Chapter 6

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Development of Affective Assessment Tools

3 Considerations in Assessing the Affect

1. Emotions and feelings change quickly most

especially for young children and during early

 This means that to obtain a valid indication of an

individual student’s emotion or feeling, it is
necessary to conduct several assessment over a
period of time.
3 Considerations in Assessing the Affect

2. Use varied approaches in measuring the same

affective trait as possible.

 Do not rely on a single method because of

limitations inherent in that method.
3 Considerations in Assessing the Affect

3. Decide what type of data or results are needed,

is it individual or group data?

 Consideration of what the purpose of assessment is

will influence the method that must be used.
 Example: If the assessment is used to improve
instruction, then the results for group or class is
proper to use.
Methods in Assessing Affective Targets

1. Teacher Observation
2. Student Self-report
3. Checklist
4. Rating Scale
5. Likert Scale
6. Semantic Differential Scale
7. Sentence Completion
Teacher Observation

 Teacher observation is one of the essential

tools for formative assessment.

 It starts with a vivid definition of the trait,

then followed by list of student behaviors
and actions that correspond to positive and
negative dimensions of the trait.
1. Teacher Observation


Rarely misses class Is frequently absent

Rarely late to class Is frequently tardy
Asks lots of questions Rarely asks questions
Helps other students Rarely helps other students
He/she likes school Needs constant supervision
Rarely complains Not involved in extracurricular activities
Volunteers to help Rarely comes to class early
Rarely bothers other students Doesn’t care about bad grades
Involved in extracurricular activities Sleep in class
1. Teacher Observation

 These behaviors provide foundation in

developing guidelines, checklists, or rating

 The positive behaviors are called

approach behaviors while the negative
ones are termed avoidance behaviors.
1.1 Unstructured Observation

 This is normally open-ended, no checklist

or rating scale is used and everything
observed is just simply recorded.

 Unstructured observation is more realistic,

which means teachers can record
everything they have observed and are not
limited by what is contained in a checklist.
1.2 Structured Observation

 In structured observation, more time is

needed since checklist or rating forms are
to be made since it will be used to record

 The form is generated from a list of

positive and negative behaviors to make it
easy and convenient in recording.
2. Student Self-report

 The most common and direct way in

assessing student’s affect is while having a
casual conversation or interview.
 Students can also respond to a written
questionnaire or survey about themselves
or other students.
2. Student Self-report

 Types of Student Self-report

1. Student Interview
2. Surveys and Questionnaires
3. Peer ratings
2.1. Student Interview

 There are different types of personal

communication that teachers can use with
their students, like individual and group
interviews, discussions, and casual
conversations to assess students affect.

 It is similar to observation but in here, there is

an opportunity that teachers may have direct
involvement with the student wherein
teachers can probe and respond for better
2.1. Surveys & Questionnaires

 The second type under self-report method

is questionnaires and surveys. These are:
1. Constructed-response format
2. Selected-response format
2.1. Surveys & Questionnaires

 It is a straightforward approach asking students
about their affect by responding to simple
statement questions.
 Another way is by giving them essays and 1-
minute paper.
2.1. Surveys & Questionnaires

 It is a format wherein students select responses
in a given statement.
 The advantage of selected-response formats is
that it assures anonymity.
 They can be in the form of rating scale,
semantic differential, and checklist.
2.3. Peer Ratings

 Peer rating or appraisal is the least common

 Because of the nature of learners, they do not
always take this activity seriously and most often
than not they are subjective in conducting this
peer rating.
3. Checklist

 Checklist is one of the effective formative

assessment strategies to monitor specific skills,
behaviors, or dispositions of individual or group of
 Checklists help student in organizing the tasks
assigned to them into logically sequenced steps
that will lead to successful completion of the task.
3. Checklist


Work Habit
1. Gets work done on time
2. Asks for help when needed
3. Takes initiative
Study Habits
1. Organizes work
2. Takes good notes
3. Uses time well
3. Rating Scale

 Rating Scales help students understand the

learning target/ outcomes and to focus students’
attention to performance.
 Completed rating scale gives specific feedback to
students as far as their strengths and weaknesses
with respect to the targets to which they are
 Ratings helps to show each student’s growth and
3. Rating Scale

Directions: Put the score on the column for each of the statement as it applies to
you. Use 1 to 5, 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest possible score.

1. I am happy during Mathematics class.
2. I get tired doing board work and drills.
3. I enjoy solving word problems.
3. Types of Rating Scale
1. Numerical Rating Scales
 A numerical rating scale translates the judgements of quality or
degree into numbers.
 To increase objectivity and consistency, provide description of
quality level.

Direction: Indicate the degree to which the student contributes to team activity by
encircling the appropriate number. The numbers represent the following values: 4-
constantly appropriate and effective; 3-generally appropriate and effective; 2-needs
improvement, may do other unrelated tasks; and 1-unsatisfactory, disruptive.

To what extent does the student participate in team meetings and discussions?
1 2 3 4
3. Types of Rating Scale

2. Descriptive Graphic Rating Scales

 It replaces ambiguous single word with short
behavioral descriptions of the various points along
the scale.

Example: To what extent does the student participate

in team meetings and discussions?

Participates more than

Never participates, Participates as much as
any other team
quiet, passive other team members
3. Commons Rating Scale Errors
Occurs when a teacher tends to make
LENIENCY ERROR almost all ratings towards the high end of
the scale, avoiding the low end of the scale
A teacher tends to make almost all ratings
SEVERITY ERROR toward the low end of the scale. This is the
opposite of leniency error.
Occurs when a teacher hesitates to use
CENTRAL TENDENCY ERROR extremes and uses only the middle part of
the scale.
Occurs when a teacher lets his/her general
impression of the student affect how
he/she rates the student on specific
3. Commons Rating Scale Errors
Occurs when a teacher has a general
tendency to use inappropriate or irrelevant
stereotypes favoring boys over girls, from
rich over middle-income families.
Occurs when a teacher gives similar ratings
to two or more dimensions that the teacher
believes to be related where in fact they
are not related at all.
Occurs when the raters, whose ratings
RATER DRIFT originally agreed, begin to redefine the
rubrics for themselves.
4. Likert Scale

 A scale wherein a list od clearly favorable and

unfavorable statements are provided. The
students are asked to respond to each of the
 A scoring of a Likert scale is based on assigning
weights from 1 to 5 to each position of scale.
4. Likert Scale
Direction: Put a check on the column for each of the statement that applies to you.

SA – Strongly Agree A – Agree U – Undecided D – Disagree SD – Strongly Disagree

(SA) (A) (U) (D) (SD)

5 4 3 4 1

1. I am happy during Math class.

2. I get tired doing board work and drills.

3. I enjoy solving word problems.

5. Semantic Differential Scale

 These scale use adjective pairs that provide

anchors for feelings or beliefs that are opposite in
direction and intensity.
 Students would place a check between each pair
of adjectives that describes positive or negative
aspects of the trait.
5. Semantic Differential Scale

Traits/ Attitude towards Math subject

Boring ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Interesting
Useless ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Important
Bad ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Good
6. Sentence Completion

 Sentence completion captures whatever comes to

mind from each student.

 Disadvantage: student is faking their response

thinking that the teacher will notice their
penmanship and response itself, hence students
will tend to give answers favorable to be liked by
the teacher.
 It is subjective.
6. Sentence Completion

1. I think Mathematics as a subject is ____________.
2. I like my Mathematics teacher because __________.
3. I like to learn more about ________.

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