Explanation Text: By: Henni Rosa Triwardani

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Henni Rosa Triwardani
Definition of Explanation Text

Explanation is a text which tells processes

relating to forming of natural, social,
scientific and cultural phenomena.
Explanation text is to say ‘why’ and ‘how’ of
the forming of the phenomena. It is often
found in science, geography and history
text books.
The writer's purpose is to explain how
something works or state reasons for some
phenomenon. Explanations answer the
questions “How" or “Why".
Types of Explanation

There are two basic types of explanation which

focus on:
 "How" (How does a pump work? How does a
computer work? How are mountains formed?
How does a spider spin a web? How does
cancer formed?)
 "Why" (Why do some things float or sink? Why
is the ozone layer getting thinner? Why does
iron go rusty? Why do living things need
Generic Structure of
Explanation Text
 General statement
Stating the phenomenon issues which are
to be explained.
 Sequenced of explanation
Stating a series of steps which explain the
 Closing
Actually this is not mentioned in explanation
text, however, many people think that the
last of paragraph is closing, in which it is
actually part of sequenced explanation
 Often have a logical sequence
 Use cause/effect relationships
(then, as a consequence, so, if)
 Use time relationships (first, then,
following, finally)
 Written in the 'timeless' present
tense (are, turns, happens)
 Use of action verbs (falls, rises, changes)
 Use of non-human participants (the sea,
the mountains, the computers, the
 Conjunctions (when, then, first, after this
 Some passives (is saturated, are
 Use of nouns tends to be general rather
than specific (cars, boats, spiders,
 Use of pronouns (their, they, them)
General Statement:
What is cancer? It is actually a group of more than one hundred separate
diseases. Most of us are fear from cancer. It is reasonable because next to
heart disease, cancer is the second leading cause of death.

Sequenced Explanation:
Cancer cells come from normal cells because of mutations of DNA. Those
mutations can occur spontaneously. The mutations may be also induced by
other factors such as: nuclear and electromagnetic radiation, viruses,
bacteria and fungi, parasites, heat, chemicals in the air, water and food,
mechanical cell-level injury, free radicals, evolution and ageing of DNA, etc.
All such factors can produce mutations that may start cancer.
Cancer cells are formed continuously in the organism. It is estimated
that there are about 10,000 cancer cells at any given time in a healthy
person. Why do some result in macroscopic-level cancers and some do not?
First, not all damaged cells can multiply and many of them die quickly.
Second, those which potentially divide and form cancer are effectively
destroyed by the mechanisms available to the immune system. Therefore
cancer develops if the immune system is not working properly or the amount
of cells produced is too great for the immune system to eliminate.

(Simplified from:www.digital-recordings.com/publ/cancer.html)
Digestive System
The first digestive process takes place in the mouth. The food we eat is broken up
into small pieces by the action of teeth, mixed with saliva, a juice secreted by
glands in the mouth. Saliva contains digestive juice which moistens the food, so it
can be swallowed easily.

From the mouth, food passes through the esophagus (the food passage) into the
stomach. Here, the food is mixed with the juices secreted by the cells in the
stomach for several hours. Then the food enters the small intestine. All the time
the muscular walls of the intestine are squeezing, mixing and moving the food

In a few hours, the food changes into acids. These are soon absorbed by the villi
(microscopic branch projections from the intestine walls) and passed into the

Sistem Pencernaan

Proses pencernaan pertama terjadi di mulut. Makanan yang kita makan

dicacah menjadi potongan-potongan kecil oleh gigi, dicampur dengan air liur,
sebuah cairan yang disekresikan oleh kelenjar di mulut. Air liur mengandung
cairan pencerna yang membasahi makanan, sehingga dapat ditelan dengan

Dari mulut, makanan melewati esofagus (lintasan makanan) ke dalam perut. Di

sini, makanan dicampur dengan cairan yang disekresikan oleh sel-sel di dalam
perut selama beberapa jam. Kemudian makanan memasuki usus kecil.
Sepanjang waktu tersebut dinding otot dari usus meremas, mencampur dan
mendorong makanan ke proses selanjutnya.

Dalam beberapa jam, makanan tersebut berubah menjadi asam. Asam ini
segera diserap oleh villi (proyeksi cabang mikroskopis dari dinding usus) dan
melewati ke dalam aliran darah.
The Task

• Definition (What is AIDS?)
• What are signs and symptoms of AIDS disease?
• How does AIDS attack someone? (factors)
• How to prevent AIDS disease?

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