Metode Penelitian - 05
Metode Penelitian - 05
Metode Penelitian - 05
05 [email protected]
KE - 8 KE - 9 KE - 10 KE - 11 KE - 12 KE - 13 KE - 14
Penelitian Memilih Persiapan Research Literature Research Research
Engineering judul membuat topic and review questions proposal
[rekayasa proposal title writing
dan rancang penelitian
What is an Introduction?
You must always use ink, never pencil, and never erase or use white
out. Also, never obliterate anything you have written or tear out
If you need to delete an entry or some data due to an error, simply
draw a single line through it. A good practice for correcting an error
is to write the correction above it so others know why you crossed it
If you decide some notes are no longer relevant, you can draw an
“x” over the section. For example, if you are working through a
series of calculations, and decide that they are incorrect, simple
draw an “x” or a line over them, such as is done by a relatively well
known physicist:
[email protected]
There are two reasons
for doing this.
First, you may need to refer back to the
entry at a later date. Even incorrect
information can still be useful
Second, there is the chance that your
work may be called into question. If you
have erased entries, removed pages, or
darkened over what you have written, it
may appear that you are attempting to
cover something up.
[email protected]
11 More Good Practices
1. Use the first couple of pages as a table of contents.
2. Do not place loose paper in your notebook. If you want
to place something into your notebook, use glue (the best option),
staples, or tape.
3. Write your name on the cover, or for hard bound
notebooks, on the first page.
4. Date every entry in your book; many people sign each
page to attest that it is their work.
5. Do not leave any empty space in your notebook. If
your notes for Monday's research end halfway down a
page, do not start Tuesday's notes on the next
page. Start them immediately below Monday's notes and
leave no empty space between them.
6. Always start each new day's notes with the date. You may also
want to write the date in the top outer corner of each page for ease
in searching your notes.
[email protected]
Conducting a
Literature Review- 1
One of the first responsibilities in the research process is
to determine what research has been conducted in
your field, and how it may relate to your project. If
you are starting out on a new research project, you
should discuss this issue with your advisor or
mentor. He/she will probably have several key articles
that pertain to the research. Read through these
thoroughly as you will be expected to know what is
discussed in each article. Often this is a bit intimidating
and may require that you literally “work through”
portions of the paper, one line at a time. You should
note questions that you have and discuss them with
your advisor or graduate mentor.
[email protected]
Conducting a
Literature Review - 2
When you start your research project, you will begin by
conducting a literature review. There are several
reasons you want to do this. First, you need to know
what has already been done within your research topic
to fully understand the purpose of your
project. Second, by knowing what has been done (and
what is currently being done), you can find an area of
the research that needs to be investigated. This can
lead you to your own project, and/or allow you to
develop ideas to contribute to your project this
summer. Ultimately, the literature review will help you
to see the big picture and how your work fits into the
overall subject.
[email protected]
Conducting a
Literature Review - 3
Additionally, when you want to have your work
published, nearly all professional journals expected a
discussion/summary of the relevant literature in your
paper. This grounds your research in other established
relevant work, and shows that you know your research
area. To document what you have read, a good strategy
to adopt is to write a short summary on every paper you
read, right after you finish reading it. This way, you
record your understanding while it is still fresh in your
mind. At the same time, this speeds up your literature
review process . The literature review is also a standard
section of every Master’s thesis and PhD dissertation.
[email protected]
Conducting a
Literature Review - 4
In this module, we will talk about the key elements of
conducting a successful literature review. It can take a lot
of work and a lot of time, but is essential for
understanding your research topic. As you gain a deeper
understanding of your project and topic, your work may
lead you to new aspects of your research area. It is also
likely that newly published literature will become
available during the summer. Therefore, even after the
initial literature review is done, the search for relevant
articles is also something that must continue (to some
degree) throughout your research project.
[email protected]
2. Where do I start? - 1
There are several ways to find information related
to your research, or other topics in which you are
interested. But let’s be frank: Google is not one, and
neither is Wikipedia. While these are great resources for
finding background information, finding expanded
definitions for terms, or looking up resources such as
professional societies or other groups, they should not be
used as a primary source of information for your literature
review. Most importantly, because there are no
standardized requirements for posting papers or opinions
on web pages, much of the information found by a Google
search or posted on Wikipedia has not passed any criterion
of critical review. [email protected]
Where do I start? - 2
[email protected]
How to effectively
review journal articles
[email protected]
II. a. Using a word processing or spread
sheet program to create a
"literature table". Some people use
this very effectively. You can create sections for
each article, such as bibliographic info, key
points, assumptions made, questions it raised
in your mind, and cited work that should be
read. Using an electronic format also allows
you to search your notes; it isn’t as easy trying
to recall the number of the page that contains
your notes in your research notebook.
[email protected]
II. B. However, you may not
always have access to a computer when you
are reading the article. This note taking
method is particularly useful when
preparing to write a literature review. It
allows a researcher to sort information
obtained in many papers chronologically
and topically. It also allows an individual to
recognize general trends in the
development of a body of research, making
organization of a literature review easy.
[email protected]
III. Many researchers also prefer to organize
their papers digitally. Several software programs
are available to accomplish this and are available
to students at reduced cost. These article organization
software programs allow a researcher to automatically
collect and store digital copies of papers in one easy to
search database. Many of them allow notes to be taken
and attached to PDF files. The programs allow the
grouping of papers into different categories, taking the
place of a literature table. They also keep track of the
bibliography information automatically and can interface
with word processing programs so that bibliographies and
in-text citation can be handled automatically when
writing. Some of the more popular scholarly article
organization programs are: [email protected]
Program URL Platform
Endnote PC/Mac
Sente Third Street Software Mac
Bookends Mac
Papers PC/Mac
Reference Manager PC
ProCite PC
RefWorks PC
Zotero PC/Mac/Linux
JabRef PC/Mac/Linux
[email protected]
IV. Your lab may have a site license
for one or more of these pieces of
software, allowing you to install and
use them for free. Note that JabRef is
open source, and is therefore free.
There are also programs, such as
Aigaion which allow for the saving
and sharing of journal articles on a
server so a research group can easily
share papers.
[email protected]
V. For those of you who plan on
using LaTeX to write your papers,
you can make your notes in BibTeX. BibTeX
is a handy LaTeX add-in which allows you to
keep all of your bibliography information
and notes in one file, and then automa
tically reference them in your document. It
is flexible and allows you to format your
references easily according to the require
ments of different journals/conferences in
which you may want to publish your work.
[email protected]
VI. Structure
Journal Articles
3.Method / materials
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