Presentation 1
Presentation 1
Presentation 1
Farming system – Definition, scope, classification and
Farming: Farming is a process of harnessing solar energy in the form of
economic plant and animal products. OR
Farming : Farming is integration of farm enterprises such as cropping
systems, animal husbandry, piggery, fishery, poultry, beekeeping, forestry
etc. for optimal utilization of available resources and bringing prosperity to
the farmers.
Farming system : Farming system is a set of agricultural activities
organized into functional unit to harness solar energy profitably while
preserving land productivity and environment quality and maintaining
desirable level of biological diversity and ecological stability.
Concept of Farming System :
To earn profit from different enterprises.
To preserve land productivity.
To preserve environment quality.
To maintain desirable level of biological diversity and ecological stability.
Objective of Farming System
To identify existing farming systems in specific area and
assess their relative viability.
To formulate farming system models involving main and
allied enterprises for different farming situation.
To ensure optimal utilization and conservation of available
resources and effective recycling of farm residues within
To maintain sustainable production without damaging
resources environment.
To raise overall profitability of farm house hold by
complementing main/ allied enterprises with each other.
Scope of Farming system
Soil moisture
Soil air
Soil temperature
Soil mineral matter
Soil organic matter
Soil organisms
Soil reactions ( Soil PH)
Lecture No. 5-6
Definition of Cropping system , Cropping pattern, Multiple cropping
systems and its classification, advantages and disadvantages
Cropping pattern : The yearly sequence and spatial arrangement of crops or of
crops and fallow on a given area or proportion of area under various crops at a
point of time in a unit area.
Cropping system : define as the order in which crops are cultivated on a piece
of land over a fixed period. The cropping patterns used on a farm and their
interaction with farm resources, other farm enterprises, and available technology
which determine their make up.
Multiple cropping : It is growing two or more crops on same field in a year. The
intensification of cropping in time and space dimensions. E.g. Jowar-wheat-mung
Classification of Cropping system:
A. Cropping system for dry land and irrigated areas
1. Monoculture : Refers to growing of only one crop on a piece of
land year after year. E.g. Rice after rice, cotton after cotton.
2. Intensive cropping :
i. Multiple cropping
ii. Sequential cropping: Growing two or more crops in sequence on the same piece of
land in a farming year. The succeeding crop is planted after the preceding crop has
been harvested. E.g. Jute after maize, rice-wheat-green gram
a) Double cropping : Growing of two crops the same land in a year in sequence. E.g.
Rice: cotton;
b) Triple cropping : Growing of three crops the same land in a year in sequence. E.g.
Rice: rice: pulses;
c) Quadruple cropping : Growing of four crops the same land in a year in sequence.
iii) Intercropping : Growing two or more crops simultaneously on the same field, with or
without a row arrangement. Crop intensification is in both time and space dimensions.
E.g. maize + pigeonpea (2:1), Sorghum + pigeonpea (2:1)
a) Parallel cropping : Cultivation of such crops which have different natural habit and
zero competition. E.g. Black gram/ green gram + Maize.
b) Companion cropping : System in which production of both intercrops is equal to that
of its solid planting. e.g. Mustard/ potato/ onion + sugarcane.
c) Multistoried cropping : Growing two or more than two crops of varying height,
rooting pattern, duration on a certain piece of land in any certain period. E.g.
sugarcane + mustard + onion/potato.
(d) Mixed inter cropping: Growing two or more crops simultaneously with no
distinct row arrangement. Also referred to as mixed cropping. Ex: Sorghum, pearl
millet and cowpea are mixed and broadcasted in rainfed conditions.
(e) Row intercropping: Growing two or more crops simultaneously where one
or more crops are planted in rows. Often simply referred to as intercropping.
Maize + greengram (1:1), Maize + blackgram (1:1), Groundnut + Rredgram (6:1)
(g) Relay intercropping: Growing two or more crops simultaneously during the
part of the life cycle of each. A second crop is planted after the first crop has
reached its reproductive stage of growth, but, before it is ready for harvest. Often
simply referred to as relay cropping. Rice- rice fallow pulse.
iv) Mixed cropping : Growing two or more crops simultaneously on the same
piece of land without definite row pattern.
i) Mixed crops : Seed of different crops are mixed together and then sown
either in lines or broadcasted.
ii) Companion crops : Seed of different crops are not mixed together but
different crops are sown in different row. E.g. two rows of mustard to
five to eight row of wheat, two row of red gram to three row of green
gram are sown.
iii) Guard crops : The main crop is sown in the center, surrounded by hardy
thorny crop to provide protect to the main crop. e.g. Safflower around
iv) Augmenting crops : Sub crops are sown to supplement the yield of main
crop. Sub crops are called as augmenting crops. E.g. Japanese mustard
with berseem.
B . Cropping systems for arable land
i) Alley cropping :It is a system in which food crops are grown in alleys
formed by contour hedge rows of trees or shrubs.
There are three types of alley system:
a) Forage cum food system : Farmers get both food and fodder e.g.
b) Forage cum mulch system : It provides fodder as well as mulch. E.g.
c) Forage cum pole system : System provides fodder as well as pole. E.g.
ii) Ley farming: It is a growing of grass or legumes in rotation with grain crops
as a soil conservation measure.
iii) Agro-Horticulture system : It is a system in which growing of food grain
crops with fruits tree crops.
C) Cropping systems for marginal lands:
i) Pasture management system : : It is a system in which growing pasture
or legumes for soil and water conservation measures and rearing of
domesticated animal.
ii) Tree farming system :
iii) Silvi-pastoral system : A practice of growing multipurpose tree with
pasture and rearing of domesticated animal.