36td18 Stf213, Stf236 Slides

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Status Reports

(STF 213, MTS-IPT, STF 236)

and Info
(STF 219, STF 224)

Anthony Wiles
Budapest, March 2003
STF 213
TTCN-3 Edition 2
 STF 213 Closed December 2002
 On time, on budget
 Parts 1 - 5 v2.2.1 now published
 PTCC web updated as requested by MTS#35
 Part 6 (TCI) to be approved at this meeting (Ina)
 CR process being managed on an 'emergency' basis
 All CRs, status (28.02.03), living list etc. on PTCC website
 Need to discuss new STF - June 2003 (?) and 2004
 When do we decide to hav next revision (2.3.1, 3.1.1)?
 Training material (approval): Gyorgy (voluntary work)
 New Rapporteur (Gyorgy/Sarolta?)
 TTCN-3 promotion activities?

MTS#36, Budapest, March 2003 2

EP TIPHON (DTS/00065-1,2,3 R4)
STF 213 and STF 224

 STF 224: Generic approach to interoperability testing

 Methodology
• Terminology
• Abstract test architectures (general model which resolves to special cases)
• Test development process (using simple UML)
• Testing process (also in UML)
• Assumes conformance testing been done previously

 Installed an experimental SIP-H.323 test bed at ETSI

• Voluntary equipment from various vendors
• Gatekeepers, Gateways, IWF, SIP/H.323 terminals etc.

 STF 219: H.323-SIP Interoperability Test Scenarios

 Several hundred test cases;
 Now being aligned with the methodology (validated on test bed)

MTS#36, Budapest, March 2003 3

MTS-IPT (General)

 Kick-off meeting held in October 2002

 MTS ToR approved by Board to include these
 Info/News/Press release
 http://www.etsi.org/ptcc/ptccIPT.htm
 1-page status input to Board#42 (MTS 36TD16)
 Two main activities
 IPv6

MTS#36, Budapest, March 2003 4


 Lot of interest in SIGTRAN test specifications

 8 active voluntary participants (8 companies)
 Representatives from MTS, SPAN and IETF
 Plus 4 observers and 1 uncommitted (3 companies)
 Concentrating on M3UA and SCTP
 Have draft TPs (for both)
 Must align with SPAN's subset for SIGTRAN
 Hope to go to TTCN-3 for ATS
 Should open WI's as needed. Need 2 WIs now:
 TSS&TP for M3UA (main driver GN Nettest now Navtelcom)
 TSS&TP for SCTP (main driver TestingTech)
 Workplan needs to be drawn up
 STF not needed - all homework (coordinated by PTCC)
MTS#36, Budapest, March 2003 5
STF 236
 STF 236 started work in January
 Anthony Wiles (PTCC), Scott Moseley
 César Olivera, César Viho (voluntary), Frédéric Roudaut
 Max Frey (including 5 days voluntary)
 Steve Randall (3 days - in April for review)
 75 of 87 days used with 4 days not yet assigned
 Major milestones
 14 March: 1st Draft (OK)
 1st Progress Report TD12
 Mid April: 1st proposal to EC
• EC have changed date to end of April
 25 April: TB approval
• request slight delay (start process end of April or even mid-May)

MTS#36, Budapest, March 2003 6

STF 236
Identified Work Packages
 Identified 7 Work packages
 WP1: Toolbox and Core
 WP2: Transitioning
 WP3: Mobility
 WP4: IPSec
 WP5: QoS
 WP6: Routing
 WP7: Multicast
 Based on areas of common interest to
 EC eEurope / European industry / ETSI members
 3GPP (mid/end 2004)
 ETSI NGN (late 2004)
 IPv6 Forum certification scheme (2004)

MTS#36, Budapest, March 2003 7

STF 236
 Introduction/background
 Interested players: IETF, EC, 3GPP, ETSI TBs, IPv6 Forum etc.
 Basic concepts
 Description of each workpackage
 1st shot at resource estimate (need to revise)
 In region of 270 man-months total (!)
 Can PIck-'n-Mix
 Lot of data! see annexes:
 Tables, data, lists of RFCs, 3GPP, priorities, existing test suites
etc. for each package
 Proposal for eEurope 2005 - to do
 ToR etc. for individual STFs not done (suggest to wait)

MTS#36, Budapest, March 2003 8

STF 236
Basic Concepts
 Toolbox is a key concept
 TTCN-3 toolkit
• Max will talk about this
 Core IPv6 protocol
 Other test suites based on toolbox
 Core part
 Specific part
 Savings
 Good SW engineering approach
 20% per test suite
 Easier maintenance
 Adaptability/Extensibility (3GPP, SMEs, NGN etc.)

MTS#36, Budapest, March 2003 9

STF 236
Basic Tasks - Core (9.2.3)
 Methodology
 Toolbox
 Core protocol mechanisms
 Patterns
 Switches
 User guide

 Integration of TTCN-2/3
 Core protocol test suite (conformance/IoP)
 Needed? Already out there with TAHI, UNH etc.
 But we need enough on which to build other WP test suites

MTS#36, Budapest, March 2003 10

STF 236
Basic Tasks - Other Packages
 Specification of Minimum Requirements
 Minimum RFCs
 Minimum reqs - like PICS
 Definition of Test Architecture and Methods
 Engineering approach
 Use of toolbox
 TPs (Reuse?)
 Test Suites
 Both Conformance and Interop test specifications
 Reusibility (IoP assumes test specs already exist)
 Validation (voluntary?)

MTS#36, Budapest, March 2003 11

STF 236
Tool Support
 TTCN-3 will be used
 Both for Conformance and Interop tests
 In IPv6 Forum the IoP tests are automated
 Existence of tool support will be essential
 Additional package?
 Voluntary?
 Other project (e.g., IST6 TIPI)?

MTS#36, Budapest, March 2003 12

STF 236

 Funding from EU not likely before Sept/October

 No funding from ETSI likely in 2003
 If we wish to start earlier
 Will need to be on a voluntary basis
 Work anticipated to span 2004 - 2006

MTS#36, Budapest, March 2003 13

STF 236
Cost sharing issues

 The commission only funds 50%

 ETSI STF budget (FWP/PTCC) is not large
 Will require some voluntary activity
 Other projects
 TIPI (but also only 50%)
 May be possibility for 100% but the situation is

MTS#36, Budapest, March 2003 14

STF 236
What next - short term
 Week 14 - 16
 Anthony finish TR
 Use of English etc. needs a thorough rationalisation (AW)
 Draft proposal for EC if possible
 Week 17
 Anthony, Steve, Scott
 Need decision from MTS on which packages and where to
place them (which projects)!!
 Finalise proposal for EC
• 3-4 pages to Gavin for the Commission
 ToRs for phase 1 packages (?)
 Approval of TR can begin after that (from week 18)

MTS#36, Budapest, March 2003 15

STF 236
What next - longer term

 Anthony (PTCC) can continue with proposal

 But not alone!
 Need support from MTS
 Full technical annex
 Based on data from the TR
 Partners!!!
 Resource plan (voluntary vs. funded)
 etc.
 Completed by September?

MTS#36, Budapest, March 2003 16

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