Most Common Allergens and Methods For Preventing Allergic Reactions
Most Common Allergens and Methods For Preventing Allergic Reactions
Most Common Allergens and Methods For Preventing Allergic Reactions
What is food allergy?
Food allergy is an abnormal
response to a food triggered
by the body’s immune system.
Allergic reactions to food can
cause serious illness or even
Food allergies and reactions can be confusing.
Often, it's not easy to figure out which foods contain
ingredients that may trigger a reaction. Further,
many people who think they are allergic to a food
may actually be confusing a food reaction for
an allergy and may not need to eliminate certain
foods. A food allergy is a predictable reaction to a
specific food or food group. An allergy is caused by
an immune reaction to the protein in a food, which
brings about a sudden release of chemicals that
cause the symptoms.
Eight foods account for 90% of all food allergy
reactions: milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soy,
wheat, shellfish, and fish.
Hand-washing is essential to
good personal hygiene.
Where to Wash Hands
Use the hand washing sink only!
These sinks will be provided with hand cleansers
and hand drying supplies.
DO NOT wash your hands in food prep sinks,
utensil sinks, service sinks or mop sinks.
Signage is important!
This is an example of signage that can be
displayed by hand washing sink.
When to wash hands:
Before beginning work.
When changing tasks.
When soiled or contaminated.
Before putting on gloves.
When switching between raw & ready-to-eat food
After handling soiled equipment or utensils.
After using the restroom.
After coughing, sneezing, using a tissue,
using tobacco products, eating or drinking.
After engaging in other activities that could
contaminate the hands.
Hand Washing Procedure
Lather hands and exposed parts of the arm.
Vigorously rub hands together for at least 20 seconds.
Pay particular attention to area underneath fingernails
and between fingers.
Rinse with clean water.
Drythoroughly with a single use paper towel or hand
drying device.
Hand sanitizer is NOT an
appropriate substitute for
hand washing!
Proper hand washing is a highly
effective and simple way to
prevent the spread of germs thus
keeping students safe.