Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
1. Teacher Observation
2. Student Self-report
3. Checklist
4. Rating Scale
5. Likert Scale
6. Semantic Differential Scale
7. Sentence Completion
Teacher Observation
1. Student Interview
2. Surveys and Questionnaires
3. Peer ratings
2.1. Student Interview
It is a straightforward approach asking students
about their affect by responding to simple
statement questions.
Another way is by giving them essays and 1-
minute paper.
2.1. Surveys & Questionnaires
It is a format wherein students select responses
in a given statement.
The advantage of selected-response formats is
that it assures anonymity.
They can be in the form of rating scale,
semantic differential, and checklist.
2.3. Peer Ratings
Directions: Put the score on the column for each of the statement as it applies to
you. Use 1 to 5, 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest possible score.
1. I am happy during Mathematics class.
2. I get tired doing board work and drills.
3. I enjoy solving word problems.
3. Types of Rating Scale
1. Numerical Rating Scales
A numerical rating scale translates the judgements of quality or
degree into numbers.
To increase objectivity and consistency, provide description of
quality level.
Direction: Indicate the degree to which the student contributes to team activity by
encircling the appropriate number. The numbers represent the following values: 4-
constantly appropriate and effective; 3-generally appropriate and effective; 2-needs
improvement, may do other unrelated tasks; and 1-unsatisfactory, disruptive.
To what extent does the student participate in team meetings and discussions?
1 2 3 4
3. Types of Rating Scale
1. I think Mathematics as a subject is ____________.
2. I like my Mathematics teacher because __________.
3. I like to learn more about ________.