Electrocardiography (Ecg) : Presented By: Fahad I. Hussien
Electrocardiography (Ecg) : Presented By: Fahad I. Hussien
Electrocardiography (Ecg) : Presented By: Fahad I. Hussien
( ecg )
Presented by :
Fahad I. Hussien
• Electrocardiography
• Electrocardiograph
• Electrocardiogram
• Here the heart beat comes early while escape beat comes late.
• It’s a term used to refer to a fast heart rate > 100 bpm.
• Divides into:
1. Sinus tachycardia.
2. Atrial tachycardia.
3. Junctional tachycardia.
4. Ventricular tachycardia.
Sinus tachycardia
• Heart rate of more than 100 bpm.
• Occur due to sympathetic activation.
• Physiological causes include; exercise , emotion , stress and
pregnancy .
• Pathological causes include; fever , anemia, thyrotoxicosis,
pheochromocytoma and drugs.
• Clinical examination:
1. Evidence of aortic valve disease.
2. Hypertension and D.M.
3. Anemia and thyrotoxicosis.
4. Left ventricular dysfunction.
• Resting ECG:
1. Normal
2. Previous MI
3. T- inversion or flattening in some leads.
4. Reversible ST segment depression or elevation “ at time of
symptoms or during exercise.
• Exercise ECG:
1. Planer or down slopping ST depression is usually indicates
ischemia , up sloping ST depression is less specific and often
occur normally.
2. There is false-positive results in the presence of digoxin
therapy, LVH , BBB and WPW syndrome.
• General measures.
• Antiplatelet therapy: aspirin or clopidogril 75 mg per day.
• Antianginal therapy:
1. Nitrates: GTN sublingual tab. 300-500 mic. Relieve
symptoms within 2-3 minutes.
2. Beta blockers: bisoprolol 5-15mg or metoprolol 50-200 mg
3. Calcium channel blockers: dihydropyridine used with beta
blockers, rate limiting ca chennel blockers can be used alone.
• Invasive treatment: percutaneous coronary intervention and
coronary artery bypass grafting.
Acute Coronary syndrome
• Unstable angina
Unstable angina
• There will be an ST elevation during the episode of chest pain,
when the pain resolved there will be a normal ECG.
• There will be an ST elevation in the corresponding leads
• Anterior leads: V1-V4
• Lateral leads: lead ll , aVL , V5 and V6.
• Inferior leads: lead lll and aVF.
• Posterior leads: reciprocal changes in the anterior leads.