FM Quiz

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8/18/2019 1
The FM modulation index:
a. increases with both deviation and modulation
b. increases with deviation and decreases with
modulation frequency
c. decreases with deviation and increases with
modulation frequency
d. is equal to twice the deviation

8/18/2019 2
The bandwidth of an FM signal is considered to
be limited because:
a. there can only be a finite number of
b. it is equal to the frequency deviation
c. it is band-limited at the receiver
d. the power in the outer sidebands is negligible

8/18/2019 3
Mathematically, the calculation of FM bandwidth
requires the use of:
a. ordinary trigonometry and algebra
b. Bessel functions
c. Taylor series
d. fractals

8/18/2019 4
FM bandwidth can be approximated by:
a. Armstrong’s Rule
b. Bessel’s Rule
c. Carson’s Rule
d. none of the above

8/18/2019 5
Answer by completing the following

8/18/2019 6
FM and PM are two forms of
____________________ modulation.

8/18/2019 7
Compared to AM, the bandwidth of FM is
usually ____________________.

8/18/2019 8
Both the power and amplitude of an FM signal
____________________ as modulation is

8/18/2019 9
In FM, the frequency deviation is proportional to
the instantaneous ____________________ of
the modulating signal.

8/18/2019 10
The frequency deviation of an FM signal occurs
at a rate equal to the ____________________
of the modulating signal.

8/18/2019 11
Mathematically, the number of sidebands in an
FM signal is ____________________.

8/18/2019 12
As FM sidebands get farther from the center
frequency, their power ____________________

8/18/2019 13
Mathematically, the value of an FM modulation
index can be as high as

8/18/2019 14
In FM, as the modulating frequency decreases,
the modulation index ____________________.

8/18/2019 15
As the FM modulation index increases, the
number of significant sidebands

8/18/2019 16
The bandwidth of an FM signal can be
approximated using ____________________

8/18/2019 17
FM bandwidth can be calculated precisely using
____________________ functions.

8/18/2019 18
If a 2-kHz audio tone causes a frequency
deviation of 4 kHz, what is the modulation

8/18/2019 19
Using Carson’s rule, what is the approximate
bandwidth of an FM signal with a modulation
index of 2 being modulated by a 5-kHz signal?

8/18/2019 20
Using the Bessel chart of Figure 4.1, what is the bandwidth of
an FM signal with a modulation index of 2 being modulated by a
5-kHz signal if we ignore sidebands containing less than 1% of
the total power?

8/18/2019 21
What will be the deviation caused by a 3-kHz
tone if the modulation index is 3?

8/18/2019 22
An FM signal has a center frequency of 100MHz
but is swinging between 100.01 MHz and
99.999 MHz at a rate of 100 times per second.
What is the modulation index of the signal

8/18/2019 23
An FM system has a modulation index of 3 and
its corresponding Bessel coefficient Jₒ= 0.26; J₁
= 0.34; J₂=0.49; J₃= 0.31. Find the RMS carrier
voltage if the total power is 5W, developed
across a 50 ohms resistive load

8/18/2019 24
1. An FM modulator has a frequency deviation sensitivity of 5
kHz/V and
modulating signal νm(t) = 2 cos(4000π)t . deviation and
modulation index.
2. A phase modulator has kp = 2 rad/V. What RMS voltage of a
sine wave would cause a peak phase deviation of 30 degrees?
3. What frequency deviation is caused by noise in an FM
receiver which has an input S/N of 2.8 and the modulating
frequency of 1.5kHz?
4. A phase modulator has. Kp= 2 rad/V. What rms voltage of a
sine wave would cause a peak phase deviation of 30 degrees?
5. Find the deviation ratio of an FM broadcast transmitter if the
frequency of the modulating signal varies from 30Hz to 20kHz

8/18/2019 25
1. A 3-stage amplifier is to have an overall noise temperature no greater than 70 degrees K. The overall gain of the
amplifier is to be at least 45 dB. The amplifier is to be built by adding a low-noise first stage to an existing amplifier
with existing characteristics as follows: Stage 2 has 20 dB power gain; 3 dB noise figure. Stage 3 has 15 dB power
gain and 6 dB noise figure.
– Calculate the minimum gain (in ratio) that the first stage can have. (2 pts.)
– Calculate the maximum noise figure (in dB) that the first stage can have. (3 pts.)
– If a fourth and fifth stage, with gains equal 15 dB and 25 dB respectively and noise figure equal to 4 dB and 7 dB
respectively, is added to the existing amplifier to make a new one. Calculate the overall noise temperature of the new
amplifier. (5 pts.)

2.A DSBFC transmitter uses a carrier 𝑉𝑐 𝑡 = 75 sin 15707963.27𝑡 and an information signal of 30 kHz to 50
kHz is desired to be transmitted using this transmitter with a 10Vpk-pk. Determine the following:
Total Bandwidth used by the transmitter (2 pts.)
Maximum and Minimum swing of the AM Envelope (2 pts.)
Total Power transmitted with an antenna of 100 Ohms (3 pts.)
If an H3E signal is to be transmitted instead of a DSBFC AM signal, what will be the percentage power saving? (3

3. If a receiver is tuned to 1000 kHz and operated at standard IF, calculate the:
Image frequency signal. (4 pts)
Image frequency rejection ratio in dB for pre-selector Q=100 in letter a. (3 pts)
Bandwidth at 3dB down point, for a receiver’s IF filter factor of 2.8 and a bandwidth of 18 Hz at 60
dB down (3 pts)

8/18/2019 26

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