36td18 Stf213, Stf236 Slides
36td18 Stf213, Stf236 Slides
36td18 Stf213, Stf236 Slides
Anthony Wiles
Budapest, March 2003
STF 213
TTCN-3 Edition 2
STF 213 Closed December 2002
On time, on budget
Parts 1 - 5 v2.2.1 now published
PTCC web updated as requested by MTS#35
Part 6 (TCI) to be approved at this meeting (Ina)
CR process being managed on an 'emergency' basis
All CRs, status (28.02.03), living list etc. on PTCC website
Need to discuss new STF - June 2003 (?) and 2004
When do we decide to hav next revision (2.3.1, 3.1.1)?
Training material (approval): Gyorgy (voluntary work)
New Rapporteur (Gyorgy/Sarolta?)
TTCN-3 promotion activities?
Integration of TTCN-2/3
Core protocol test suite (conformance/IoP)
Needed? Already out there with TAHI, UNH etc.
But we need enough on which to build other WP test suites