4 Endocrine 3
4 Endocrine 3
4 Endocrine 3
Since Na+ is the major cation in ECF, controlling Na+ content controls
plasma volume and arterial pressure.
We absorb fatty acids and glycerol, amino acids, and sugars from
the gut; store them as fats, proteins and glycogen.
When we have more sugar and/or amino acid than can be stored,
they’re converted into and stored as fat.
Brain can only use glucose as fuel. Probably for this reason, plasma
glucose levels are closely regulated. Normal level is about
1 mg/ml = 100 mg/100 ml = 100 mg/dL = 100 mg% = 3 mM
Effects are the same either way – insulin’s effects are blunted or
absent. Sometimes described as starvation in the midst of plenty,
because cells are bathed in a nutrient-rich environment but can’t
transport the nutrients into cells where they can be used.
What happens in diabetes mellitus?
Glucose output from liver increases, glucose uptake into liver,
muscle and other cells decreases. Therefore, plasma glucose levels
rise (hyperglycemia)