Anech Itey is a short story about a young boy named Anech who lives in a small village in Ethiopia. One day, Anech decides to go on a journey to find his father who left the village years ago to find work in the city. Along the way, Anech encounters many challenges as he travels alone but remains determined to find his father.
Anech Itey is a short story about a young boy named Anech who lives in a small village in Ethiopia. One day, Anech decides to go on a journey to find his father who left the village years ago to find work in the city. Along the way, Anech encounters many challenges as he travels alone but remains determined to find his father.
Anech Itey is a short story about a young boy named Anech who lives in a small village in Ethiopia. One day, Anech decides to go on a journey to find his father who left the village years ago to find work in the city. Along the way, Anech encounters many challenges as he travels alone but remains determined to find his father.
Anech Itey is a short story about a young boy named Anech who lives in a small village in Ethiopia. One day, Anech decides to go on a journey to find his father who left the village years ago to find work in the city. Along the way, Anech encounters many challenges as he travels alone but remains determined to find his father.