Lesson 4 Educ 400
Lesson 4 Educ 400
Lesson 4 Educ 400
with Organizations
The school and its community ,in
collaboration with public and private
institutions and organizations are indeed
inseparable if they are to create an impact
on the lives of the students and members
of the community they are committed.
The school can enjoy linkages and
networking activities with international ,
national and local organizations in the
community for mutual benefits and
assistance needed.
The first step is for the school to prepare
a list o projects and activities to plan to
undertake including the much-needed
assisstance in terms of human and
material resources, then determine the
institutions and organization with
parallel objectives and service.
A network system could be designed
incorporating the strength and
availability of services and expertise
from both or among the group.
Linkages also termed interconnections ,
with institutions functioning along the
same mission are intended to serve
members of both sides according to
their respective needs , interest and
1. International Linkages
a. Pi Lambda Theta
- is an international honor society and
professional association of women educators.
- is the center for training educational
leaders from Southeast region under
SEAMEO organization . It conducts training
program to upgrade the competencies of
teachers from the region in all disciplines.
c. World Council for Curriculum and Instruction
- has a local chapter which recently hosted a 3-
daybinternational congress with the international
President , officials and members from the main
office together with the members from the
different countries in attendance.
d.Association for asaupervision and Curriculum
Develpoment (ASCD)
- is a membership organization that develops
programs , products and services essential to the
way educators learn , teach and lead.
2. National and local linkages
Linkages could be established between universities
and colleges offering identical degrees expert.
Joint researches could be conducted by two or three
universities depending on their respective expertise
1. Networking with Professional Organizations
A network is a grid / web whose members actively
demonstrate how they can work together to attain
common objectives , undertake innovative practices and
update members regarding breakthrough in different
Some examples :
a. Consortium among Universities and Colleges
(1) Taft Consortium
(2) The Mendiola Consortium
b. With Subjects Specialists
- is an organization of Biology teachers from
universities nationwide . An annual convention is a
major event where all members gather to discuss
the “latest” in their own areas.
- is the Council of Mathematics Teachers and Educators.