The document compares the debt equity ratios and long term debt equity ratios of several automobile companies in India. It shows that Maruti Suzuki has the lowest ratios of 0.001 for both metrics, indicating it has very low debt compared to its equity. This allows it to cover its interest expenses easily and makes it a safer investment for lenders. In contrast, Tata Motors has the highest ratios, which could be a cause for concern if not addressed by reducing long term debt.
The document compares the debt equity ratios and long term debt equity ratios of several automobile companies in India. It shows that Maruti Suzuki has the lowest ratios of 0.001 for both metrics, indicating it has very low debt compared to its equity. This allows it to cover its interest expenses easily and makes it a safer investment for lenders. In contrast, Tata Motors has the highest ratios, which could be a cause for concern if not addressed by reducing long term debt.
The document compares the debt equity ratios and long term debt equity ratios of several automobile companies in India. It shows that Maruti Suzuki has the lowest ratios of 0.001 for both metrics, indicating it has very low debt compared to its equity. This allows it to cover its interest expenses easily and makes it a safer investment for lenders. In contrast, Tata Motors has the highest ratios, which could be a cause for concern if not addressed by reducing long term debt.
The document compares the debt equity ratios and long term debt equity ratios of several automobile companies in India. It shows that Maruti Suzuki has the lowest ratios of 0.001 for both metrics, indicating it has very low debt compared to its equity. This allows it to cover its interest expenses easily and makes it a safer investment for lenders. In contrast, Tata Motors has the highest ratios, which could be a cause for concern if not addressed by reducing long term debt.
In MARUTI’s case, its interest is excessively covered Having the long term debt to total asset ratio as a by its earnings. Lenders may be less hesitant to lend high percentage should be worrying factor for the out more funding as MARUTI’s high interest coverage firm and the company should look in to it and is seen as responsible and safe practice. So Maruti determine the reason of the high percentage and Suzuki with debt ratio 0.001 is doing well compared try to minimize it as much as possible. Maruti to the median ratio 0.05 for Ashok Leyland. Suzuki at 0.001 long term debt equity ratio is doing decent compared to the median value 0.04 for Ashok Leyland.