR
Report, answer the following question.
Occupancy (%)
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Rank 2 of 5 2 of 5 2 of 5 2 of 5 2 of 5 2 of 5
% Change
Rank 5 of 5 2 of 5 1 of 5 4 of 5 4 of 5 4 of 5
66) Which of the following statements best describes performance of your hotel
over the last six months?
A. Your hotel is the Occupancy leader (highest occupancy) in the
Competitive Set
B. Your hotel’s Occupancy Index has progressively improved each month
C. Your hotel’s Occupancy Rank has never been higher than 3 of 5
D. Your hotel’s Occupancy Rank has consistently been 2 of 5
Quiz Questions continued
67) Which is an accurate statement regarding the Day of Week and
Weekday/Weekend tab in the Monthly STAR report?
A. It shows all the Key Performance indicators for all four time periods for
the property and the comp set
B. It shows data by every day of the week, as well as a Weekday and
Weekend subtotal
C. It is a very valuable page and can be used to find areas of improvement
D. All of the above
Quiz Questions continued
Using the information from an excerpt of a sample “Day of Week and Weekday/Weekend Report” Page
from a Monthly STAR Report, answer the following question.
Occupancy (%)
68) Based on the information provided above, which one of the following is an accurate
A. The Weekday Occupancy for both your hotel and the competitive set are consistently
above the Weekend Occupancy for all time periods
B. The Weekend Occupancy this year for your hotel is increasing in all four time periods
compared to last year
C. The Weekend Occupancy for your hotel is consistently higher than your Competitive
Set for all time periods
D. The Total Current Month and Running 3 Month Occupancy for both your hotel and the
Competitive Set are greater than the Year To Date and Running 12 Month Occupancies
Quiz Questions continued
Using the information from an excerpt of a sample “Segmentation Day of Week – Current Month” Page from
a Monthly STAR Report, answer the following question.
Current Month
Transient Group Contract Total
My Comp Market My Comp Market My Comp Market My Comp Market
Prop Set Scale Prop Set Scale Prop Set Scale Prop Set Scale
Sunday 83.88 83.04 112.36 31.39 15.66 20.36 0.00 7.63 0.00 115.27 106.33 132.71
Monday 106.45 112.96 155.21 44.83 20.95 31.08 0.00 7.69 0.00 151.29 141.60 186.29
Tuesday 97.88 100.32 138.18 51.72 27.58 39.41 0.00 7.26 0.00 149.61 135.16 177.59
Wednesday 101.99 103.22 142.53 45.38 28.44 37.22 0.00 7.50 0.00 147.37 139.16 179.75
Thursday 97.09 97.45 140.59 53.88 27.57 36.47 0.00 7.83 0.00 150.96 132.85 177.06
Weekday 97.25 99.27 137.41 44.77 23.52 32.25 0.00 7.59 0.00 142.02 130.38 169.66
Friday 107.81 110.59 144.00 52.20 25.32 26.32 0.00 8.14 0.00 160.01 144.06 170.32
Saturday 140.46 129.98 156.78 33.28 20.66 24.99 0.00 7.68 0.00 173.74 158.32 181.77
Weekend 125.79 121.36 151.10 41.78 22.73 25.58 0.00 7.88 0.00 167.57 151.98 176.68
Total 106.84 106.04 141.31 45.58 23.08 30.39 0.00 7.53 0.00 149.37 136.65 171.70
69) Based on the information provided above, which one of the following is an accurate
A. Your hotel ran a lower Group RevPAR than the Competitive Set on both Weekdays and
B. Your hotel had its highest Transient RevPAR on Saturdays
C. Your hotel had a Transient RevPAR higher on Weekdays than Weekends
D. Your hotel‘s Total Group RevPAR for the month was less than that of the Competitive Set
Discussion Questions
1. What do you think are the most important pages in a
Monthly STAR Report.
