Origin of The Solar System: John Benedict B. Valdeavilla STEM Faculty

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Origin of the Solar System

John Benedict B. Valdeavilla

STEM Faculty
Any ideas about Solar System…
Many theories are proposed about
the formation of our solar system.

The solar system includes the sun,

the planets, and their moons, the
asteroids, comets, and meteors.
Space Objects in the Solar System
Sun 1

Moons 173

Planets 8 (4 terrestrial planets, 4 gas planets)

Dwarf 5
150 million and more (larger than 100 meters)
found in the Kuiper Belt
Comets Millions of them in the Oort Cloud

Millions of planetesimals, icy particles, and

The Geocentric model
by Claudius Ptolemy
(90 CE-168CE), which
states that the Earth was
the center of the Solar
The Heliocentric model
by Nicholas Copernicus
(1473-1543), which states
that the sun is rather the
center of the Solar
The Solar Nebular Hypothesis
The solar nebular hypothesis describes
the formation of our solar system from a
nebula cloud made from a collection of
dust and gas. It is believed that the sun,
planets, moons, and asteroids were
formed around the same time around 4.5
billion years ago from a nebula.
Condensation Theory
The condensation theory of the solar system
explains why the planets are arranged in a
circular, flat orbit around the sun, why they
all orbit in the same direction around the sun,
and why some planets are made up primarily
of rock with relatively thin atmospheres.
Terrestrial planets such as Earth are one type
of planet while gas giants -- Jovian planets
such as Jupiter -- are another type of planet.
Planetesimal Theory

Also called collision theory. A star collided

with our Sun, resulting in scattering of
Sun’s matter into space. Some of the
ejected gas condensed to form icy
particles. Other particles coalesced and
formed lumps of matter. Eventually,
through accretion plantes were formed.

Solar Nebula Nebular Theory,

Theory Nebular Hypothesis
Condensation Dust-Cloud Theory,
Theory Protoplanets Theory
Collision Theory

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