2. Pretend that you have just taken over as the Regional Manager
responsible for this hotel and you are preparing to meet with the
General Manager. Make a list of items to discuss, including:
a. Recommendations that you are going to make
b. Questions that you are going to ask
c. What are issues that need to be investigated?
d. What are possible strategies that should be considered?
3. Check the Summary Page. How does the subject hotel perform
compared to various industry segments nearby?
Application 2 continued
4. Check the Comp Set Page.
a. How does the subject hotel perform compared to the comp set?
b. Has this performance changed over time?
c. What do the Index Percent Changes show you over time?
d. What do the ranking values show you?
5. Check the Response Page. Are all members of the comp set
submitting monthly and weekly data on a consistent basis?
7. Check the Daily Data for the Month Page for the current month.
Compare the daily performance of the subject hotel to the comp set
during the prior month. Were there special events where the subject
hotel seemed to have performed better or worse than the comp set?
Application 2 continued
8. If the hotel has Segmentation Pages, compare the Group, Transient,
and Contract metrics for the comp set to the subject hotel. Are there
areas of possible improvement for the subject hotel?
9. If the hotel has Additional Revenue Pages, compare the Room, Food &
Beverage, and Other Revenue metrics for the comp set to the subject
hotel. Are there areas of possible improvement for the subject hotel?
10. If the hotel has additional competitive sets, compare the subject hotel
to the other comp sets. If the hotel does not have additional comp
sets, could it benefit from one?
11. Is there any question that the subject hotel has an accurate comp set?
Can you speak to the quality of the comp set?
Part 3 - Weekly STAR Reports
Weekly Table of Contents
Weekly Performance at a Glance – My Property vs. Comp Set
Daily Data For Month
Perspective Pages
Weekly STAR Response Report
Segmentation version shows current week and three different types of data.
Non-segmentation version shows four weeks of STAR data.
Weekly Segmentation at a Glance
Quiz Questions
70) The “Weekly Performance At A Glance” tab on the Weekly STAR report displays what
A. Detail daily data for every day of the prior week
B. A weekly total
C. Running 28-day data
D. All of the above
71) The “Perspectives” pages of the Weekly STAR report show all but the following
A. A recap of daily data performance for the last 28 days
B. 12 weeks of weekly data
C. Subtotals for the key performance indicators for the Current Week, Running 28
Days, and Running Month-to-Date
D. Monthly performance numbers for the last 3 months
72) The “Daily Data for the Month” tab on the Weekly STAR report displays what
A. Provides a running MTD total based upon daily data
B. Shows KPIs for the subject property and the competitive set for each day of the
current month
C. Displays graphs of index values for every day of the current month
D. All of the above are displayed on this report
Quiz Questions continued
Using the information from an excerpt of a sample “Daily Data for the Month” page from a Weekly STAR Report, answer the
following question.
Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
% Chg
My Property 32.3 135.6 46.3 31.3 32.6 16.3 -26.7 12.7 -6.3
Comp Set -6.1 29.4 5.4 7.6 3.5 18.2 16.9 -10.1 0.2
Index (MPI) 40.9 82.2 38.8 22.0 28.1 -1.6 -37.3 25.4 -6.6
73) Based upon the first nine days of the month, what can you determine about
your hotel’s Occupancy performance?
A. The Competitive Set’s Occupancy was significantly below your hotel’s
occupancy for the first three days of the month
B. The Competitive Set’s ADR was well above your hotel’s ADR on the latest
Friday and Saturday
C. Your hotel had the highest Occupancy in the Competitive Set every day
D. The Competitive Set’s Occupancy improved year-over-year every day
Discussion Questions
Duane Vinson
[email protected]
615-824-8664, extension 3329
Appendix 1 –
Additional Property Reports
Daily STAR Property Report – At a Glance
Online Reporting Tool - sample
Bandwidth Analysis Report – Tab 2
RPM (RevPAR Positioning Matrix) Report – Tab 2
F&B STAR Report - Department Summary
F&B STAR Report – Revenue Analysis